Logopedics and pedagogy of creativity are the disciplines whose areas of research interests are different. Some may say that they have nothing in common. The main tasks and goals undertaken by the speech therapists are different from those by creativity educators. Speech therapists’ work is directly connected with prevention and therapy of speech disorders. Creativity educator supports, enhances and develops creative abilities, creative attitude of children, adolescents and adults. However, the goals of creativity education may become a part of the speech therapy practice. This article is an attempt to illustrate the possible relations between pedagogy of creativity and logopedics, and to show the practical ways in which the practice of speech therapy may become an opportunity to develop children’s creativity.
Jedną z najbardziej pożądanych, kluczowych umiejętności absolwenta szkoły i wyższej uczelni XXI wieku jest między innymi szybkie, kreatywne uczenie się. Posiadając tę umiejętność, absolwenci tych szkół mają szansę odnosić sukcesy zawodowe w złożonej, globalnej rzeczywistości nieustających zmian społecznych, gospodarczych i technologicznych. W wspomaganiu procesu szybkiego, kreatywnego uczenia pomocne są nowoczesne techniki uczenia się.
One of the most desirable, key skills higher education institution graduates in the 21st century can have is fast, creative learning. Having such an ability gives graduates a chance to achieve professional success in a complex, global reality characterized by constant social, economic and technological changes. The process of fast, creative learning can be enhanced by modern learning techniques.
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