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This study evaluates the image quality for different radiation doses in full-field digital mammography (FFDM). The potential of dose reductions is evaluated for both, the transition from screen-film mammography (SFM) to FFDM as well as within FFDM due to the optimization of exposure parameters.Exposures of a 4.5 cm breast phantom rendering different contrasts as well as bar patterns were made using a FFDM system (GE Senographe 2000D). For different kVp and mAs settings as well as different target/filter combinations chosen for the above exposures, average glandular dose (AGD), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and modulation transfer function (MTF) were determined. To benchmark the results, relative change of AGD was evaluated against SNR, CNR and MTF. Eventually, the results were normalized to AGD's rendered by settings typically used in today's clinical routine.For standard settings (automatic mode), both FFDM and SFM deliver approximately the same AGD of about 2.2 mGy. From that, AGD reduction can be substantial in FFDM if only SNR and high contrast CNR are considered. In this case, reduction of up to 40% can be achieved in a wide kVp range if switching from the standard target/filter combination Mo/Rh to Rh/Rh. However, if low contrast CNR is to remain unchanged, dose reduction is practically impossible. The change of peak voltage and target/filter material had no influence on MTF.Assuming current CNR requirements as standards, significant dose reduction in FFDM cannot be achieved. Only by compromising low contrast CNR levels AGD of up to 40% can be saved at current standards of SNR and high contrast CNR.
One of the most important characteristics in determining the dendrometrical properties of a stand is the annual height increment of the trees. On the basis of these increments, natural phases of the trees’ life are defined. In the present study the data concern the height increments of the main trunk of 25-year-old Scots pine, as well as simulated data. Our research deals with the application of longitudinal data analysis. This analysis is usually used when measurements are taken at the same treatments at different time points. The calculations performed provide answers to the question of which annual height increments differ.
The article focuses on the literary aspect of dream in Maria Grossek-Korycka's Sonaty mol. The poetics of dream is realized within selected works in the series through the use of the word 'sen' ('dream') or by introducing a romantic encrustation aura. The term 'senne ekspresje' ('dreamy expressions'), appearing in the title of this article, indicates a specific way of shaping the imaginative projections. The characteristic properties of the oneiric visions: the aesthetics of contrast, anthropomorphism, handling a wide range of colours, synesthesia as the main means of expression, deformation in the cause-and-effect relationship lead to a dreamy expressionist technique in the context of the individual sonatas. 'The texts' of verbalised phantasma activate an array of symbolic references and analogies. The poet goes back to the tradition of Kabbalah - a dream often manifests itself to the dreaming entity and becomes its peculiar emanation or attribute. This interpretation makes an attempt to read the contents of literary visions and includes the description of the general rules governing the oneirology of The Young Poland poet.
The aim of the article is to study the mechanism of creating grotesque in Roman Jaworski’s collection of short stories titled Historie Maniaków (Stories of Madmen). The analysis of the structure of Jaworski’s work (plot, character construction, metaliterary passages) has shown that the contrast between the figure of fulfilment and its degeneration is the semantic category which constitutes the grotesque world of his stories. Meaningful with regard to ontology, epistemology and axiology negative categories such as nothingness, deformation or ugliness, within the historical-literary context function as an opposition to dominant at that time poetics of symbolism. Simultaneously, they become an expression of the typical of modernist awareness crisis of the subject, and of the doubt in the cognitive and representative potential of language.
Content available remote Luminance contrast of vehicle signaling lamps
Requirements concerning vehicle signaling lamps are presented as luminous intensity angle distribution. In this article assumption has been made that comfort of vision depends not only on luminous intensity but also on luminance of lamp surface. With use of imaging luminance meter measurements of luminance of stop lamp surface for dozen of vehicles have been made. Obtained results was compared with optimal luminance values and present requirements for stop lamps.
Wymagania dotyczące świateł sygnałowych przedstawione są w postaci krzywej rozsyłu światłości. W artykule przyjęto założenie, że komfort postrzegania sygnałów świetlnych zależy nie tylko od światłości, ale także od luminancji powierzchni klosza lampy. Za pomocą matrycowego miernika luminancji przeprowadzono pomiary luminancji powierzchni lampy hamowania w rzeczywistych warunkach dla kilkunastu pojazdów. Otrzymane wyniki zostały odniesione do optymalnych wartości luminancji oraz aktualnych wymagań.
tom R. 88, nr 3a
Realization of existing normative recommendations concerning lighting of pedestrian crossings gives the designer some freedom in the choice of lighting standards. Determining the actual state of lighting conditions is connected with conducting field research of as-built lighting. The article will present formal requirements of the currently applied standard concerning lighting of pedestrian crossings. Preliminary proposal shall be presented of the way of conducting lighting assessment on pedestrian crossings taking into consideration luminance and contrast parameters.
Realizacja istniejących zaleceń normatywnych dotyczących oświetlenia przejść dla pieszych pozostawia projektantowi pewną swobodę dotyczącą doboru standardu oświetlenia. Ustalenie stanu faktycznego warunków oświetleniowych wiąże się z powykonawczym przeprowadzeniem badań w terenie. W artykule zostaną zaprezentowane wymogi formalne obecnie stosowanej normy, dotyczące oświetlenia przejść dla pieszych. Przedstawiona zostanie wstępna propozycja sposobu przeprowadzenia badań oświetlenia na przejściu dla pieszych z uwzględnieniem parametrów luminancji i kontrastu.
Content available remote Krajobraz - architektura - ludzie. Japońsko-polskie studia porównawcze
Artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia tożsamości japońskiego krajobrazu kulturowego i jednocześnie wprowadzeniem do zbioru prac zawartych w tej książce. Autorka wykorzystała w nim doświadczenie zebrane podczas indywidualnego stypendium w Japonii oraz dwukrotnego pobytu w tym kraju w charakterze koordynatora zespołu polskiego opracowującego polsko-japoński projekt badawczy. Swoistym kontrapunktem dla tych doświadczeń było towarzyszenie Japończykom podczas ich dwóch pobytów w Polsce. Krajobraz kulturowy Japonii oglądany bezpośrednio, a nie za pośrednictwem opisów, obrazów czy filmów, jest dla nas Polaków zaskakujący. Oczywiście zupełnie inny niż polski, ale także całkiem inny od naszych wyobrażeń o Japonii. W artykule tym skupiono się na zagadnieniach ogólnych, najdobitniej ukazujących tę fascynującą odmienność, jaką przyciąga nas do siebie ten daleki kraj - daleki w sensie geograficznym i nade wszystko daleki w sensie kulturowym.
This paper is an attempt to depict the identity of Japanese cultural landscape and at the same time is an introduction to all papers included In this collection. The author describes her experiences gathered during individual scholarship in Japan and two study visits in this country in frames of the Polish-Japanese research project, which she coordinated. As a kind of counterpoint served the support and organization of the Japanese researches` visits to Poland. Japan's cultural landscape is for us - Poles quite suprising, when observed directly and not perceived by descriptions, images and movies. Obviously it is different from Polish landscape, but at the same time is also completely different from our conceptions of Japan. The paper focuses on general issues, most clearly showing this fascinating otherness, which makes this far country so appealing. This far distance is not only visible in geographical terms but also above all, in cultural sense.
Content available remote Zautomatyzowana obróbka wyników kontroli radiograficznej.
Omówiono założenia metodyki oceny zdjęć radiograficznych z zastosowaniem wspomagania komputerowego. Przedstawiono trudności związane z różną kontrastowością zdjęć i identyfikacją typów wykrytych niezgodności. Podano schemat strukturalny zautomatyzowanego systemu obróbki zdjęć radiograficznych.
It has been presented the assumptions of methodics for radiograms assesment with use of computer aiding. The difficulties connected with different contranst of radiograms and identification of the kinds of imperfections being detected have been presented. The structural scheme of automated system for radiograms treatment has been given.
Path of Science
tom 3
nr 11
Статтю присвячено дослідженню гротескних форм у романі Джонатана Свіфта «Мандри Гуллівера» з опертям на текст ІІ частини роману «Подорож до Бробдінгнегу». На підставі дібраного фактичного матеріалу простежено вияви гротеску в смисловому полі тексту твору. Гротескний світ роману є авторською моделлю людства, у якій Дж. Свіфт подає свій погляд не тільки на державний устрій сучасної йому Англії, а й на природу людини взагалі, розкриває особливості психології людського єства, особливості соціалізації людини. У ІІ частині автор продовжує розгортати перед читачем складну та суперечливу картину людського існування, світ велетнів постає як амбівалентна система, в якій дивним чином поєднані риси ідеального суспільства та ідеального правителя, на погляд автора, із потворним обличчям людини та соціуму.
The article is devoted to the study of grotesque forms in Jonathan Swift's novel "Gulliver’s Travels" based on the text of part II of the novel "A Voyage to Brobdingnag". On the basis of the selected actual material, displays of the grotesque elements in the semantic field of the work’s text are traced. The grotesque world of the novel is the author's model of mankind, in which J. Swift presents his view not only on the state of the modern system of England, but also on the nature of man in general, reveals the peculiarities of the psychology of human nature, especially human socialization. In part II, the author continues to develop a complex and contradictory picture of human existence in front of the reader, the world of giants appears as an ambivalent system in which the features of an ideal society and ideal ruler, in author’s opinion, with the ugly face of man and society, are marvelously combined.
Content available remote Kontekst i kontrast
Od kiedy Rem Koolhaas ogłosił hasło " The Context", zrodziła się generacja młodych architektów podzielających ten pogląd. Hauczyciele uniwersyteccy, organizatorzy konkursów, dołączyli do tego antykontekstualnego poglądu, dlatego możemy obserwować liczne ambitne projekty zupełnie pozbawione powiązań kontekstualnych. Istnieje już kilka ważnych budynków zaprojektowanych przeciwko ich kontekstowi. Najbardziej uderzającym przykładem jest Wieża Akbar w Barcelonie. Rozwinięto niniejsze zagadnienie poprzez Londyn, Manhattan i Warszawę.
Since Rem Koolhaas announced the slogan " the Context", a generation of young architects sharing this view, is born. Teachers in universities, organizers of competitions, joined the anti-contextual position, there from one can observe numerous ambitious projects quite without contextual relationships. There are already several important buildings designed against their context. The one most striking is Torre Akbar in Barcelona. The paper unfolds herewith problem through London, Manhattan and Warsaw.
Content available remote Walczące komunikaty (?)
Is the juxtaposition of two contrasting messages, can lead to internal conflict? Or maybe it is a form of marketing communications, in which each element is building a completely new quality represented by the image? Today's plane exchange of information leads to the continued greater reflection not only on what you see, but above all, what to choose.
Rzymskie fontanny Gianlorenzo Berniniego są znakomitym przykładem dzieł sztuki okresu pełnego baroku. Na podstawie ich hermeneutycznej analizy dowodzę, że woda zawiera w sobie cechy, które są kluczowe dla stylu barokowego. W artykule omawiam sylwetkę Gianlorenzo Berniniego, historię zaprojektowanych przez niego fontann, a także cechy, które pozwalają mi utożsamić wykorzystaną w dziele sztuki wodę z istotą baroku: zestawienie natury i kultury, ideę nieskończoności oraz ruch.
Gianlorenzo Bernini’s fountains in Rome are tremendous examples of late baroque works of art. In this article I am going to prove that water incorporates characteristics of the late baroque, on the basis of hermeneutic analysis. Firstly, the article presents Bernini as an artist. Further on, a brief story of his fountains is introduced, and finally the characteristics which enabled me to connect the idea of water with the essence of baroque, a juxtaposition of nature and culture, the idea of infinity and motion, are explored.
The present article discusses Piranesi’s use of the ancient topos of locus horridus on the example of his four Grotteschi. The analysis of particular ingredients of Piranesi’s loci horridi has shown that, in order to understand them, the onlooker must be not only familiar with the Greek and Roman mythology and literature, but also, must have the patience to detect even those details which, despite being too tiny or obscure to be noticed at the first glance, are crucial to the meaning of the whole picture. In his sophisticated game with the onlooker, Piranesi employs optical illusion and pareidolia. The article also reveals that the aesthetics of the Grotteschi consists, to a large extent, in bringing together motifs that originally belong to the opposite realms: that of a locus horridus and that of a locus amoenus. As a result of such a fusion, the locus horridus becomes even more frightening and hostile, whereas the traditionally ‘idyllic’ elements acquire a sinister hue.
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