This study aims to analyze the interrelation between the opportunism of entities and institutions and the systemic risk growth. The applied research method involves, inter alia, the investigation of the essence and types of opportunism, the analysis of the credit risk transfer, the identification of the moral hazard and systemic risk stimulators. Moreover, ways to reduce opportunism and its negative follow-ups have been presented. It has been indicated that the moral hazard applied by major financial institutions leads to a crisis of trust. It translates into the growth of a systemic risk. The quality of the institutional environment needs to be enhanced. The mechanisms and instruments that should enforce bearing the consequences of their actions and limit excessively-risky behaviours are recommended.
In the last twenty years trust in traditional news media has been declining all over the world, but there are few countries where the fall has been as dramatic as in Lithuania. While in the early 2000s the Lithuanian legacy media top-ranked any public trust survey, today their reputation as a reliable source of news could hardly be worse. Researchers from a number of EU countries have studied this process in general, yet none of their explanations seems to fit the Lithuanian realities. In Lithuania the trust deficit may be the result of changes, especially in the news production format, from a fairly orderly, 'objective' narratives to a fast-paced hodgepodge of scenes and multiple voices, i.e. a format which prioritizes immediacy and sensationalism (especially in 24-hour news channels). It is this shift that may have precipitated the collapse in trust in news media, and yet it has never been properly investigated. To get a better understanding of the problem, we examined the views of the general public collected in a recent survey and matched them with the views sampled from a series of structured interviews with the publishers, editors and journalists of local weekly newspapers. The latter were keenly aware of their reduced authority, the fragmentation of the field, and the precarious, chaotic conditions under which they had to work. They saw the root cause of their woes in the new strategic model adopted throughout the news media and inadequate government funding of the news industry.
Artykuł jest polemiką z rozdziałem Zaufanie w nauce z ksiązki Piotra Sztompki Zaufanie. Fundament społeczeństwa, w ujęciu którego erozja zaufania do nauki wynika z upadku jej etosu, czego przyczyną jest z kolei nowa struktura organizacyjna i instytucjonalna systemu nauki (w tym mechanizmy finansowe) oraz nowy typ relacji z „szerokim społeczeństwem” - czyli fakt, że system nauki nie jest już tak ekskluzywny, jak niegdyś. Według autora, logika procesu może być nieco inna: to kryzys zaufania do nauki byłby jedną z przyczyn zmiany formuły organizacji i finansowania badań naukowych, nie najważniejszą zresztą. Niezależnym problemem jest coraz większa złożoność badań i ich rosnący koszt, a w konsekwencji konieczność bardziej efektywnego zarządzania ludźmi i pieniędzmi. W tym ujęciu zmiany w nauce wpisują się w weberowski meta-proces racjonalizacji życia społecznego w wielu jego wymiarach. To oczywiście (w drugą stronę) osłabia zaufanie do nauki, ale należy mieć na uwadze, iż pozytywizm ustawił poprzeczkę tego zaufania wyjątkowo wysoko. Nauka nie jest w stanie spełnić wszystkich społecznych oczekiwań, stąd naturalna redukcja poziomu zaufania na niższy, ale bardziej racjonalny i stabilny pułap.
The paper discusses Piotr Sztompka's book "Trust in Science" with its thesis that the erosion of trust in science is caused by the downfall of the scientific ethos, generated by the new organizational and institutional structure of science (e.g. the financing system), and a new model of social relations, which means less exclusivity of the scientific world. To the paper's author, the logic may be slightly different: the lack of trust in science would be one of the reasons for reforming the system of organizing and financing research, but not the most important one. The main and substantive problem is how to effectively manage people and money, considering the growing complexity and cost of research. In this sense the evolution in science can be analyzed in the meta-context of rationalization described by Max Weber, which reflexively weakens trust toward scientists. But one must be conscious that this level of trust was extremely high due to all the expectations which emerged in the age of positivism, and which could not have been fulfilled. That is why the level of trust is now being reduced to a lower, but more rational and stable level.
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Każdy kryzys gospodarczy dotykający gospodarki światowej niesie za sobą ogromne konsekwencje ekonomiczne i finansowe, które są szeroko analizowane i omawiane w licznych opracowaniach naukowych, programach telewizyjnych oraz mediach internetowych. Jednak nie można zapominać, że każdemu kryzysowi gospodarczemu towarzyszy kryzys zaufania do instytucji gospodarczych i publicznych, który potęguje rozmiary ekonomicznej i finansowej zapaści, ale przede wszystkim znacznie utrudnia powrót do właściwej kondycji gospodarczej. Zaufanie, jako podstawowy element kapitału społecznego, ma wpływ na wzrost gospodarczy, efektywność rynku, stabilność i rozwój. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba omówienia wzajemnego powiązania kryzysu gospodarczego oraz kryzysu zaufania do instytucji gospodarczych i politycznych.
Every economic crisis that affects the world economy, carries enormous economic and financial consequences, which are widely analyzed and discussed in numerous scientific studies, television programs and online media. However, it must not be forgotten, that each economic crisis is accompanied by a crisis of trust in economic and public institutions, which increases the size of the economic and financial collapse and makes difficult to return to the proper economic condition. Trust as a basic component of social capital, has an impact on economic growth, market efficiency, stability and development. The purpose of this article is to define the interconnectedness of the economic crisis and crisis of trust in economic and public institutions.
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