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The paper deals with the relationship between conversation and different contexts as well as constraints of research which appear within scientific disciplines analysing interpersonal communication, especially within pragmatics. It is pointed that the studies on conversation ought to be reinforced with an epistemological approach.
In the article there is a – hermeneutically inspired – reinterpretation of a seminar as a conversatorium. The fundamental argument is that the very form of university education contains a dialectic of translation and reading. But, none of them are possible without listening and the ability to transform what is heard into expressed word. However, the process of the very transformation is actually the translation. At first, the whole idea is illustrated by an etymological preliminary research and some hermeneutic, esp. Gadamerian, inspirations. They lead, then, to a topic of conversatorium to be analysed in the context of translation and hermeneutic dialectics comprehended as a searching for word. Finally, some reflections on education as translation are presented.
The article focuses on the hermeneutics of conversation. Its aim is to demonstrate the nature of a hermeneutic conversation as triggering a true possibility of understanding. I propose to see silence, epiphany and conversion, with its irreducible character, as significant components of a hermeneutic conversation. Thus conceived conversation leads to an unveiling of the unknown and generates a genuine possibility of an encounter between the self and the Other. The encounter rests on two indispensable attributes: reciprocity and trust. A genuine conversation in the hermeneutic sense, propelled by these two constituents, exerts a cathartic, transformative and formative power. Not only does it lead to understanding in which the speaking partners are involved, but it entails a potent unearthing of the self, a discovery of one’s identity. This study is based on Hans-Georg Gadamer’s premise of the universal character of understanding. Gadamer’s hermeneutics regards understanding as the fundamental category of our being- in-the-world. The article illustrates the workings of the hermeneutic conversation with an analysis of J. Joyce’s “The Dead.”
Artykuł koncentruje się wokół tematyki hermeneutyki rozmowy. Jego celem jest ukazanie natury rozmowy w świetle hermeneutyki filozoficznej, a zatem rozmowy jako tej przestrzeni ludzkiej egzystencji, która umożliwia rozumienie. Proponuję spojrzenie na milczenie, epifanię, oraz przemianę, wraz z jej nieredukowalnym charakterem, jako na niezwykle istotne elementy rozmowy w znaczeniu hermeneutycznym. W ten sposób pojmowana rozmowa prowadzi do odkrywania nieznanego i stwarza rzeczywistą możliwość spotkania drugiego. Spotkanie to opiera się na dwóch istotnych komponentach: wzajemności i zaufaniu. Rozmowa w znaczeniu hermeneutycznym, poprzez te dwa atrybuty, niesie z sobą katharsis, przemianę i możliwość tworzenia. Nie tylko prowadzi do rozumienia, w które włączeni są partnerzy rozmowy, ale pozwala odkrywać ‘ja’, odkrywać tożsamość. Zaproponowane studium opiera się na założeniu Hansa-Georga Gadamera o uniwersalnym charakterze rozumienia; Gadamer upatruje w rozumieniu fundamentalną kategorię naszego bycia w świecie. Artykuł ilustruje hermeneutykę rozmowy poprzez analizę opowiadania J. Joyce’a „Zmarły”.
Content available remote Imperativy slovesa počkat a jejich úloha v organizaci diskurzu
The article focuses on the occurrence of the imperative in spoken and written discourse. It identifies the most frequent imperatives in the following corpora: DIALOG (spoken Czech in the media), ORAL (intimate discourse), and SYN2015 (written Czech). Imperative forms of the verb počkat ‘to wait’ have the highest frequency in spoken corpora. An analysis of the imperative forms of počkat in spoken language reveals that its most common function is to interrupt another speaker’s turn. Depending on the type of dialogue, the interruption can be done in order to either add or refine information (in a friendly conversation) or to try to get the speaker to answer a question he or she has failed to answer (in political debates). Using an imperative can also initiate a repair sequence, even one targeted at oneself. Imperatives also serve to prevent turn yielding. For these reasons, they often appear in overlaps.
In the center of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics is the experience of aconversation. Its decisive element is opening and listening to the Other. A conversation focused on what needs to be understood is happening in the dialectics of question and answer, and is transformed along with the partners of the conversation. A hermeneutic conversation can be understood as perichoresis. It makes us realize that conversation is the art of living and hermeneutic hospitality is its essential element. We find numerous valuable intuitions concerning the hermeneutic conversation in Plato's works and in Schleiermacher's “Christmas Eve: Dialogue on the Incarnation”. Searching for a proper word that could reach our interlocutor, we experience the inevitability of death. It remains a brutal dividing line that, at the same time, breaks the conversation. The horizon of death is the horizon of the hermeneutic conversation.
W centrum filozoficznej hermeneutyki Gadamera znajduje się doświadczenie rozmowy, której decydującym elementem jest otwarcie się na Drugiego i słuchanie go. Rozmowa wokół tego, co domaga się rozumienia, dzieje się w horyzoncie pytania i odpowiedzi oraz przemienia się razem z partnerami rozmowy. Rozmowa hermeneutyczna, rozumiana jako perychoreza, uświadamia nam, że rozmowa jest sztuką życia i jej istotnym elementem jest hermeneutyczna gościnność. Wiele cennych intuicji dotyczących rozmowy hermeneutycznej znajdujemy u Platona i w „Wigilii” Schleiermachera. W poszukiwaniu odpowiedniego słowa, które miałoby dotrzeć do naszego rozmówcy, doświadczamy nieuchronności śmierci. Ona pozostaje brutalną cezurą, która jednocześnie przerywa rozmowę. Horyzont śmierci jest horyzontem rozmowy hermeneutycznej.
Content available Idee pedagogiczne Zygmunta Mysłakowskiego
Autor przedstawia najważniejsze założenia teorii pedagogicznej Zygmunta Mysłakowskiego. Omawia idee procesu wychowania. Charakteryzuje proces przystosowania. Skupia się na pojęciach kształcenia i nauczania. Zwraca uwagę na rolę doświadczenia w procesie kształcenia. Opisuje pojęcie i cechy rozmowy oraz istotę talentu pedagogicznego. Na zakończenie ukazuje istotę działania zespołowego
The author of this paper outlines the key assumptions of the pedagogic theory presented by Zygmunt Mysłakowski and discusses the ideas related to upbringing. He stresses the importance of experience in the process of education and describes the notion and characteristics of the art of conversation as well as pointing out to the nature of a teaching talent. Finally, the author stresses the importance of team work.
The article is concerned with the meta-epistolary layer of Cyprian Norwid’s correspondence and the author’s original conception of the letter and letter-writing resulting from it. It proves the poet’s knowledge of genology, his sound expertise in history and poetics of the letter, as well as his need to transgress the conventions petrified by them, the conventions that are associated with this form of expression. In Norwid’s interpretation the letter is situated in the borderland of various fields of human activity and experience; it is created in the point where realities of life, interpersonal and social communication and the art of the word cross; it forms esthetic and extra-esthetic, extra-text values; it interferes with the course of events (that form biographies of individuals, history of nations, history of man), and first of all with the world of worth. Epistolography proves to be a significant area of Norwid’s experiments with prose; the poet joins narrative with discursive prose here, as well as with poetical and dramatic forms. However, the idea of a letter as a conversation is the key one for the poet. It is developed in numerous creative decisions made by Norwid-epistolographer, such as e.g. blurring the line between the spoken and written word; the inner conversation character of the letter; de-conventionalization of the apostrophes to the addressees and of the farewell formulas, which makes the letter close to the situation of a live conversation; exhibiting the formal imperfection of the letter and its sketchy character; limiting the role of the epistolary subject as a subject of an intimate confession, in favor of the I – You relation, a close connection between the letter and life as well as the letter and the truth. In an epistolary expression understood in this way the center of gravity rests on its inter-subjectivity, on the social value of the letter, on the inter-personal bond and its quality. Hence Norwid favors the conception of epistolary communication as symbolic actions, among which creating a community that has the Truth in its center comes to the fore. In the context of the 19th century transformations of epistolography directed to its autobiographization and, as a result, also to a communication crisis, Norwid’s conception of the letter maintains its separate identity. Preferring the conversation model of the letter, treating it as a part of life, a social form, a means of inter-human communication, of creating a community of thought, emotions and values, Norwid-epistolographer resists the tendencies typical of his times.
In this paper we focus on conversational thinking to demonstrate the value of public reasoning in building a decent world and true democracies. We shall take into account the views of selected scholars, especially John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas, on law and democratic practice, to explain why post-colonial Africa is weighed down by socio-political hegemonies that have aversion to their opposition and eliminate room for strong institutions, rule of law and human rights. In light of conversational thinking, this eliminates any chance for “creative struggle,” i.e. a philosophers struggle against the post-colonial imaginary/social agents to dethrone strong individuals and create strong institutions. In the absence of these indices which a conversational orientation may engender, it is difficult to transform bogus democracy into true democracy and thus to create a decent society. Post-colonial Africa mired in social regression, political crisis and economic stagnation urgently needs conversational tonics to overcome the ineffec-tiveness of bogus democracy. We postulate a thesis about three structural transfor-mations forming what we call Democratic Transformational Programme (DTP).
The text is based on research carried out among schoolchildren of third class of primary school. It shows a way of thinking about the world typical of children and constructing their social knowledge. The text was produced as a result of series of meetings with schoolchildren of 1–3 classes and the struggle to find answers to their questions of social, existential, ethical and moral nature. It reflects childlike concepts of social knowledge. It is based on quality tests results conveyed with the usage of dialogue method. In the theoretical part there are assumptions of interpretive paradigm and theses about social interactionist theory, linguistic relativism and social and psychological constructivism as a background for the discussion. The concept of the research includes the characteristics and justification for the application of the dialogue method and in addition to that, it gives insight into the results of the research which is the reconstruction of the image of the world typical of children and reconstruction of the meanings given to social ideas by children during their conversations with adults. The research part includes the image of the world constructed by children with excerpts from their utterances, from their ways of understanding the world, their perception of their environment. It is divided into parts entitled: ‘Children search’, ‘Children think’, ‘Children speak’, ‘Children construct’. Each part is packed with children’s hot knowledge, their experience and their ways of understanding the world.
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What are the indelible content of any Christian anthropology? And as these days to talk about the content? Abraham J. Heschel did not think that evil is inscribed in human nature and that God is dead. However, he did not think that the world is basically good. He did not think that a man basically directed towards God. Abraham J. Heschel believed that God was banished from the world, a man killed his inner life and lost contact with God. If a man does not reflect the presence of God in the world, it reflects the image of the beast. The task of man is letting God into your world. God speaks to man through the Bible, and the man says to God in prayer. Abraham J. Heschel does not believe that prayer is a conversation with God himself (Clement). God’s answer to prayer is interested in the life of man. Prayer makes God back into the world. Indelible content of Christian anthropology is the belief that man is capable of dialogue with God and that prayer to return God to the world. Modern man does not believe that God is close to him. People can convince the assertion that man in prayer becomes the object of the mind of God.
The diversity of paradigms and research perspectives in social sciences results in multiple definitions of context. The definitions vary in the structure of their elements and methods of building the concept as well as its scope. The article presents some modern social theories, in which the problem of context has been addressed: The Bakhtin Circle, symbolic interactionism, ethnography of speaking, conversation analysis and critical discourse analysis. The main similarities and differences among the approaches are put under scrutiny by the author. The article’s aim is to initiate work on a more accurate notion of context in social sciences.
Wielość paradygmatów i perspektyw badawczych w naukach społecznych sprawia, że elementy tworzące kontekst, sposoby jego konstruowania, jak i same jego granice nie są jednoznacznie zdefiniowane. W artykule przeanalizowane zostały różne sposoby ujęcia kontekstu w wybranych współczesnych teoriach społecznych (Koło Bachtinowskie, interakcjonizm symboliczny, etnografia mówienia, analiza konwersacyjna i krytyczna analiza dyskursu), wskazane zostały podobieństwa i różnice w omawianych podejściach badawczych. Analiza sposobów ujęcia kontekstu interakcji może przyczynić się do uporządkowania sposobów kon- ceptualizacji kontekstu w naukach społecznych.
The purpose of this paper is to show the possibility of application of the phenomenological-hermeneutic method in pedagogical research of upbringing reality. In the first part of the text the synthetic description of phenomenological and hermeneutic research procedure used in pedagogics was presented. Then, in the context of practical implementation of pedagogical research in the phenomenological-hermeneutic paradigm as the most general way of its application a case study method was proposed. The specificity of presented methodological orientation suggests the need for using adequate data processing techniques. Therefore use of Mdified method of Analysis of Phenomenological Data by Van Kaam was proposed. Description of this technique was preceded by a description of cenversation, understood not as a research technique, but as a way of organizing the data collection stage. In the last part of text opportunities and constraints resulting from the application of this method in pedagogical research were isolated.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie możliwości zastosowania metody fenomenologiczno-hermeneutycznej w pedagogicznych badaniach rzeczywistości wychowawczej. W pierwszej części przedstawiono syntetyczny opis procedur fenomenologicznych i hermeneutycznych, stosowanych w pedagogice. Następnie, w kontekście praktycznej implementacji badań pedagogicznych w paradygmacie fenomenologiczno-hermeneutycznym, zaproponowano metodę studium przypadku jako najogólniejszy sposób aplikacji tegoż paradygmatu. Specyfika przedstawionej orientacji metodologicznej wskazuje na potrzebę zastosowania adekwatnych technik przetwarzania danych. Dlatego też zapropnowano Zmodyfikowaną Metodę Analizy Danych Fenomenologicznych Van Kaama. Charakterystykę tej techniki poprzedzono opisem konwersacji, rozumianej nie jako techniki badawczej, lecz jako sposobu uorganizowania zasobu danych. W ostatniej części artykułu wyodrębniono obszary zastosowań i wymogi płynące z implementacji tej metody w badaniach pedagogicznych.
Tekst przyjmuje formę namysłu nad dialogiem w poradnictwie. Horyzont teoretyczny rozważań wyznacza hermeneutyka H.-G. Gadamera. Korzystając z tego podejścia, analizuję dialog w obszarze poradnictwa oraz sytuację spotkania osoby radzącej się i doradcy. Podejmuję dyskusję nad możliwościami i ograniczeniami przeniesienia gadamerowskiego rozumienia dialogu do praktyki poradniczej. Wskazuję na różnice pomiędzy rozmową sterowaną a dialogiem w procesie poradniczym. Ważnym elementem rozważań są pytania: jakie warunki muszą być spełnione, by można było mówić o dialogu w poradnictwie?, do czego prowadzi dialog?, jaka jest aktywność dialogowa podmiotów w relacji poradniczej? Udzielając odpowiedzi na powyższe pytania, dzielę się refleksjami dotyczącymi tworzenia klimatu otwartego dialogu w poradnictwie.
The text takes the form of consideration on dialogue in counselling. The theoretical horizon of consideration is pointed out by Gadamer’s hermeneutics. I analyse dialogue using this approach in the field of counselling and situation of a meeting of a client and a counsellor. Also a discussion on possibilities and limitations of Gadamer’s transfer based on dialogue understanding from understanding to counselling practice is undertaken. The differences between the guided conversation and the dialogue in counselling process are signalised. The important part of considerations are questions like: what conditions should be fulfilled to dialogue in counselling?, what objectives are set by dialogue?, what is the dialogical activity of subjects in counselling relation? I intend to give answers to the questions mentioned above and share reflections about the creation of the open dialogue in counselling.
Path of Science
tom 3
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Стаття присвячена зіставному дослідженню лінгвокогнітивних особливостей британських та українських мовленнєвих жанрів усного природного формату діалогічної взаємодії. До жанрів цього формату відносяться розмова, бесіда, суперечка та сварка. Жанри виділяються не тільки за прототиповим вербальним оформленням, але й різною інтенціональністю та оцінністю, що встановлюється на рівні лексикографічних джерел та дискурсивного матеріалу. Відмінності та подібності між ними пояснюються на основі фреймового моделювання їхніх етнічних структур.
The article is devoted to the contrastive research of linguocognitive peculiarities of the British and Ukrainian speech genres of the oral natural dialogical interaction format. The format consists of such genres as conversation, talk, argument and quarrel. The latter are distinguished not only by their typical verbal form but also by intentionality and axiological value established on the level of lexicographical sources and discourse material. The isomorphic and allomorphic features between them are established and explained on the basis of modeling their ethnic structures.
Content available remote Výzkum syntaxe mluvené češtiny: inventarizace problémů
Until now, Czech grammars have focused primarily on the syntax of written texts, paying little attention to spoken discourse. In the present article, the authors have sought to a) explore the existing works on syntax to identify references to features peculiar to spoken Czech (normally classified as “deviations from regular sentence patterns”); b) complement them with findings of Czech dialectologists; and c) expand the context to include results of the few authors who consistently explore spoken Czech and its syntax (particularly O. Müllerová and M. Hirschová). The inventory of features so far identified as peculiar to spoken syntax includes, among other things, syntactic units appended after a point of syntactic completion, parentheses, corrections, reported speech, the free dative etc. In addition to syntax, some of the features belong to the lexical-syntactic level (conjunctions, particles, phatic expressions), while others concern hypersyntax (the proportion of parataxis, hypotaxis and juxtaposition). The syntax of spoken Czech is to be understood as a syntax of utterances and turns (not of sentences); it has to be investigated in terms of its dialogic and processual nature, with a clear orientation to the sound form of syntactic structures and to the role of non-verbal means of communication.
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