In this article, the terms used are discussed. This first is a survey requiring some significant theoretical approaches to the explanation of social control, the normative ideas of social integration, the dialectic of inclusion and exclusion or inclusion and exclusion as well as the social role of helping professions in which the social work – in relation to pedagogy, psychology, law, or medicine –has an increasingly important position. Social control in this article simply is not as a repressive instrument, which can lead to stigmatization and social exclusion, but also as a socially critical approach to the analysis of the functions of social institutions.
This paper concerns the rules of the functioning of management control standards used in the Treasury Control Office. Its purpose is to present research results conducted in the years 2013–2014 in Polish Treasury Control Offices. Obtained results are the effect of applying author’s model of the assessment of management control implementation. The research was conducted for management personnel and the rest of offices employees separately. Significant discrepancies between these two groups of respondents were indicated. Based on the results, the areas of deviation from expected level of management control standards were established and the areas where implementation of control mechanisms relying on increasing the supervision of board of directors over managers were indicated, providing permanent and efficient elements of managers supervision over subordinate employees and making purposes and tasks put on the Treasury Control Office for given year more precise and familiarization of employees and carrying out trainings and series of other corrective measures.
Do administracji samorządowej koncepcja kontroli zarządczej wprowadzona została na podstawie zmiany przepisów prawa finansowego w 2009 r. Ustawodawca podejmując decyzję o implikacji tego nowego modelu zarządzania do jednostek sektora finansów publicznych miał przede wszystkim na celu zwiększenie skuteczności i efektywności, transparentności działania administracji publicznej na wzór rozwiązań powszechnie obowiązujących w organizacjach ładu korporacyjnego. Ważną przesłanką przemawiającą za wprowadzeniem kontroli zarządczej do jednostek sektora publicznego był także głęboki kryzys funkcjonowania systemu kontroli wewnętrznej. Z uwagi na znaczny upływ czasu, od kiedy zaistniała kontrola zarządcza w samorządzie terytorialnym zdecydowano podjąć próbę rozpoznania głównych determinantów mających wpływ na działanie kontroli zarządczej zgodnie z założeniami ustawodawcy. Badanie przeprowadzono w trzydziestu gminach wiejskich województwa świętokrzyskiego. Dobór próby badawczej był celowy, gdyż badania zostały przeprowadzone w tych jednostkach, które prawnie zwolnione są z obowiązku prowadzenia audytu wewnętrznego. Badania przeprowadzone zostały z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza ankiety, a podstawę do sformułowania pytań stanowiły wytyczne standardów kontroli zarządczej dla sektora finansów publicznych ogłoszone komunikatem nr 23 Ministra Finansów z 16 grudnia 2009 r. Autor ma nadzieję, że uzyskane wyniki z badania mogą stanowić głos doradczy w toczącej się dyskusji nad modelem funkcjonowania kontroli zarządczej w samorządzie terytorialnym.
For local administration the concept of management control was introduced on the basis of changes in Financial laws in 2009. The legislation deciding about the implications of this new management model for public finance sector was primarily aimed at increasing the effectiveness and efficiency, transparency of public administration on the model solutions commonly applicable in the organizations of Governance corporate character. An important reason in favor of the introduction of management control to public sector entities was also a deep crisis of the system of internal control. Due to the considerable passage of time since it existed management control in local government decided to attempt to identify the main determinants having affected the performance of management control in line with the legislation. The study was conducted in thirty rural communes of the province of the. Selection of research sample was purposeful, as studies have been carried out in these units, which are legally exempt from the obligation to conduct an internal audit. Research was carried out using a questionnaire, and the basis for the wording of the questions were guidelines of control standards for the management of public finance sector announced by Announcement No. 23 of the Minister of Finance of 16 December 2009. It is hoped that the results of the study can provide a consultative vote in the ongoing discussions on the model of the functioning of management control in local government.
The focus of the paper is to identify risks in various areas of operation of a selected trade and production company. The risks primarily referred to threats that had direct or indirect impact on the functioning of the organisation, thence the causes of their occurrence and effects are determined. Identification of individual risks is made based on analyses of internal and external context of the enterprise. In this study, over thirty key risks were identified, in the operational and strategic area, which is related to the taking of immediate action. The final stage of the paper includes preparation of control mechanisms allowing for minimisation or elimination of the discovered risks.
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