The article focuses on changes within superhero comic book movie adaptations from 1941 (Adventures of Captain Marvel premiere) to 2008 (the creation of Marvel Cinematic Universe) in the aspect of designing female characters’ costumes. Author’s refelections are based on the article From the Top of the Cowl to the Tip of the Cape. The Cinematic Superhero Costume as Impossible by Dru H. Jeffries published in 2013 in „Cinephile: The Univesity of British Columbia’s Film Journal”. The author of the cited paper focuses on the topic of adapting male comic book characters’ costumes which is a starting point for the author of this article for in-depth analysis of this phenomenon including female superhero images.
The analysis of the history of marksmen’s societies in Poland through the prism of the costumes worn shows the history, transformations and specificity of these confraternities. It clearly highlights their national character, their city marksmen’s roots and elite character. This takes place regardless of the form of the outfit: the kontusz, a uniform or clubwear. The societies, maintaining their old traditions, patriotism and charitable activities, also cultivate the custom of wearing specific uniforms and outfits, thus also promoting these important meanings.
Analiza historii bractw kurkowych poprzez pryzmat noszonych w bractwach strojów ukazuje przeszłość, przeobrażenia i specyfikę tych konfraterni. Wyraźnie podkreśla ich narodowy charakter, strzeleckie korzenie i elitarny charakter. Ma to miejsce niezależnie od formy stroju: kontuszowego, munduru czy klubowego. Bractwa kurkowe podtrzymując dawne tradycje, patriotyzm i działalność charytatywną, kultywują także zwyczaj noszenia określonych mundurów i strojów, propagując także w ten sposób owe ważne treści.
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