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Poetry analysis is never easy. Especially when someone’s literary output is observed and read from a perspective of few thousands kilometers and completely different cultural and philo-sophical background. Such situation takes place when one attempts to read Wisława Szymborska’s poetry in Japan. Language and literature specialists are able to trace numerous connections between her texts and their own reading experience; but for students who have just learned Polish and attempt to become familiar with our culture it is an outstanding chal-lenge. They have to conquer the barrier of language, culture and poetical presentation. But when they do that, their adventure with Polish poetry is just about to begin.
The laws associated with aged women in the New Testament usually refer to widows. Two authors of Pastoral Epistles are trying to fill this gap, formulating generic imperatives. What is suprising in these imperatives is the terminology connected with aged women: presbytis (Tit. 2:3) and presbytera (1 Tim. 5:2). The morphological similarity of these terms with the well-known word "presbyter", preaches in a way that one suspects indicates not only age but also function. By analysis of preserved inscriptions - from Ephesus, where Timothy exercised his ministry, and from Crete connected with the Letter to Titus - we come to the conclusion that in local Jewish communities the office of female-presbyters is well known. These monuments shed a new light on the more difficult verses of Pastoral Epistles and pave the way for new interpretation, assuming that groups of aged women were part of the community of elders, or they were leaders. The existence of this practice is also provided by Epiphanius and the 11th Canon of the Synod of Laodicea.
In connection to the different significations of subjectivity and intersubjectivity, as well as to various other types of context (circumstantial, subjective, intersubjective, idiomatic, linguistic, socio-cultural), contextualization is considered here from the perspective of the sender and receiver, as well as from a relational point of view. Among the different applications of this phenomenon within the communication reality, the present article aims to illustrate – on the morphological level – some of the reference points of the microsystem of deictics used in Romanian and French (with examples – pronouns, addressing names, adverbs, the so-called “particles”, etc).
The authors discuss the possibilities of applying the law of proximity as one of the categories of gestalt psychology to describe the social communication. The first part considers the mutual determinants of sensory and cognitive processes, including the phenomenon of cognitive penetrability and the phenomenon of semantic priming. In the following parts, the authors show how the law of proximity is implemented in various types of discourses. In visual communication (especially in film and photography), the law of proximity is the basis of collage editing. The authors describe the principles by which semantic inference is made in such discourses. The law of proximity also significantly influences the processing of information in speech. In poetic texts, the compactness of the line sequence is based on this principle, i.e. what R. Jakobson defined as the transfer of equivalence from the selection axis to the combination axis. In artistic, journalistic or rhetorical texts, the proximity of words in the text contributes to the emergence of semantic implications, i.e. allusive meanings.
tom 71
Children who lived in the WWII and post-war period, under the occupation of Nazi Germany (1941–1944) and the Soviet Union (1944–1991), had their own assortment of games. Estonia suffered the fate of being on the battlefront twice – in 1941 and 1944. Among the traces of war that inspired children’s games were munitions scattered around the terrain. In 2013, the Estonian Folklore Archives of the Estonian Literary Museum organised a competition for collecting children’s games. In this paper, I examine the accounts about playing with munitions – mainly cartridges found on the terrain and real gunpowder – collected from people born in the period between the late 1920s and late 1940s. From a folkloristic perspective, I study the descriptions of games collected in the competition in two ways. First, I situate them in their historical-cultural context. The use of left-behind munitions for playing was characteristic of WWII as well as the post-war period and mostly typical of boys. The descriptions emphasise spectacular fireworks and loud cracking. The use of various means (e.g. glowing embers by children herding animals) for making loud sounds, but also real gunpowder in toy guns (sussik in Estonian) was also present in the earlier tradition. Although the respondents might not have perceived the risks associated with these activities back when they were children, their descriptions usually also include their adult point of view: these games were very dangerous. Some claim that they were not aware of the risks; others that they were able to assess them well; still others that they were simply foolhardy. The descriptions of games also reveal a certain perplexity – adult respondents are at a loss to explain why they did those things as children. Left-behind munitions could be obtained quite easily, while conventional toys or means for making them were severely lacking at the time. Thus, children played with whatever they could find and the use of munitions diversified the range of toys available to them. Secondly, I interpret the games with left-behind munitions as a type of game that tests the daring and foolhardiness of players. Dangerous games and risky-play games are discussed in several accounts of children’s games. Researchers suggest that playing dangerous games is driven by the will to make sense of risk-taking and responsibility. Child and developmental psychologists find that such games are characteristic of childhood and adolescence, and that playing them is necessary for normal development. Children’s risk-taking behaviour and testing the boundary between the possible and impossible is an integral part of coming of age and self-realisation during adolescence. Yet, development in the preschool age likewise implies testing one’s capabilities and experiencing the feeling of fear. Munitions were novel and fascinating, and enabled children to apply their inventiveness, sense their bravery, and experience excitement. On the other hand, due to frequent injuries and accidents, one could also find exactly the opposite attitudes toward munitions. Thus, for some people who grew up in that era, munitions are associated with games and new toys, but for others, they are associated with pains of loss and tragedy.
W artykule przedstawiono założenia, architekturę i niektóre aspekty implementacyjne systemu CongloS – systemu obsługi kontekstowych baz wiedzy opartych na modelu SIM. W swoim działaniu CongloS wykorzystuje wiele specyficznych elementów koncepcji organizacji bazy wiedzy: model tarsetowy, model SIM, metaontologię opisu schematu, własne sprzęgi międzymodularne i możliwość zadawania zapytań. Koncepcje te również są opisane w artykule, wraz z zarysem sposobu ich realizacji.
In the paper we present CongloS, a manager for contextual knowledge bases, its architecture and selected implementation issues. In the CongloS we exploit a specific approach combining together ideas of tarset and SIM knowledge bases, metaontological encoding of the base, intermodular couplers and ad hoc queries.
The paper argues that modern linguistics, despite having developed its own critical and reflexive branches such as the critical discourse analysis (CDA), has not been able to apply a critical perspective towards its own field yet. While the contextual character of its key notions (e.g. meaning or text structures) has been already widely accepted, the contextual nature of linguistics itself with all its tools has not been fully recognized. The paper argues that linguistics, including contemporary schools of discourse analysis, may be seen as strongly entangled in power relations. Several discourse analytical concepts are deconstructed by means of demonstrating their potential role in power structures reproduction. The latter may take shape of introducing or perpetuating textual hierarchies in academia and other social fields. The notions put under critical scrutiny context itself (social nature of which is not yet fully recognized) as well as textuality and its criteria (coherence, language competences, emotions, politicization, meta-discourse and reflexivity).
W artykule przedstawiono wizję rozwoju językoznawstwa rozumianego jako wzrost jego refleksyjności i kontekstowości. Pomimo powstania takich subdyscyplin, jak Krytyczna Analiza Dyskursu, językoznawstwo nie zdołało w pełni zwrócić narzędzi krytycznej analizy ku sobie. Choć kontekstowa natura takich pojęć, jak „znaczenie” czy „struktura” tekstu została już powszechnie zaakceptowana, kontekstowy charakter samego językoznawstwa i większości jego fundamentalnych pojęć nie został jeszcze w pełni uznany. W artykule przedstawiono spojrzenie na językoznawstwo, wraz z analizą dyskursu, jako na narzędzia władzy czy też dziedziny nauki silnie uwikłane w relacje władzy. Na przykładzie analizy szeregu pojęć, głównie z zakresu teorii dyskursu, pokazano, jaką rolę w reprodukcji stosunków władzy oraz budowaniu hierarchii tekstów, w tym naukowych, mogą odgrywać narzędzia językoznawcze. Analizie poddano między innymi rolę pojęć takich jak: kontekst, kryteria tekstowości (w szczególności spójność), kompetencja językowa, emocjonalność, metadyskurs i polityzacja.
nr XXII/3
Artykuł przedstawia onomastyczno-kognitywne studium heortonimów (nazw świąt) jako specyficznych jednostek chrematonimicznych, które funkcjonując na zasadzie ideonimów identyfikujących inicjatywy socjo-kulturowe, przenoszą kontekstualne i konceptualne treści odnoszone do obiektu nominacji, tj. kodowany przez nie przekaz semantyczny. Proponowane jest ujęcie klasyfikujące heortonimy jako nazwy cyklicznych lub rzadziej okazjonalnych wydarzeń, które upamiętniają lub zwracają uwagę na kontekstualizowaną ideę z kręgu kultury niematerialnej. Są to monorematyczne bądź, częściej, polirematyczne propria, służące do konceptualizacji świąt motywowanych religijnie oraz podobnie kwalifikowanych dedykacji dni w kalendarzu, inspirowanych kulturą świecką lub parareligijną. Stąd wyodrębnienie „heortonimii właściwej”, wchodzącej w zakres onimi religijnej oraz „quasi-heortonimii”, której obiekty funkcjonują w komunikacji na zasadzie asocjatywnego przywołania wzorowanego na formule religijnej i modelu kampanii społecznych. Analiza obydwu typów heortonimicznych ma charakter interkulturowy, przy założeniu, że zarówno heortonimy właściwe, jak i quasi-heortonimy należą jednocześnie do wielu kultur i mają potencjał przenikania do nowych kręgów kulturowych, stanowiąc, w zależności od kontekstu, element dyskursu religijnego, ideologicznego, społecznego, ale także komercyjnego oraz kreatywno-medialnego. Wysunięte wnioski oparte są na badaniu głównie angielsko- i polskojęzycznego korpusu, pochodzącego z danych rejestrowanych w kalendarzach religijnych oraz świeckich kultury globalnej, w przeważającej części związanej z cywilizacją zachodnią. Studium ma też wartość dodaną w postaci opinii onomastyczno- -terminologicznej dotyczącej definicji i zakresu heortonimii oraz zestawienia heortonimii właściwej i quasi-heortonimii z podobnie funkcjonującymi strukturami chrematonimii ideacyjnej oraz chrononimii.
The paper develops an onomastic-cognitive study of heortonyms (feast names) as special chrematonymic units which, functioning like ideonyms identifying socio-cultural initiatives, transfer contextual and conceptual content related to the object of their denomination, i.e. the semantic message encoded in them. It is proposed to classify heortonyms as names of recurrent or occasional events commemorating or drawing attention to a specific idea from the circle of non-material culture. Heortonyms are monorematic, or more often polyrematic proper names used to conceptualize feasts related to religion, and similarly qualified dedications of days in the calendar, inspired by secular or parareligious culture. Hence, the classification categorizes the studied phenomenon into two groups: “usual/real heortonymy”, falling within the scope of typical religious onymy, and “quasi-heortonymy”, whose objects function in line with the communicative principle of associative evocation based on the (para)religious formula and the pattern of social campaigns. The analysis of these two types of heortonyms has an intercultural character, assuming that both real and quasi-heortonyms belong simultaneously to various cultures and have the potential to penetrate other cultural areas, depending on the context, entering religious, ideological, social, commercial and creative-media-related discourse. The discussion and conclusions are results of a cognitive analysis of Polish and English real and quasi-heortonymic units derived from data recorded in religious and secular calendars of global culture, mostly related to Western civilization. The research has an added value presenting an onomastic- terminological opinion on the definition and the scope as well as on the correlation of heortonyms with other structures of ideative chrematonymy or chrononymy.
Soborowe otwarcie się na kulturowe i religijne tradycje świata otwarło nowy rozdział w misjologii. Eurocentryczna wizja chrześcijaństwa została poddana krytyce. Kościoły lokalne „krajów misyjnych” wyraziły wolę wyrażenia wiary chrześcijańskiej w lokalnym kolorycie. Debata teologiczne skupiła się wokół pojęć: tradycja, kontekstualizacja, inkulturacja. Pojawiło się przekonanie, że teologia musi być zakorzeniona nie tylko w tradycji biblijnej, ale również w kulturze lokalnej. Autor analizuje działalność instytutów duszpasterskich, które w myśl zasady „Patrz-Oceniaj-Działaj” przyczyniły się do kontekstualizacji i inkulturacji chrześcijaństwa w poszczególnych wspólnotach lokalnych: ITEPAL (Kolumbia), EAPI (Filipiny), Lumko (Afryka południowa), API (Kenia) oraz IMG (Papua Nowa Gwinea). Ambicją każdego instytutu pastoralnego było aktywne włączenie się w życie katolickiej wspólnoty lokalnej, poszukującej nowej ekspresji wiary.
The conciliar opening on cultural and religious traditions of the world opened a new chapter in missiology. The Eurocentric vision of Christianity has been criticized. The local churches of the “mission countries” expressed their will to present the Christian faith in the local colouring. The theological debate focused on the concepts of: tradition, contextualization, inculturation. There was a conviction that theology must be rooted not only in biblical tradition, but also in local culture. The author analyses the activities of pastoral institutes which, in accordance with the “See-Evaluate-Act” principle, contributed to the contextualization and inculturation of Christianity in individual local communities: ITEPAL (Colombia), EAPI (Philippines), Lumko (South Africa), API (Kenya) and IMG (Papua New Guinea). The ambition of each pastoral institute was to participate actively in the life of the local Catholic community, which was looking for a new expression of faith.
L’ouverture conciliaire aux traditions culturelles et religieuses du monde a ouvert un nouveau chapitre de la missiologie. Une vision euro-centrique du christianisme a été remise en question. Les Églises locales des « pays de mission » ont exprimé leur volonté d’exprimer leur foi aux couleurs locales. Le débat théologique s’est centré sur les concepts : d’indigénisation, de contextualisation et d’inculturation; la théologie devait être enracinée non seulement dans la tradition biblique mais aussi dans une culture locale. L’auteur étudie des activités des instituts pastoraux qui, selon le principe « Voir-Juger-Agir », ont contribué à l’inculturation du christianisme dans les Églises locales: ITEPAL (Colombie), IM (Mélanésie), EAPI (Philippines), CCNB (Inde), API (Kenya), Lumko (Afrique du Sud), PAC (Inde). En fait chaque institut pastoral a été inséré dans une culture donnée d’une manière transformatrice.
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