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The article presents basic autism terminology and the current diagnostic criteria. Then, the author focuses on presenting the findings of research on the limitations and potential of people on the autism spectrum in the area of cognitive functions and mathematical skills. The question about the abilities of people with autism remains an unsettled issue. Are the abilities of people on the autism spectrum mechanically learned skills where purely and simply a mechanical factor dominates, or is it possible to see a creative factor in this type of skills? The author is interested in children with autism learning to count. It is an important element of the development of adults and children with autism, but it has not been fully studied. There has not been enough research conducted in this area. The deliberations presented will possibly allow interested people and future researchers to take up this topic with its various aspects and areas.
Content available remote On kernels by monochromatic paths in the corona of digraphs
Open Mathematics
tom 6
nr 4
In this paper we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of kernels by monochromatic paths in the corona of digraphs. Using these results, we are able to prove the main result of this paper which provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the corona of digraphs to be monochromatic kernel-perfect. Moreover we calculate the total numbers of kernels by monochromatic paths, independent by monochromatic paths sets and dominating by monochromatic paths sets in this digraphs product.
tom 8
Complex numerals are numerals composed of two or more numeral roots, e.g., three hundred five. Complex numerals fall into two classes called additive (e.g., twenty-three = 20 + 3) and multiplicative (e.g., three hundred = 3 × 100). There are two possible approaches to capturing their structure. Analysis A (e.g., He 2015) says that complex numerals form a constituent that quantifies over entities denoted by the noun. Analysis B (e.g., Ionin and Matushansky 2018) says that each numeral independently combines with the expression denoting counted entities. This article investigates the morphology of complex numerals in a sample of 17 diverse languages to determine which of these analyses (if any) is more accurate. Our goal is to lay out the patterns and discuss how well they fit with these theories. Our preliminary conclusion is that both structures should be allowed based on the data in our sample, though structures adhering to Analysis A (the complex numeral is a constituent) seem to be more common than the other type.
tom Z. 14
Okres 1989-2008 był, co potwierdza temat i zakres niniejszej konferencji, czasem istotnych przemian w gospodarce i społeczeństwie polskim. Jedną z wielu dziedzin, która podlegała transformacji była rachunkowość oraz polityka bilansowa, stanowiąca kluczowy element rachunkowości jako nauki użytecznej w praktyce gospodarczej. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia ewolucji polityki bilansowej na tle ówczesnych i obecnych warunków gospodarczo-społecznych Polski.
Period 1989-2008 were what confirms subject and the range of the present conference, the time of essential alternatively in economy and Polish society. Accountancy and the ballance politics were ones of many fields which be subject to the transformation. The present article is the test of the composition of the evolution of ballance politics on the background of the contemporary and present economically-social conditions of Poland.
Content available remote Counting Dependent and Independent Strings
We derive quantitative results regarding sets of n-bit strings that have different dependency or independency properties. Let C(x) be the Kolmogorov complexity of the string x. A string y has α dependency with a string x if C(y) − C(y | x) ≥ α. A set of strings {x1, . . . , xt} is pairwise α-independent if for all i ≠ j, C(xi) − C(xi | xj < α. A tuple of strings (x1, . . . , xt) is mutually α-independent if C(xπ(1) . . . xπ(t)) > C(x1)+. . .+C(xt) − α, for every permutation π of [t]. We show that: • For every n-bit string x with complexity C(x) ≥ α + 7 log n, the set of n-bit strings that have α dependency with x has size at least (1/poly(n))2n−α. In case α is computable from n and C(x) ≥ α + 12 log n, the size of the same set is at least (1/C)2n−α − poly(n)2α, for some positive constant C. • There exists a set of n-bit strings A of size poly(n)2α such that any n-bit string has α-dependency with some string in A. • If the set of n-bit strings {x1, . . . , xt} is pairwise α-independent, then t ≤ poly(n)2α. This bound is tight within a poly(n) factor, because, for every n, there exists a set of n-bit strings {x1, . . . , xt} that is pairwise α-dependent with t = (1/poly(n)) · 2α (for all α ≥ 5 log n). • If the tuple of n-bit strings (x1, . . . , xt) is mutually α-independent, then t ≤ poly(n)2α (for all α ≥ 7 log n + 6).
Content available Lemat, który nie jest Burnside’a?
tom Nr 5
Artykuł prezentuje lemat Cauchy’ego-Frobeniusa-Burnside’a na przykładach.
Content available remote On k-independent sets and (k, l)-kernels in the corona of graphs
tom Vol. 29
A subset S ⊆ V(G) is a k-independent set if no two of its vertices are in distance less than k. In this paper we study fc-independent sets and (k, l)-kernels (i.e. k-independent sets being l-dominating simultaneously) in the corona of graphs. We describe an arbitrary k-independent set of the corona and next we determine the Fibonacci number and the generalized Fibonacci number of the corona of special graphs. We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of (k, l)-kernels in the corona.
Content available remote Counting of seeds measures using image processing
In this paper some methods based on image preprocessing for counting of seeds measures such as quantity and dimensions are presented. For this type of measurement conventional methods are often awkward and uncertain. Some relative simple methods of image preprocessing e.g. image negation, thresholding, sharpening etc., are applied to allow semi-automatic quantification. Achieved results helped to evaluate seeds' changeability of a few questionable plants species belonging to the genus Euphorbia L. Moreover, the proposed methodology can be apllied in quality control in agriculture and food industry.
W artykule zostały zaprezentowane wybrane metody przetwarzania obrazów użyte do obliczenia wymiarów i liczby ziaren. Tego rodzaje pomiary, w odniesieniu do części roślin, są często żmudne i mało precyzyjne. Kilka stosunkowo prostych metod przetwarzania obrazów, takich jak negacja obrazu, progowanie, wyostrzanie i inne, zostało użytych w celu półautomatycznego liczenia. Uzyskane wyniki okazały się pomocne przy określaniu zmienności nasion kilku roślin należących do rodzaju Euphorbia L. Zaprezentowane podejście może również być wykorzystane do kontroli jakości ziaren w przemyśle rolniczym i przetwórczym.
Content available remote Gerbert a aritmetika : mezi filosofií čísla a počtářským uměním
The attitude towards arithmetic in the Middle Ages was closely connected to antiquity’s opinion on the doctrine of the number, in whose framework practical arithmetic (calculating) and theoretical arithmetic (the theory or philosophy of numbers) were differentiated. The latter was traditionally assigned the greater importance in the area of philosophy, but the first had also been, from antiquity, perceived as a means that would lead to an understanding of the nature of numbers and which would cultivate the abstract and philosophical thinking of humans. This study discusses the example of the important, late 10th century thinker Gerbert of Aurillac (Pope Sylvester II) to show how it is possible to use arithmetic for philosophical research. First, the philosophy of numbers is presented, in which Gerbert (in connection with Boethius) reveals an arithmetically based reality, as numbers are also the thoughts of God. Practical arithmetic, for which Gerbert became especially famous (Western Arabic numerals and the abacus), then sharpened the human mind and facilitated the grasping of the nature of numbers.
Středověký postoj k aritmetice úzce navazuje na antické nahlížení na nauku o čísle, v jejímž rámci byla rozlišována praktická (počtářství) a teoretická aritmetika (teorie či filosofie čísla). Druhé uvedené je v rámci filosofie tradičně připisována větší důležitost, ale také první je již od antiky vnímána jako prostředek vedoucí k pochopení povahy čísel, jež rozvíjí lidské abstraktní a filosofické myšlení. Tato studie ukazuje na příkladu významného myslitele konce 10. století, Gerberta z Remeše (papeže Silvestra II.), jak lze aritmetiku užít k filosofickému zkoumání. Nejprve je představena filosofie čísla, která u Gerberta (v návaznosti na Boëthia) odhaluje aritmetické založení reality, neboť čísla jsou zároveň myšlenkami Božími. Praktická aritmetika, v níž se Gerbert zejména proslavil (západoarabské číslice a abakus), pak bystří lidskou mysl a umožňuje pochopení povahy čísel.
Der mittelalterliche Standpunkt zur Arithmetik ist eng mit dem antiken Blick auf die Zahlenlehre verbunden, in deren Rahmen die praktische Arithmetik (Rechenkunst) von der theoretischen Arithmetik (Theorie und Philosophie der Zahl) unterschieden wurde. Der zweitgenannten wird in der Philosophie traditionsgemäß größere Wichtigkeit beigemessen, aber auch die praktische Arithmetik wurde bereits in der Antike als Mittel zum Verständnis der Natur der Zahlen angesehen, was wiederum die Entwicklung des abstrakten und philosophischen Denkens fördert. In der vorliegenden Studie wird anhand des Beispiels eines bedeutenden Denkers vom Ende des 10. Jahrhunderts, Gerbert von Reims (Papst Silvester II.), gezeigt, wie die Arithmetik für die philosophische Erörterung verwendet werden kann. Dabei wird zunächst die Philosophie der Zahl vorgestellt, die bei Gerbert (in Anknüpfung an Boethius) das arithmetische Fundament der Wirklichkeit aufdeckt, da Zahlen gleichzeitig Gedanken Gottes sind. Die praktische Arithmetik wiederum, in der Gerbert insbesondere hervortrat (westarabische Ziffern und der Abakus), schärft den menschlichen Verstand und ermöglicht das Verständnis der Natur der Zahlen.
W niniejszej, drugiej części artykułu przedstawiono charakterystykę systemów USTER® EVS Q-BAR, USTER® EVS FABRIQ VISION firm USTER TECHNOLOGIES A.G. i EVS, zainstalowanych bezpośrednio na krosnach tkackich, które umożliwiają automatyczne rozpoznawanie, zliczanie i klasyfikowanie błędów w płaskich wyrobach włókienniczych (tkaninach i dzianinach). Informacje na ten temat uzupełniono podaniem ewentualnych przyczyn błędów możliwych do pojawienia się w gotowych wyrobach.
This, second part of the article presents the characteristics of the USTER® EVS Q-BAR, USTER® EVS FABRIQ VISION systems by USTER TECHNOLOGIES A.G. and EVS, installed directly on weaving looms, which enable automatic recognition, counting and classification of faults in flat textile products (woven and knitted fabrics). The information on this subject has been supplemented with the possible causes of faults that may appear in finished products.
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