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Article includes an analysis of regulations of the ACTA Agreement in the light of current Polish legislation. The article indicates, that in many areas, binding polish provisions concerning demand and execution of intellectual property rights ensure the same or even higher level of protection that is in the ACTA Agreement. The publication contains indications concerning conflict of laws with Polish regulations and areas of potential amendment, which might be necessary after entry into force the Acta Agreement.
Just as innovations contribute to building a competitive advantage, the level of intellectual property protection constitutes the international competitiveness of national economies and determines the market attractiveness for foreign direct investments. In this light, the paper analyses the impact of the amendment of February 13, 2020, to the Code of Civil Procedure Act and some other acts, introducing the so-called specific actions in cases related to intellectual property against the situation of innovators, including beneficiaries of the IP box relief, i.e. defence or preventive instruments in the event of a lawsuit or possible dispute. There is a risk of tax authorities questioning the legitimacy of the use of IP box based on qualified IP, i.e. copyright to a computer program. The potential dispute between the taxpayer and the tax authorities will primarily concern the resolution of what is a “computer program” under copyright law and the creative nature of the activity carried out by the taxpayer benefiting from the IP box relief. Effective from July 1, 2020, changes to the procedural proceedings in cases in the field of intellectual property introduced by the amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure protect the taxpayer’s interests using the IP box.
Content available remote Tworzymy i chronimy. 100 lat ZAIKS-u. Część II
tom 72
nr 3(322)
Content available remote Tworzymy i chronimy. 100 lat ZAIKS-u cz. III
tom 72
nr 4(323)
The article addresses the issue of preliminary contracts in copyright trading and during licensing. The text justifies the admissibility of such contracts, taking into account the belonging of copyright law to civil law and the nature of preliminary agreements as a general institution of contract law. The analysis covers the required content of such a contract, in particular the obligation to indicate in it the fields of exploitation of the work, and the issues refering to concerning the form of the contract. The work also covers the consequences of a breach of a preliminary contract and the issue of damages. An analysis of the provisions of the Copyright Act in the context of preliminary contracts is also considered. An assessment is made as to whether the provisions on transfer of copyrights and license agreements also regulate preliminary contracts, and what effects a court’s judgment will have as a substitute for a promised agreement if the debtor evades its conclusion. The analysis will also deal with the possibility of a performance on account of the promised contract reserved in the preliminary contract. Particular attention will be paid to the issue whether copyrights may be subject to such consideration and to the rules of settlement of the parties if the promised agreement is not concluded. The matter of preliminary contracts will allow to consider the scope of cases covered by the special legal procedure in intellectual property cases recently introduced into the Polish legal system. The article will present the admissibility and the scope of application of preliminary agreements in copyright law and the usefulness of this institution.
Content available remote Konsekwencje udostępnienia oprogramowania bez regulacji prawno-autorskich
W artykule podjęta została próba analizy jednego z problemów funkcjonowania umów licencyjnych w odniesieniu do szczególnego przedmiotu prawa autorskiego, jakim jest program komputerowy. Autorka odniosła się do możliwych form udostępniania oprogramowania przez ich twórców, z uwzględnieniem skutków tego udostępnienia przewidzianych przez prawo autorskie. Ważnym problemem współczesnych profesjonalnych stosunków gospodarczych staje się bowiem udostępnianie oprogramowania do korzystania bez formalizowania tej czynności zgodnie z prawem autorskim. W artykule podjęta została próba wyjaśnienia przyczyn i skutków tego zjawiska.
The article attempts to analyze one of the problems in the functioning of license agreements in relation to a particular subject of copyright, namely a computer program. The author referred to the possible forms of software release by their creators, taking into account the effects of this disclosure provided by copyright. An important issue for modern professional business relationships is the sharing of software to use without formalizing this activity in accordance with copyright. The article attempts to explain the causes and effects of this phenomenon.
The subject matter of this article is to present the new case of U.S. Supreme Court – Star Athletica v. Varsity Brands. In this case court ruled that part of clothes can be protected by copyrights, it is means that the Supreme Court depart from the view presented in the Mazer precedent. In the Mazer precedent court ruled that fashion product cannot be protected by copyrights because they are an useful articles. The article review the statements of parties in the case and court judgment it also presents the consequences to the fashion industry. This article was written during scholarship at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich.
The subject of this article is a critical review of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJ EU) decisions in the area of copyright and antimonopoly law. Its aim is to clarify the most important issues and to present the development of the ruling practice. In light of the CJ EU case law the determination of the conditions and procedures for granting the protection of an intellectual property right is a matter of national law. However, in exceptional circumstances the exercise of an exclusive right classified by national law as „copyright” may involve abusive conduct and may be subject to EU antimonopoly law. The CJ EU attempts to clarify the notion of „exceptional circumstances” is a subject of critical review. Next, the study discuss the rationale for potential restrictions of competition between the undertakings active on the internal market. The CJ UE stated that certain restrictions on free trade and competition may by justified by high and risky investments that - in the opinion of the Court - are vital for the development of creativity Moreover, CJ EU pointed out that it is necessary to consider both the specific nature of intellectual property and the diverse cultural and socio-economic context of the copyright trade in each Member State.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest krytyczny przegląd orzeczeń Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej w obszarze prawa autorskiego i prawa antymonopolowego. Celem podjętych w tym zakresie studiów jest rozpoznanie głównych problemów i przedstawienie kierunków wykładni określających zasady stosowania wspólnotowych reguł konkurencji w obrocie autorskimi dobrami intelektualnymi. W świetle badanego orzecznictwa określenie zasad prawa własności, w tym praw wyłącznych należy do prawa krajowego. TS uznał jednak, że należy rozróżniać pomiędzy istnieniem a wykonywaniem praw wyłącznych, przy czym wykonywanie praw może w „szczególnych okolicznościach” być uznane za nieuzasadnione ograniczenie konkurencji. W artykule odniesiono się do orzeczeń TS mających na celu sprecyzowanie pojęcia: „szczególnych okoliczności”. Następnie zwrócono uwagę, że ograniczenia w zakresie wolnego handlu i konkurencji na rynku wewnętrznym mogą być uzasadnione z uwagi na niezbędne dla rozwoju twórczości, a przy tym ryzykowne inwestycje. Ponadto, TS uznał, że rozwój konkurencji w badanym obszarze wymaga uwzględnienia specyfiki dobra, jakim jest utwór oraz zróżnicowanych uwarunkowań kulturowych i społeczno-gospodarczych określających zasady obrotu dobrami intelektualnymi w każdym z Państw Członkowskich.
Content available Building Information Modelling and copyright
Building Information Modeling (BIM) translated directly into Polish means modeling information about a building. BIM is used in the planning, design, management and implementation of construction, and - ultimately - in building management. In addition, BIM allows simultaneous cooperation of many people on one project. However, the question arises whether models created using this technology are protected by law. One of the most important issues related to BIM, and particularly models created using this technology, is the protection of copyright, which is why these issues are discussed in more detail in this article.
This paper includes the analyse of the copyright regulations in the context of the freedom of expression. Authors presented the regulations concerning intellectual property rights in the international dimension, in particular the means implemented by countries for effective IPR protection. Moreover, it was focused on the freedom of expression and the relevant judgements of the ECHR. The practical consequences of the ECHR judgements were also discussed, in particular those concerning freedom of expression, the right to use copyrighted materials and its limitations, as well as the situations of the state intervention to protect copyrights and the balance with the freedom of expression. In the last part includes the conclusions from jurisprudence and the consequences of ECHR judgements for the practice of national courts, as well as the potential future legislation.
Studenci w trakcie studiów w SGH powinni nabyć przekonanie, że wysokie standardy postaw etycznych w obszarze szeroko rozumianego wirtualnego otoczenia społeczno-gospodarczego promowane w uczelni stanowić będą ich dodatkowy walor na rynku pracy. Prezentowane wyniki badań ankietowych stanowią zaledwie szkic sytuacji odnośnie do rozumienia przez badanych studentów SGH podstawowych problemów z zakresu etyki komputerowej. Uzyskane wyniki nie są optymistyczne, zwłaszcza że deklaracje respondentów w przypadku tematów drażliwych zwykle rysują obraz lepszy niż jest on w rzeczywistości. Zaproponowano standardowy plan zajęć obejmujący zarys problematyki etyki komputerowej i jej praktycznego rozumienia w epoce Internetu.
Students should be aware that high standards of ethical attitude towards virtual socio-economic environment which are being promoted at the university are going to be beneficial in their professional lives. Presented results of the research show only a draft of the way WSE students understand the problems of computer ethics. The results are not optimistic since the answers of the respondents in sensitive topics are usually better than in reality. A standard lecture plan was proposed. It shall deal with computer ethics problem and its applied understanding in the Internet era.
Zjawisko piractwa komputerowego w Polsce przynosi wymierne i znaczące straty, nie tylko twórcom i producentom, ale także gospodarce. Chociaż całkowite wyeliminowanie piractwa nie jest możliwe, to istnieje wiele sposobów, które pozwalają na jego skuteczne ograniczanie. W pracy przedstawiono skalę piractwa w Polsce na tle innych krajów oraz najistotniejsze metody walki z piractwem i stosowane w tym zakresie instrumenty. Są to przede wszystkim instrumenty prawne chroniące prawa autorskie właścicieli oprogramowania komputerowego oraz środki oddziaływania na świadomość społeczną, których zadaniem jest wyjaśniać szkodliwość piractwa i przekonywać do odpowiednich zachowań. Zaprezentowano też wyniki symulacji wpływu piractwa na gospodarkę. Ukazują one, że zmniejszenie skali piractwa komputerowego w Polsce może przynieść nowe miejsca pracy w firmach informatycznych, dodatkowe wpływy budżetowe z tytułu odprowadzonych przez wszystkie te firmy podatków, dodatkowy wzrost produktu krajowego brutto oraz zwiększenie produktywności w innych gałęziach gospodarki.
The phenomenon of computer piracy in Poland brings measurable and significant losses touching not only authors and producers, but also Polish economy. Although a total elimination of computer piracy is not possible, there are lots of methods, which allow us to restrict it efficiently. The paper shows the range of computer piracy in Poland against the background of other countries as well as the most important methods of struggle against it and tools used for that. These are first and foremost legal tools protecting copyrights of software owners and means of affecting society's consciousness. Their task is to explain harmfulness of computer piracy and to convince people to particular plan of action. In the paper simulation results of influence of computer piracy on economy are also presented. They portray that the decreasing range of computer piracy in Poland could bring new workplaces in information technology business, additional budget incomes due to taxes supplied by them, additional increase of Gross National Product and as a matter of the fact growth of productivity in other economical branches.
nr 4 (216)
Legal trade in intangible goods in the form of copyrights is common practice nowadays. Thanks to agreements on the use of copyrights and on the transfer of copyrights, the creator is able to freely dispose of his works and, therefore, to obtain economic benefits many times. Due to the duality of copyrights adopted in Polish legislation, in the event of the author’s death, the personal copyrights do not expire, while the economic copyrights are transferred to the public domain as a rule after 70 years. However, we should ask ourselves whether in the current legal situation it is possible to dispose of one’s copyright in the form of a renunciation of the copyright while one is still alive. The subject of this article is to analyse the problem of admissibility of renunciation of copyrights in Polish legislation.  
Obrót prawny dobrami niematerialnymi w postaci praw autorskich jest powszechną praktyką w obecnych czasach. Dzięki umowom o korzystanie z praw autorskich oraz o przeniesienie praw autorskich twórca ma możliwość swobodnego dysponowania swoimi utworami, a co za tym idzie niejednokrotnie czerpania korzyści majątkowych. Z uwagi na przyjęty w ustawodawstwie polskim dualizm praw autorskich, w przypadku śmierci twórcy autorskie prawa osobiste nie wygasają, natomiast prawa autorskie majątkowe co do zasady po 70 latach przechodzą do domeny publicznej. Należy zadać sobie jednak pytanie, czy w obecnym stanie prawnym istnieje możliwość rozporządzenia swoimi uprawnieniami autorskimi w postaci zrzeczenia się ich jeszcze za życia. Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest zatem analiza problematyki dopuszczalności zrzeczenia się praw autorskich w ustawodawstwie polskim.
Artykuł przedstawia problematykę naruszania praw autorskich twórców w sieciach peer-to-peer oraz technicznych aspektów ich ochrony. Przedstawione zostały kolejne rozwiązania stosowane w miarę rozwoju sieci peer-to-peer, jak również obecnie spotykane technologie oraz ich związek z technicznymi i prawnymi ograniczeniami, jakie stają przed organizacjami zajmującymi się ochroną majątkowych praw autorskich twórców.
File sharing peer-to-peer networks had become very popular during last few years. This popularity brings many problems among witch the great amount of copyright violations is probably the biggest one. The article discusses different file sharing networks technologies and topologies and their impact on technical and legal aspects of copyright protection issues.
The presented selection of correspondence constitutes an interesting source concerning the relationship between publishers and authors within the area of Poland and partitioned Polish lands in the 19th century. This shows how complicated this relationship was and how a publishing office worked, including the issues of selection of paper, fonts or covers. On the other hand, it reveals formal difficulties related to issuing and printing books (among others, censorship, customs frontiers and currencies). The selection of letters dates back to 1870-1871. The presented correspondence is a part of handwritten legacy of J.I. Kraszewski, which can be currently found in the Jagiellonian Library.
The Gebethner & Wolff company established in November 1857 was one of the biggest bookstores and publishing houses in Poland at the turn of 20th century. The company rendered its services to the most prominent writers of its times, among others: Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, Eliza Orzeszkowa and Władysław Reymont. The article aimed at presenting the history of the company from the perspective of its complex relationships with the authors. The issues of author’s creative autonomy, the publisher’s commercial approach to literature and professional fees were discussed. The presented research was based on the analysis of the correspondence between the authors and Gebethner & Wolff publishing house and it covered the period up till 1905.
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