The Polish banking law, unequivocally conditionals allowing the credit up from credit capacity of credit holder defined as ability of paying back the taken credit with its interest in the terms deiinited by the agreement. Approximately, to the law regulations, the banks during the rating of the credit capacity use two criteria. The first one is universal and uniformal, therefore, it concerns the control of bank dues at a fixed time. The second one on ther other hand, the financial and economic rating of the credit holder is not uniformally predetermined and allows various analitical approaches from each bank given separetely. As a rule, it is indicated for necessity of rating the economical and ńnancial situation, by the means of two groups of criteria, which are objective criteria (measurable, quantitative), and the subjective criteria (unmeasurable, qualitative). Nevertheless, choice of the criteria, their rating and value, is up from the bank. The application of the method up to those selected matters, banks estimate in their own rangę on the account of acquired experiences, using other banks models, especially foreign banks.
The article encloses the verification of financial indicators done in the estimation of economic entrepreneurs credit ability in the chosen commercial bank. The survey material were rated financial reports of the credit takers who lead the whole accountancy, to whom the amounts of credits granted was above 10,000 PLN between 2002-2003. The two substantive verifications of financial indicators of the estimated credit takers in the arrangement od "previous" and "new" bank's methodology were done (effective value and admited points).
The article points out some disadvantages of traditional (based on DEA methodology) procedure of estimating credit capacity which consists in solving CCR and BCC models and estimating a discriminant function where efficiency indicator is a dependent variable and inputs and outputs used in DEA models are independent variables. Since the main problems with this procedure are connected with discriminant function, the author suggests a procedure of credit capacity estimation which uses no discriminant function. The new method is based on DEA methodology, particularly on super-efficiency DEA models (SE-DEA models) with permitted benchmarks. Comparing the credit capacity indicator (here: ranking indicator) with cut-off points enables objects classification.
W artykule wskazano, że tradycyjna dla DEA procedura określania zdolności kredytowej poprzez rozwiązanie zadania CCR lub BCC oraz oszacowanie funkcji dyskryminacyjnej jako funkcji regresji, w której zmienną zależną jest wskaźnik efektywności, a zmiennymi niezależnym są użyte w zadaniu DEA zmienne charakteryzujące nakłady oraz rezultaty ma wiele wad. Głównie dotyczą one funkcji dyskryminacyjnej. W związku z tym zaproponowano procedurę określania zdolności kredytowej w ogóle bez funkcji dyskryminacyjnej. Procedura cały czas opiera się na pojęciach i metodach DEA. W szczególności proponuje się wykorzystanie modelu nadefektywności DEA, a zamiast funkcji dyskryminacyjne proponuje się użyć modeli SE-DEA z dozwolonymi wzorcami. Typowanie obiektów do grup odbywa się tradycyjnie, poprzez porównanie miernika zdolności kredytowej (tu: wskaźnika rankingowego) z punktami odcięcia.
Credit risk is an indispensable factor for banks. It means that there is a danger for the borrower not to fulfil his or her liabilities and the conditions of the credit contract, facts that would expose a bank to financial losses. Therefore the constant tendency is to minimise the level of the credit risk. The most important mechanism to reduce the individual risk is to examine the credit capacity of a potential borrower. Now as regards the wallet risk, one most often diversifies the overall credit engagement of the bank. Giving a loan is dependent on the credit capacity of the borrowers, which is understood as the capacity to pay back the loan together with interest in due term. Credit-scoring is a continuous process, thus it is extremely important to monitor borrowers as one of the tools to ensure a proper structure and quality of the credit wallet of the bank. The measurement of credit risk is indispensable during the whole process of crediting, hence also while the credit contract is valid. The grounds of the management of credit risk is the credit policy of the bank. This policy together with the instruments of risk management allow us to effectively manage the risk, a fact that contributes to the bank’s success.
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