A strong nation brand is important for economic development of a country and the standard of living of its inhabitants. Apart from objective factors the perception of the country is also affected by various communication processes. The article discusses internal image impact on the holistic image of a country. The article presents the possibilities of the measurement of the internal country image. The author emphasizes the importance of techniques based on free associations in determining the internal country image. To illustrate theoretical considerations the author discusses results of the exploratory survey concerning the internal image of Poland.
Gaining understanding about customers ’mindset and information on their experiences is a precondition for the formulation of an effective country branding strategy. What potential tourists might learn and how they can be made to feel about a place can help small and not very well-known countries compete with bigger and more popular tourist destinations. The article focuses on the effectiveness of Brand Estonia and claims that it is still a challenge, despite the existence of an ongoing strategy. It also favors the revision of the brand identity selection and the promotion of Estonian brand, and supports a customer-based approach for their assessment. Documentary and empirical evidence show that the image of Estonia among its most important target audiences in the field of tourism does not match the Estonian brand identity. The gap in-between was evidenced by the results and content analysis of 24 in-depth interviews made with a selected group of people well acquainted with the country as well as some branding experts. This article contributes to the existing case study literature with findings that also manifest opportunities to strengthen the country brand, if its formulation develops a realistic brand identity and its promotion is based on accurate, unique and appealing ideas. It proposes academic support to innovative or alternative concepts for the country branding, and comments on applications of this study to more specific fields and further research.
Artykuł przedstawia analizę zmagań chińskich władz o utrzymanie pozytywnego wizerunku Państwa Środka w obliczu pandemii COVID-19 w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Na podstawie wydarzeń z pierwszego półrocza 2020 roku zauważalny stał się konfrontacyjny ton w komunikacji dyplomatyczno-medialnej, który obrały chińskie władze w stosunku do USA, co wynikało z nowej strategii przewodniczącego Xi Jinpinga. Realizacja chińskiego planu zakładała przede wszystkim odwrócenie sytuacji poprzez oskarżenie armii USA o wywołanie globalnej pandemii, wzmożoną aktywność na polu zachodnich mediów społecznościowych przy zaangażowaniu chińskich dyplomatów, a następnie huczne promowanie chińskiej pomocy w walce z pandemią. Z drugiej strony można zaobserwować, postępującą wraz z rozwojem pandemii, radykalizację nastrojów wśród Amerykanów i zaostrzającą się retorykę w debacie publicznej. Przebiegała ona od atmosfery podejrzliwości poprzez powolne odkrywanie nowych faktów, formułowanie podejrzeń, aż po surowe oceny i oskarżenia, których konsekwencje dla relacji amerykańsko-chińskich pozostają jeszcze nieznane.
The article presents an analysis of Chinese struggles to maintain a positive image of the Middle Kingdom in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Based on the events of the first half of 2020, the confrontational tone in diplomatic and media communications that the Chinese authorities have taken towards the US has become noticeable, which resulted from the new strategy of President Xi Jinping. The implementation of the Chinese plan was primarily to reverse the situation by accusing the US army of triggering a global pandemic, increased activity in the field of Western social media with the involvement of Chinese diplomats, and then demonstrative promotion of Chinese assistance in fighting the pandemic. On the other hand, one may observe a pandemic that is progressing with the development of the mood, radicalization among Americans along with the development of the pandemic and the sharpening of rhetoric in the public debate. It went from an atmosphere of suspicion, slowly discovering new facts, formulating suspicions, to severe assessments and accusations, the consequences of which for American-Chinese relations remain unknown.
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