Zygomatico-orbital fractures are a frequent sequel to trauma of the facial skeleton. The treatment of these fractures is various, depending on their clinical and radiological pictures. The authors describe these methods of positioning and immobilization of zygomatico-orbital fractures that have been used for years. In ihis context, the Jankowski's frame and its subscquent modifications should be mentioned. The paper presents the project and operation patterns of a framework device being designed by authors and used in reposition and fixation of zygomatico-orbilal fractures. This device was successfully used in ihe treatment of 70 patients.
This paper presents an initial study to improve the spatial resolution of DICOM data using the Lanczos resampling filter. DICOM data from the cranium area of three patients, were obtained using a Somatom Sensation Open 40 scanner. A model with voxel dimension 0.4×0.4×2.4 mm was chosen as the gold standard, over the modeling approach using voxel dimensions 0.4×0.4×4.8 mm. Using the Lanczos resampling filter, changed the slice thickness from 4.8 mm to 2.4 mm. The influence of the Lanczos resampling filter on improving the spatial resolution of data was very similar across all 3 patients. The Lanczos filter changed the spatial resolution of the data and improved the accuracy of reconstruction of cranium geometry. The presented research highlights new opportunities to control deviations at the data processing and modeling of geometry stages.
Artykuł przedstawia badania wstępne, dotyczące poprawy rozdzielczości przestrzennej danych DICOM, poprzez zastosowanie filtru Lanczos. Dane DICOM trzech pacjentów, zostały zebrane przy użyciu tomografu Somatom Sensation Open 40 i obrazują obszar sklepienia czaszki. Model ze strukturą voxela 0,4×0,4×2,4 mm został wybrany jako nominalny, względem modelu o strukturze voxela 0,4×0,4×4,8 mm. Stosując filtr Lanczos, zmieniono grubość warstwy obrazu z 4,8 mm na 2,4 mm. W wyniku zastosowania filtru Lanczos, polepszono rozdzielczość przestrzenną danych oraz dokładność odwzorowania geometrii sklepienia czaszki. Przedstawione badania, otwierają nowe możliwości pozwalające na minimalizacje błędów powstałych na etapie przetwarzania danych oraz odtwarzania geometrii obszaru sklepienia czaszki.
The Gray Wolf is a wide ranging carnivore in Iran, absent only in the central deserts and Dasht-e Lut. This study was carried out to verify whether, despite their high mobility, individual wolves belonging to different populations show morphological variations in the skull. We collected 48 skulls from various regions of Iran and measured 24 variables on the cranium. These primary variables were then used to generate six indices to examine any variations in the shape of the skulls collected in different regions of the country. Although the largest skulls collected for this study originated in the mountainous regions of the northwest, northeast, and west, principle component analysis (PCA) did not result in a meaningful difference in the size and shape of wolf skulls in different regions of Iran. Our results confirm that the minor morphological variations of the skull in wolves of Iran are not an evidence for the separation of wolf populations in different regions or the existence of various subspecies in the country. This uniformity can be explained by the strong gene flow among populations as well as high mobility of the wolf that facilitates movement of individuals between populations.