The paper briefly introduces the notion of creativity, linking the concepts of creative class and the related creative economy that are considered by Florida (2002) and his followers as the driving force of the current social and economic development. The concept of creative economy and its quantification in form of the Creative Class Index 3T or the Euro-Creativity Index were submitted to strong critique.The critics overturn some key issues of the concept of creative class with an indication that the creative people give priority in choosing the work from the place; and there is no or almost nil correlation of a perceptual representation of the persons of homosexual orientation and the high-tech growth which confirms the opinion that the assertion about higher creativity of homosexual persons is a myth only. The purpose of the article is the examination of propriety of the concept of creative class and its quantification at one hand, and the rightfulness of their critique at the other. The analysis of the axiology of the concept of creative class is the method of examination. From point of view of axiology probably the most significant characteristic of the creative class is its accompanying destruction of thee social capital of creative people and it substitution of the creative capital. The rise of creative class takes place in parallel with the implosion of values at which basis our Jewish-Christian civilization is established. To this Florida expresses rather vague attitude by a statement that all socio-cultural changes that accompany the rise of the creative class will have no favorable impact on society.Florida (2009) labeled creativity as a basic human law, furthermore, he announced the need for a new live style in which the quality of life will increase and people become better men. The concept of creativity as an instrument of urban planning evolved into a left-liberal ideology with elements of social engineering that is the most important finding of the axiological analysis. The second finding is the need to accept the meaning of creativity. By implication of the two findings there arises a proposal for wisdom as a new driving force of social and economic development. The conclusion is the contribution is a requirement for formulation of the concept of wisdom society that is currently likely absent in the academic world, and the statement that if the West will not create the wisdom society, it will lose the raison d'être of its existence.
Uneven economic development of Polish regions is located in the centre of interest of many researchers from various scientific disciplines. Among many macrosocial determinants among others the varying density of the persons living in the area and belonging to the creative class, i.e. people working in the creative industry shall be formed. Their creativity can indeed be a factor in attracting new investors, especially those who work in the high-tech industry or encourage extension for existing companies. This can lead to improved standards of living of the inhabitants of these areas and thus contribute to the economic development of these regions. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the regions diversification of economic development that describes Polish gross domestic product and employment structure by branch of the economy, but falling within the creative industries. The author is also interested in the interlinkages between these characteristics. This description will allow to verify the following theses: 1) Polish regions characterised by similar levels of economic development make up spatially compact areas; 2) voivodeships with similar involvement of people working in the creative industries have a common border; 3) the more working people and belonging to the creative class reside in the area, the higher its economic development. To distinguish the creative class we used the proposal presented by R. Florida , which due to the availability of statistical data was slightly modified. To distinguish regions similar on the grounds of the level of economic development and density of creative class we used one of the taxonomic methods, i.e. agglomeration method. In assessing the importance of the relationship between the discussed phenomena, i.e. economic development and the degree of concentration of creative class in a region, we used hypotheses verification procedure for the cross-correlation coefficient. The results of carried out tests have not confirmed considerations adopted at the outset, but have found that some of the elements that make up the creative class are indeed correlated with economic development region.
The aim of the paper is to present on the basis of the study of literature the essence of coaching, the creative industries in the modern economy, the culture of coaching in relation to the creative class as well as issues relating to the development of relations between the client and the coach. The study also pointed out the differences between coaching, counselling and consulting, distinguishing features of modern coaching and highlighted the factors affecting the process of shaping the relationship between the client and the coach. With regard to the creative class coaching extends its alternative development of people and their organizations, based on the values of communication, acceptance of diversity and individuality, strengthening the sense of subjective efficacy and integrity, while expanding individual consciousness. As a result, this enhances the effect of stimulating creativity, which directly affects the development of the creative class as an essential element of the proper functioning of an important sector of the economy, which is the creative industry.
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In post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe, the effects of urban culture-led flagship projects on the quality of life of local neighbourhood communities have only received marginal attention, while the overriding focus has been on promoting economic growth and internationalisation. The aim of the article is to identify the community impacts of culture-led regeneration projects carried out in the inner city of Tallinn in the past decade. Qualitative analysis of three inner-city flagship projects—creative campus, museum, and cultural hub—revealed that culture-led regeneration projects, whether public or private initiatives, are regarded as standard business models. In terms of their influence on local communities, the projects vary depending on their focus, the degree of engagement of local groups in the planning phase and activities, and the extent of actual physical change. However, in cases where local groups have been engaged, the engagement has been selective and has primarily involved the creative class. Local residents nevertheless perceive that the projects have led to overall positive changes in physical neighbourhood characteristics.
Ever since the first public seat of learning was founded in antique Alexandria – famed for Euclid, Archimedes and Herophilos – inventors and innovators of diverse orientations have banded together at particular places around the globe. Today, the most prominent of them is the San Francisco Bay area. What make creative people cluster in those places? Numerous studies have shown that they are attracted primarily, not by any material benefits, but by the ambience of the place, where creativity has become a way of life, where inspiration is derived from a heterogeneous environment. In conclusion, the author draws up a psychological portrait of the creative class and considers its development prospects.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań zachowań mobilnościowych klasy kreatywnej przeprowadzonych w aglomeracjach: warszawskiej, gdańskiej i katowickiej. Analizowano także preferencje komunikacyjne klasy kreatywnej. Na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonych badań sformułowano wnioski o znaczeniu teoretycznym i praktycznym. Klasa kreatywna jest skłonna do odejścia od samochodów, jednak oczekuje wzrostu jakości publicznego transportu zbiorowego – przede wszystkim dostępności. Wyniki badań klasy kreatywnej należy wykorzystać w kreowaniu polityki transportowej w metropoliach.
The article presents the results of studies on mobility behaviors of the creative class carried out in the agglomerations of Warsaw, Gdańsk and Katowice. Creative class mobility and transport preferences have also been analyzed. Theoretical and practical conclusions were presented on the basis of the results of the conducted research. The creative class is willing to resign from cars but expects an increase in the quality of public transport first of all accessibility is required. The results of creative class research should be applied when creating transport policy in metropolises.
Surreal Dreams of a “Creative City” (or: How Camerimage Festival Tried to Convince Łódź to Stop Worrying and Love Modern Architecture) The study focuses on the architectural projects proposed by the creators of Camerimage festival for Łódź – which is struggling to maintain its position as a “film-friendly” city. A so-called “David Lynch studio” and “Frank Gehry congress center” were preliminarily commissioned by the city, but soon both projects were subjected to heavy criticism from the city council. The author presents the dynamics of the debate and stresses the need for taking into account discussions of the concepts of the “creative class” and the “creative city”.
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The aim of the paper is to present on the basis of the study of literature the essence of coaching, the creative industries in the modern economy, the culture of coaching in relation to the creative class as well as issues relating to the development of relations between the client and the coach. The study also pointed out the differences between coaching, conselling and consulting, distinguishing features of modern coaching and highlighted the factors affecting the process of shaping the relationship between the client and the coach. With regard to the creative class coaching extends its alternative development of people and their organizations, based on the values of communication, acceptance of diversity and individuality, strengthening the sense of subjective efficacy and integrity, while expanding individual consciousness. As a result, this enhances the effect of stimulating creativity, which directly affects the development of the creative class as an essential element of the proper functioning of an important sector of the economy, which is the creative industry.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie na podstawie studiów literatury istoty coachingu, przemysłów kreatywnych we współczesnej gospodarce, kultury coachingu w odniesieniu do klasy kreatywnej oraz zagadnień dotyczących kształtowania relacji pomiędzy klientem a coachem. W opracowaniu ponadto wskazano na różnice pomiędzy coachingiem, doradztwem i konsultingiem, wyróżniki współczesnego coachingu oraz zwrócono uwagę na czynniki mające wpływ na proces kształtowania relacji pomiędzy klientem a coachem. W odniesieniu do klasy kreatywnej coaching wysuwa swoją alternatywę rozwoju ludzi i ich organizacji, opartą na komunikacji wartości, akceptacji różnorodności i indywidualności, wzmacniania poczucia podmiotowej sprawczości i integralności, przy jednoczesnym poszerzaniu indywidualnej świadomości. W rezultacie wzmacnia to efekt pobudzania kreatywności, co bezpośrednio oddziałuje na rozwój klasy kreatywnej stanowiącej niezbędny element poprawnego funkcjonowania ważnego sektora gospodarki jakim jest przemysł kreatywny.
W rozważaniach na temat przyszłości form zamieszkania (Dom jutra, osiedle jutra) trudno nie odnieść się do zmian wywołanych rewolucją informacyjną. Byt i rozwój ekonomiczny znacznych grup osób oparty jest na tworzeniu wiedzy i przetwarzaniu informacji, a podstawą ich przewagi ekonomicznej stała się kreatywność. Fakt ten ma swoje skutki przestrzenne – warunkiem kreatywnego działania jest odpowiednia sytuacja środowiskowa. Tworzenie przestrzeni domu jutra, osiedla jutra dla klasy kreatywnej polega na zrozumieniu cech tworzących wartość w społeczeństwie informacyjnym i takim kreowaniu przestrzeni, by je stymulować. Do cech przestrzennych mogących stymulować kreatywność należą wspieranie interakcji z innymi użytkownikami, wspieranie spontanicznych zachowań, możliwość indywidualnego kształtowania miejsc i indywidualizacji przestrzeni. W przedstawionej analizie przykładów badawczych oznacza to budowanie przestrzeni w sposób elastyczny, zróżnicowany i w zgodzie z założeniami zrównoważonego rozwoju.
While contemplating the future of residential forms (House of tomorrow, estate of tomorrow), it is difficult not to consider changes ensuing from the Information Technology revolution. The economic status and development of a considerable group of people is based on creating knowledge and processing information, while creativity became the foundation of their economic advantage. The above facts have their spatial effects – appropriate environmental situation is the condition for creative action. In creating space of the house of tomorrow, estate of tomorrow for the creative class is based on understanding attributes creating value in the information technology society and on creating space in such as way as to stimulate it. Providing support in interaction with other users, spontaneous behavior, possibility of individual shaping of locations and individualization of spaces are just some spatial traits stimulating creativity. This means, in the presented analysis of study examples, building in a flexible, diverse manner and in concord with balanced development planning.
Artykuł przedstawia, z perspektywy socjologa, niektóre metodologiczne problemy badania miasta. Autorzy zajmujący się tą problematyką poruszają się między próbami tworzenia teorii funkcjonowania miast i modelowania ich rozwoju a opisem zmieniającej się miejskiej rzeczywistości, a więc śledzenia jej historii. W pierwszym nurcie spotykamy prace mniej lub bardziej sformalizowane, jak np. Louisa Wirtha, Richarda Floridy, czy zmatematyzowaną koncepcję fizyków Geoffreya Westa i Louisa Bettencourta. Drugi nurt reprezentują np. Max Weber i Fernand Braudel i wielu innych. Autor tego tekstu, nie negując pewnych pożytków pierwszego nurtu, jest jednak zdania, że podejście historyczno-opisowe znacznie lepiej, przynajmniej na razie, wyjaśnia procesy rozwoju miast.
This article presents, from sociological perspective, some selected methodological issues related to urban studies. The authors of such studies remain between creating theory of the city functioning, and depicting a changing urban reality, thus investigating the history of a city. In the first strand we will encounter the more or less formalized works, such as these of Louis Wirth or Richard Florida, or the quantitative concept of Geoffrey West and Louis Bettencourt. The second type of studies is represented by Max Weber, Fernand Braudel and others. The author, although not denying the merits of the first strand, claims that so far the descriptive-historical approach is more useful in explaining the process of urban development.
Fundamental to an understanding of the creative economy – what it comprises and how it functions in the economies of both developed and developing countries – are the concepts of “cultural industries” and “creative industries”. This article provides an overview of the development of the concepts of “creativity” throughout this decade leading to what became known as the “creative economy”. The author’s intention is not to reach a final consensus about concepts, but to understand its evolution. It also considers the emergence of the associated concepts of “creative class”, “creative cities”, “creative clusters”, as well as the most recent innovative notions relating to the “experience economy” “creative commons” and “creative ecology”. The major drivers of the growth of the creative economy and its multiple dimensions are examined in the light of recent developments including the world economic crisis. This article also provides evidence on the economic contribution of the creative industries to the economies of various advanced countries.
Ever since the first public seat of learning was founded in antique Alexandria – famed for Euclid, Archimedes and Herophilos – inventors and innovators of diverse orientations have banded together at particular places around the globe. Today, the most prominent of them is the San Francisco Bay area. What make creative people cluster in those places? Numerous studies have shown that they are attracted primarily, not by any material benefits, but by the ambience of the place, where creativity has become a way of life, where inspiration is derived from a heterogeneous environment. In conclusion, the author draws up a psychological portrait of the creative class and considers its development prospects.
Research into the creative class and its importance for regional development are the focus of interest of a number of researchers including R. Florida, A. Zolli, or C. Landry. In Polish literature this issue is discussed relatively rarely. And yet, those who perform creative professions are, by creating new forms in terms of innovative solutions, products and services, the ‘driving force’ that stimulates the economic growth. The purpose of this paper is an empirical verification of the model that presents the value of the relationship between local authorities and the creative class. The main research technique used in the study was a telephone interview using a standardised questionnaire. The research was carried out between 2010 and 2012 under a grant by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Badania nad klasą kreatywną i jej znaczeniem dla rozwoju regionalnego są w centrum zainteresowania takich badaczy, jak R. Florida, A. Zolli i C. Landry. W polskiej literaturze zagadnienie to poruszane jest relatywnie rzadko. Grupa osób wykonujących zawody twórcze jest „motorem” stymulującym wzrost gospodarczy poprzez tworzenie nowych form w postaci innowacyjnych rozwiązań, kreowanie produktów i usług. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest empiryczna weryfikacja modelu wartości relacji władze samorządowe – klasa kreatywna. Główną techniką badawczą był wywiad telefoniczny ze standaryzowanym kwestionariuszem. Badania przeprowadzono w ramach grantu finansowanego przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w latach 2010-2012.
The aim of this paper is to disscuss the following issues:a) a role of the creative class in a city, b) mobility of the creative class, c) a significance of the pull or push factors for the reperesentatives of the different groups of the creative class to live and work in a city. The analysis is based on two research projects:1) ACRE – Accommodating Creative Knowledge. Competitiveness of European Metropolitan Regions within the Enlarged Union (the project from the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union),2) CREA.RE – Creative Regions (the project from the INTERREG IV C, coordinated by the Poznań City Hall).The results of the empirical analysis are presented mainly on the example of the Poznań Metropolitan Region (POM).
Celem opracowania jest identyfikacja roli klasy kreatywnej w mieście, mobilności tej kategorii osób oraz rozpoznanie czynników przyciągania i odpychania reprezentantów różnych kategorii klasy kreatywnej wobec miasta. Analiza opiera się na dwóch projektach badawczych: ACRE (Accommodating Creative Knowledge. Competitiveness of European Metropolitan Regions within the Enlarged Union; the project from the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union) oraz CREA.RE (Creative Regions; the project from the INTERREG IV C, coordinated by the Poznań City Hall).
The aim of this paper is to present how the new organization models are both an anticipation and a reflection of the predicted post-capitalistic society. The author will analyze changes in the socio-economic structure, presented by such theorists as Daniel Bell, Peter Drucker, Richard Florida, and others. The paper will also present the rise of a new social class – the creative class (and also generatio Y). The author will show how these changes are interconnected with the newest managerial concepts. The focus will be put on currently the 3 most widespread new organizational models – agile development, holacracy and squads (Spotify model). The author will try to answer the question, whether these or similar models shape the positive social changes, or just the passive tools the a bigger system.
W artykule przedstawiono pojęcia kreatywność i twórczość w kontekście rozwoju ekonomii wiedzy i gospodarki kreatywnej. Przeanalizowano również rozwój grup zawodów kreatywnych w Polsce w ostatnich latach.
The article presents the notion of creativity in the context of knowledge economy and creative economy. The paper presents also the analysis of evolution of creative professions in Poland.
Artykuł nawiązuje do prac R. Floridy i kształtowanej przez niego koncepcji klasy kreatywnej [4]. Przeanalizowano w nim działalność jednego z aktorów tej klasy w Polsce, tj. ośrodków edukacji twórczej. Analizy tej dokonano z perspektywy wpływu działalności tych ośrodków na potencjał twórczy młodego pokolenia, jako przyszłych pracowników klasy kreatywnej.
The article is related to the notion of creative class shaped by R. Florida in his works. It examines the activity of creative education centres. These centres are one of the actors of creative industries which have the crucial influence to set up the creative employees in our society.
Celem rozważań jest identyfikacja uwarunkowań koncepcji smart city. Autor podjął temat ze względu na rozbieżności interpretacyjne będące powodem wielu niedomówień czy też odrębnych i nie przystających do siebie wywodów. Ponadto - przyjęcie założeń koncepcji pozwoli nadać temu pojęciu konkretny, możliwy do zwymiarowania opis, ułatwiający definiowanie zjawiska smart city oraz poruszanie się w obszarze rozważań teoretycznych i decyzyjnych dotyczących współczesnych miast.
The article aims at identifying determinants of the smart city concept. The author undertakes this issue since there are numerous interpretation inconsistencies that result in many understatements or separate and mismatching arguments. Moreover, adoption of the concept assumptions shall allow for decribing the phenomenon in a precise and measurable manner. This manner would enable defining the smart city concept and help those who are interested move in the area of theoretical and decision making aspects of contemporary cities.
Millennials, the age cohort born between 1980 - 2000, is by far the most educated generation that history has ever known. They are as well the largest group in the workplace. Research shows that Generation Y also works differently than their older colleagues, and they shape how today’s organizations are designed and managed. According to the research conducted by Gallup, for Millennials “job is more than just a paycheck”. When submitting their job applications, not only do they think about their future income, but they consider many non-materialistic factors. The aim of this paper is to present the new (millennial) organizational culture concepts and to see how they influence employees’ satisfaction and engagement on the one hand and contribute to the organization’s overall success on the other hand.
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