Jeziora kraterowe wykształcone są przez procesy wewnętrzne zwane endogenicznymi (wulkanizm, ruchy tektoniczne) lub zewnętrzne zwane egzogenicznymi (wytworzone przez lodowce, lądolody, wiatr, rzeki). Wielkoskalowe emisje CO2 z jezior kraterowych stanowią istotne zagrożenie dla zdrowia ludzi oraz miejscowej fauny.
Crater lakes are formed by internal processes called endogenic (volcanism, tectonic displacements) or external ones called (formed by glacier, continental glacier, wind, river). Large-scale CO2 emissions from crater lakes pose a serious threat to the human health and local fauna.
The objective of this study was the recognition and reconstruction of the origin of two high altitude lakes and the ecological conditions of their early existence based on subfossil Cladocera and chemical analyses. The study focused on the oldest lacustrine sediments from Lake Sol and Lake Luna, located in the crater of Volcano Nevado de Toluca (Central Mexico). The Nevado de Toluca crater developed approximately 12 ka yr BP. According to the literature, the volcano was last active approximately 3.3 ka yr BP, and the lakes developed after that eruption. The remains of nine Cladocera species were found in the bottom sediments of both lakes. The most dominant taxa were two endemic littoral species: Alona manueli and Iliocryptus nevadensis. The total frequency of Cladocera specimens in both of the sediment cores was very low. No Cladocera remains were recorded in the sediment layer at depths between 123–103 m from Lake Luna. The results of the lithological and geochemical analyses showed that this sediment layer was composed of allochthonous material, probably originating from slid down from the volcanic cone. This was suggested by the content of silica (up to 13%), iron (up to 12%), and titanium (up to 4%). The Cladocera remains recorded in the bottom sediments suggested that both reservoirs developed as freshwater lakes at the beginning of the sedimentation. The calibrated radiocarbon dates obtained for the bottom samples were 4040 to 3990 yr BP for Lake Luna (129 cm) and 4485 to 4485 yr BP for Lake Sol (89 cm). The obtained ages were older than the dates of the last eruption, which occurred approximately 3300 yr BP. This result was likely related to the type of radiocarbon dated materials (charcoals).
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