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Content available MOOCs, Ethics and the Economics of Higher Education
The starting point for article is the question: Is there something in that exchange between a single caring professor and motivated student that, while impossible to assess, measure or digitize, is at the very heart of what a university tries to be? The authors discuss the concept of Massively Open Online Classes in the context of Gartner Hype Cycle and explore MOOC ethical implications. The aim of this short article is, according to the authors, not to support or oppose the deployment of MOOCs but to clarify certain ethical presuppositions.
nr 38
The History of Education, one of the courses offered at teacher education studies at the University of Szczecin, has been taught since the 1960’s. It was then when Teacher Education College in Szczecin was set up as a branch of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. In 1973 Teacher Education College was transformed into an independent unit – Pedagogy Academy. The establishment of the University of Szczecin in 1985 marked a new chapter in the process of the development of the history of education as a course offered at pedagogical studies. History of Education Department was set up in 1992 and professor Danuta Koźmian was chair of the department throughout its existence. Scientific and didactic work of professor Danuta Koźmian first at Teacher Education College, through Pedagogy Academy and the University of Szczecin has been crucial for the development of the history of education as a course taught at teacher education studies in Szczecin. In 2008 professor Danuta Koźmian retired and the Council of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Szczecin established the Chair for the History of Education appointing professor Wiesław Andrukowicz, Ph.D its head.
The purpose of this paper is to draw the attention of readers to culture, tradition and education in Nigeria. The author shares her own experience from a course on tropical medicine in Nigeria, held in the Institute of Tropical Medicine at the Madonna University in Elele. Initiation of systematic cooperation between schools of higher education in the European Union and those in third countries is recommended, as well as promotion of dialogue and strengthening of understanding between nations and cultures, which is one of the objectives of the Erasmus Mundus program adopted by the European Parliament. The cooperation with Madonna University may facilitate fulfilment of those priorities of the European Union in the scope of higher education, and initiate contacts that do not create frustration or mass migration, but develop intercultural dialogue.
nr 30
The History of Education, one of the courses offered at teacher education studies at the University of Szczecin, has been taught since the 1960’s. It was then when Teacher Education College in Szczecin was set up as a branch of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. In 1973 Teacher Education College was transformed into an independent unit – Pedagogy Academy. The establishment of the University of Szczecin in 1985 marked a new chapter in the process of the development of the history of education as a course offered at pedagogical studies. History of Education Department was set up in 1992 and professor Danuta Koźmian was chair of the department throughout its existence. Scientific and didactic work of professor Danuta Koźmian first at Teacher Education College, through Pedagogy Academy and the University of Szczecin has been crucial for the development of the history of education as a course taught at teacher education studies in Szczecin. In 2008 professor Danuta Koźmian retired and the Council of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Szczecin established the Chair for the History of Education appointing professor Wiesław Andrukowicz,  Ph.D its head.
tom R. 36, z. 103
W przypadku strzelań bojowych i symulowanych istotną rolę przy szkoleniu żołnierzy i funkcjonariuszy służb mundurowych różnych formacji odgrywa zachowanie się ćwiczącego na stanowisku ogniowym, począwszy od wykonywania czynności w odpowiednim czasie po podejmowanie niekiedy skomplikowanych decyzji o użyciu broni palnej. W związku z tym wydaje się być interesujące podjęcie działań w celu weryfikacji zachowania się żołnierzy lub funkcjonariuszy w sytuacjach dynamicznych, gdzie ważną rolę odgrywałoby przewidywanie skutków zmieniającej się dynamicznie akcji szkolenia i prawidłowość podejmowania decyzji o użyciu broni palnej. Istniałaby możliwość oceny zachowania się szkolonej osoby w sytuacjach skomplikowanych, gdzie szybkość podejmowania właściwej decyzji np. o użyciu broni palnej ogrywa kluczową rolę. Ponadto możliwość rejestracji przebiegu szkolenia i późniejszego odtworzenia wraz z ćwiczącym przy omawianiu wyników pozwalałaby na eliminację ewentualnie popełnionych błędów i doskonalenie szkolenia.
The behaviour of riflemen both military and other services is very important when they are trained through the live or simulated firing to learn the proper succession of actions and how to take decisions about the use of the gun at sophisticated scenaios. According to the above it seems a reasonable idea to develop a tool for monitoring and evaluation of behaviour of trainees at dynamic situations focused at the anticipation of resultsoffered by the dynamic events and proper decision making process on the use of the gun. It could provide a possibility to avaluate a trainee at complicated and very dynamic scenorios when taking the right and quick decisions is a crucial factor. Moreover a possibility to record the process could help to analyse it with a trainee and eliminate the errors.
tom Nr 6
Powiedz mi, a zapomnę. Pokaż mi, a zapamiętam. Pozwól mi zrobić, a zrozumiem – ta maksyma chińskiego filozofa Konfucjusza, wypowiedziana ponad 2 tys. lat temu, zachowuje aktualność po dziś dzień. Wiele współczesnych badań potwierdza bowiem, że im większa jest stymulacja naszego mózgu za pomocą różnorodnych bodźców, tym skuteczniej się uczymy. 
Ship navigation safety in restricted water areas is of great concern to crew members, because ships sailing in close proximity to banks are significantly affected by the so-called ship-bank interaction. The purpose of this paper is to apply the optimal control theory to help helmsmen adjust ships’ course and maintain the target course in restricted waters. To achieve this objective, the motion of a very large crude carrier (VLCC) close to a bank is modeled with the linear equations of manoeuvring and the influence of bank effect on the ship hydrodynamic force is considered in the model. State-space framework is cast in a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) system, where the offset-free model predictive control (MPC) is designed for course following and the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) is used for course keeping. Simulation results show that the control methods effectively work in ship course following and course keeping with varying ship-bank distances and water depths. The advantage of adopting speed variation as the second control input is obvious.
Content available Specyfika pomiarów kursu kompasem satelitarnym
Kompas satelitarny jest nowym urządzeniem nawigacyjnym, praktycznie dotychczas nie opisywanym szczegółowo w polskiej literaturze fachowej. W artykule dokonano przeglądu konstrukcji tego rodzaju kompasów, ich własności pomiarowych oraz praktycznych aspektów zastosowania na jednostkach pływających.
A satellite compas is a new navigational aid which so far has not been dealt with in detail in the Polish professional publications. The paper makes a review of this kind of compass, their measuring propeties and practical aspects of use aboard floating vessels.
The article deals with the using of narrative methods in foreign educational practices as a part of personal-creative paradigm of future teacher’s training. Experience ofart narrative teaching in higher education institutions, particularly the author’s course «Art of storytelling» by German professor Christel Oehlmann are analysed. The structure of the course, which includes four functionally related components: «Story about yourself», «Free storytelling», «New stories», «Eternal Art of Storytelling» is described; stages of its implementationare characterized. The course of the narrative art isinteractive and includes a system of practical classes and trainings. According to its purpose the course covers a wide range of people: future teachers, educators, therapists, social workers, priests and parents, grandparents, all of those who communicate with children. The aim of the course is learning to create, to tell different stories, fairy tales, narratives, for all those who want to know themselves, to open sources of their own creativity, determine their creativite potentialin telling stories, learn about themselves something new. Five principles of the narrative skills are defined: the first principle –«External and internal freedom from assessment»; the second principle –«Rejection of hierarchy, rules and regulations»; the third principle –«Creating an atmosphere of confidence»; the fourth principle –«Recognition process as a goal»; the fifth principle – «Attribute of narrative learning is democratic».   Expected learning outcomes are formulated: 1. Development of the narrator’s confidence in himself: masteringa strategy which enables appearing of the story about his inner world, based on a sense of security and personal competence, courage to identify his feelings, create mental images and its expression in his own words. 2. The trust of the audience to the narrator, which is manifested in the ability to tell his own stories, to listen other stories etc. In this aspect design and application ofnarrative skill models and strategies issues require further study and development.
nr 2
Purpose. The aim of the overall research on alpine skiing was examination of the biomechanical approach to tactics of running a course. The aim of this particular paper was presentation of first results on the geometry of courses of four disciplines. Basic procedures. The research covered competitions of alpine skiers during the 2006/2007 FIS World Cup. All four alpine skiing disciplines, i.e. downhill, super giant, giant slalom, and slalom, were taken into account. Each discipline was studied three times: in Italy, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, and Norway. 54 to 82 alpine skiers took part in each of the competitions. Differential GPS for geometry of gates setting and video camera for time data were used. Then the distribution of velocity for each runner along the entire course was calculated. Main findings. The first data on geometry of the ski courses revealed a large difference in vertical drop and length between the disciplines, with the angles of inclination, however, being similar. Conclusions. The knowledge of detailed geometry of ski courses is important since up to one-third of competitors do not finish particular runs. It happened that as many as ten skiers ran off the course at the same gate.
Content available remote Multimedialny kurs rysowania dwuwymiarowego w programie AutoCAD 2008 PL
tom R. 82, nr 2
Przedstawiono technikę zdalnego nauczania wraz z elektronicznym kursem rysowania dwuwymiarowego w programie AutoCAD 2008 PL. Z uwagi na konieczność stosowania najnowszych osiągnięć nauki i techniki w procesie nauczania struktura kursu została utworzona w formie możliwej do wykorzystania w nauczaniu na odległość (e-learningu).
The article presents a remote training technique complete with electronic course of two-dimensional drawing with use of AutoCAD 2008 PL software. To comply with the state of art science and engineering requirements in educational processes, the structure of the training course has been adopted to the remote teaching (e-learning).
Content available remote Multimedialny kurs projektowania trójwymiarowego w programie AutoCAD 2008 PL
tom R. 82, nr 2
Przedstawiono multimedialny kurs projektowania trójwymiarowego w programie AutoCAD 2008 PL. Prezentowana aplikacja zawiera objaśnienia i podpowiedzi, które aktywizują użytkownika podczas poznawania podstaw projektowania przestrzennego. Dzięki elementom multimedialnych animacji charakteryzuje się dynamizmem w zapoznawaniu użytkownika z poszczególnymi procedurami oraz poleceniami do modelowania 3D. Kurs zawiera treści dydaktyczne i polecenia programowe wykonane w języku HTML z zagnieżdżonymi animacjami typu "Macromedia Flesh". Dzięki temu nadaje się do zamieszczenia w sieci internetowej do nauczania zdalnego, jak również tradycyjnego.
The article presents a multimedia based three-dimensional design training course with use of AutoCAD 2008 PL software. Included in the application are explanations and prompts intended to activate the user for exploration of the three-dimensional design work essentials. The course is noted for high dynamics of the multimedia animation in the process of making the user acquainted with particular procedures and tree-dimensional modelling commands. This training course consists of didactic matter and programme commands in HTML language with integrally connected Macromedia Flesh animation. It is thus, properly adopted for location in the Internet for both e-learning as well as for conventional education.
Content available remote Nie warto oszczędzać na badaniach geotechnicznych
tom Nr 5
Based on the comparative analysis of the two most commonly used techniques for the definition of dominant formative discharge for the Upper Tisa river, it has been established that technique by M.I. Makkaveyev can be used provided the availability of fixederm discharge measurements or by means of the transition regional factors. Transition figure between the average daily rate and fixed-term discharge is recommended, which provides an opportunity to obtain reliable values of the dominant formative discharge in the full range of flow intensity change with low error (less than 10%).
tom (10) 2015
W ostatniej dekadzie nastąpił gwałtowny wzrost wykorzystania mikrokomputerów, co w połą-czeniu z upowszechnieniem się łączności on-line doprowadziło do wyłonienia się zupełnie nowej możliwości kształcenia – nauczania na odległość, czyli prowadzenia procesu dydaktycznego w warunkach, gdy osoby uczące się i nauczyciele nie znajdują się w tym samym miejscu, stosując do przekazywania informacji współczesne technologie komunikacyjne. Rozwój techniki przyczy-nił się do szukania mobilnych form kształcenia, czyli e-learningu. Tłumacząc na język polski, to nic innego jak: kształcenie na odległość, e-nauczanie czy nauczanie on-line. W artykule przedsta-wiona zostanie definicja platform edukacyjnych stosowanych na płaszczyźnie edukacyjnej, jako serwis internetowy o profilu dydaktycznym.
In the final decade there was a sudden increase of using microcomputers which connected with the popularization of an online contact led to emerge a completely new opportunity of education – teaching from a distance that is conducting a teaching process in conditions where students and tutors who are not at the same place, using contemporary communication technologies to pass on information. The development of technology has contributed to the search of mobile forms of learning, or e-earning. Translated into Polish language, is nothing like distance learning, e-learning or online learning. This section describes the definition of educational platforms will be used for educational level, as Internet service educational profile.
Content available Platformy e-learningowe a kursy edukacyjne
tom (10) 2015
Od kilku lat jesteśmy świadkami ogromnego wręcz rozwoju Internetu, zarówno pod względem liczebności uczestników, jak też liczby usług przez niego oferowanych. Jedną z takich usług stały się kursy przygotowane na platformie zdalnego nauczania, w których bezpośrednią komunikację typu: nauczyciel – uczeń zastępuje komunikacja elektroniczna. Artykuł definiuje kurs edukacyjny i zawartość takiego kursu, którego podstawowymi zadaniami są: gromadzenie materiałów dydak-tycznych, ich organizowanie i udostępnianie adresatom.
Since couple of years we've became witnesses of fast developing of the internet, including huge amount of participans and wide range of facilities. One of such services become prepared courses distance learning platform in which to communicate directly with the type: the teacher - student, replaces the electronic communication. Article defines an educational course and content of such a course, which is to collect the basic tasks of teaching materials, organize and share their addressees.
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