The aim of the article is to indicate the general characteristics of the key elements of the social counseling process. To accomplish this task the authors used professional literature and one of the co-authors’ professional experience in his field of study. František Drozd has been practicing social counseling in Slovakia for several years. His experience has allowed him to competently determine the key factors in the counseling process. These are: (1) ambient conditions and taking into account the time factor; (2) properly conducted interview; (3) the relevant contract with the client and skillful completion of the counseling process, and (4) ethical principles in the counseling relation.
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Psychoterapia i poradnictwo psychologiczne to dwie różne formy pomocy psychologicznej. Psychoterapia to metoda leczenia zaburzeń zdrowia psychicznego a poradnictwo psychologiczne to metoda pomocy dla osób doświadczających różnego rodzaju kryzysów w rozwoju, metoda wspomagająca jednostki, rodziny i grupy w zakresie rozwoju i utrzymania zdrowia psychicznego. W artykule będą opisane różnice między tymi metodami. Przedstawione zostaną ich definicje i odmienne cele tych metod. W dalszej kolejności opisane będą bardziej szczegółowo etapy procesu poradnictwa psychologicznego, rodzaje pożądanych zmian i sposoby ich osiągania.
Psychotherapy and psychological counseling are two distinct forms of psychological assistance. Psychotherapy is a method of treating mental health disorders and psychological counseling is a method of helping people experiencing various kinds of developmental crises – a method supporting individuals, families, and groups in development and the maintenance of mental health. The article will present the definitions and distinct aims of these methods. The stages of the psychological counseling process, the types of desirable changes, and the ways of achieving them will be described.
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