This paper aims to address certain problems concerning prescription. It focuses on the prescription of claims for damages awarded for breach of contract. In the Polish Civil Code there are no special rules in place concerning such claims and the prescription thereof is to be ascertained on the basis of general provisions. The latter were designed in order to regulate the prescription of claims reflecting the primary obligations of the parties (the obligations of specific performance). Consequently, their application to claims concerning secondary obligations, i.e. claims for damages, raises serious doubts and encounters numerous problems of high practical importance. The paper proposes such interpretation of general provisions on prescription that seemingly both suits the nature of claims for damages for breach of contract and is fit for the purpose generally ascribed to prescription as a legal phenomenon.
Esej rozpoczyna się od krótkiej prezentacji ekonomicznej analizy prawa jako dyscypliny naukowej, podane są przykłady różnic między ekonomiczną analizą prawa i tzw. analizą doktrynalną. Następnie omówione zostają dwa najważniejsze nurty badawcze w dziedzinie będącej przedmiotem szczególnego zainteresowania autora - wykorzystywanie pojęć zaczerpniętych z ekonomii behawioralnej do analizy prawa oraz rozwój empirycznych badań przepisów prawa. Po wyjaśnieniu, dlaczego są one tak ważne, autor przedstawia przykłady znaczących różnic między wnioskami, do których dochodzą przedstawiciele nowych nurtów myślenia, a interpretacjami proponowanymi przez zwolenników bardziej tradycyjnego podejścia do zagadnień prawa, a także omawia ich wpływ na politykę prawną i regulacyjną.
The author starts his essay with a brief overview of law and economics as a research discipline and offers examples of how its analysis differs from that of doctrinal analysis, an older style of legal analysis. Next, he focuses on what he considers to be the two most important developments in the area - the incorporation of behavioural economics into the analysis of law and the emergence of empirical legal studies. After explaining why he considers them to be of such importance, he gives examples of how the legal and regulatory policies suggested by these developments significantly differ from the previous ones.
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In 1952 Witold Czachórski posited as a general principle of Polish contract law that legal actions leading of a transfer of wealth require for their validity a proper cause; the rule was construed as a mandatory one and precluded the creation of abstract obligations unless expressly permitted by law. Czachórski’s theory was underpinned by an in-depth analysis of the entire body of civil law, as well as axiological considerations that emphasized the need to control contractual fairness (Section 1). After 40 years of largely uncontroverted acceptance the rule was abruptly abandoned by the Supreme Court on grounds of freedom of contract (Section 2). Despite its fundamental nature, this change was not accompanied by any in-depth discussion in legal doctrine (Section 3). While unsatisfactory on a theoretical level, it seems in retrospect that this was, at a time of systemic transformation to a liberal market economy, a pragmatic and perhaps inevitable approach that served to further the newly re-established principle of freedom of contract. Paradoxically, however, with the contemporary shift to a more control-oriented approach to freedom of contract it would not be entirely surprising to see a rebirth of the role of cause and of Czachórski’s theory some time in the future (Section 4).
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