The purpose of this article is to analyze vocational teacher education in Sumy region in the second half of the 40-ies – 50-ies of the XXth century. Method: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. Results: the system of pedagogical educational establishments of Sumy region is characterized, the content of educational process in them is clarified. Practical value: the possibilities of creative use of the experience of professional-pedagogical establishments of Ukraine at the present stage are revealed. Conclusions and prospects for further research: the study found out that the restoration of educational institutions in Sumy region after the liberation from Nazi occupation began in 1943. In the Sumy region the system of professional pedagogical education consisted of Sumy Pedagogical Institute, Glukhiv, Konotop, Lebedyn teachers Institutes, Putyvl Pedagogical College. In 50-ies of the XXth century there was a reform of professional teacher education in the USSR, which also touched the educational institutions of Sumy region. In particular, ceased to exist Konotop Teachers Institute (it joined Glukhiv Pedagogical Institute), instead of Lebedyn Teachers Institute began the activities Lebedyn Pedagogical College. First post-war years were characterized by a constant increase in terms of recruitment of students and the lack of competition for teacher training programs. It is stressed that educational process in professional-pedagogical educational institutions of the Sumy region was based on a stable schedule. Subjects were taught according to the work programs discussed in the departments and approved by teaching departments. A negative impact on the content of the educational process in professional-pedagogical educational institutions of Sumy region had a common socio-political situation that prevailed in the USSR during the 40–50-ies of the XXth century, Great importance was given to the conduct of teaching practice. It was preceded by careful preparation and deep analysis of the results. Further study is required for the issues of organization of educational process (forms, methods, means) in the pedagogical educational establishments of Sumy region during the studied period.
In the article the didactic model of problematization of the content is presented, the conceptual apparatus of the research, the features and mechanisms of the problematization of the content of the biological profile education are considered and analyzed.The goals, mechanisms, principles, forms, methods, methods of problematization and their didactic possibilities are characterized by the author.It is noted that problematization of the content affects the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and provides the strength and efficiency of knowledge, profile competence of the students, the development of creative abilities, skills of productive activity. The aim of the article is to substantiate the didactic model of the problematization of the content of biological profile education. As a result of the implementation of problematic tasks for the students, the efficiency of mental operations and actions improves, the ability to analyze, synthesize, systematize, compare, highlight the main thing are improved;the skills of transfer of knowledge to other objects and situations are updated; the ability to establish interpersonal relationships are developed; the formation of an integrated knowledge system, which is further reflected in the person’s worldview of the student, takes place. The main mechanism of problematization of the content is: structuring of the problem field, the choice of the vector of action, the allocation of problematical structural units and the integration of the content, which will allow possible to approach the solution of the problem as quickly as. The principles of the problematic content are: heuristic, accessibility of the solution to the problem, the personal significance of the student’s material, not linearity, constructiveness, which is a condition for the purposeful movement to solve the problem. The problematization of the contents of the educational subject “Biology” can serve as a means of forming firm, deep knowledge, the logic of scientific cognition; the embodiment of personally meaningful values; actualization of the cognitive structures of the students, personal development, reflexive thinking of the students through activation of independent cognitive activity.
The aim of the article is uncovering of the theoretical basis of formation and development of the methodical work in preschool institutions of Ukraine in the 20s-30s of the 20th century. The explanation of these aspects gives an opportunity to understand historical preconditions of the development of the whole system of preschool education in Ukraine. The analysis of scientific facts, pedagogical experience, and generalization of the peculiarities of foundation of social preschool education and the methodical work in the marked period are assumed as basic. The results of the research reveal the influence of the leading ideas of pedagogical science and transformation of the contents and forms of organization in preschool institutions and give an opportunity of their using in the renovated context of the development of education. It has been ascertained by the author that the 20s-30s of the 20th century is the period of vast development of the system of preschool institutions, the definition of the content of preschool education, the implementation of new theoretical elaborations into the practice, the improvement of the methodical level in organization of the work of the child care institution. All this made the theoretical basis for the development of the methodical work in the system of preschool education of Ukraine. It has been proved that the roots of the methodical work of preschool institutions originated at the beginning of the 20th century. In this period the methodical work in preschool institutions was like the school system in content and form. But the teachers were searching the ways of the original development of the content, methods and forms in organization of methodical accompaniment of educational work with children. Theoretical basis of the development, organization and sense principles of the methodical work were implemented in the practice of social preschool education through the instructive materials and methodical elaborations. Taking into account the currency of the problem, the necessity of reinterpretation and transformation of the ideas of historical experience and organization of methodical work in preschool institution we affirm the perspective of further scientific researches of these questions.
Treści kształcenia są jednym z czynników wyznaczających rozmiary niepowodzeń szkolnych, implikują ich kształt i są predykatorem niskich osiągnięć w nauce. Zagadnienie treści kształcenia z perspektywy trudności i niepowodzeń szkolnych jest szczególnie istotne w czasach rewolucji informacyjnej i globalizacji, kiedy nie da się przewidzieć, jakiej wiedzy i umiejętności będą potrzebowali uczniowie w życiu dorosłym.
The content of the education is one of the factors defining the size of the school failures, they imply their shape and are a predictor of low academic achievements. The question of the content of education from the perspective of school difficulties and failures is especially significant during the informatics revolution and globalization, when we cannot predict, what knowledge and skills students will need when they grow up.
The purpose of the article is theoretical justification of structure and the principles of selection of content of the general musical education as a factor of formation of musical culture of junior school students. Research methods are analysis of scientific and educational literature, modern musical and educational environment. The content of the general musical education is defined as the system of musical knowledge, abilities, skills and ways of musical and creative activity that is pedagogically adapted for pupils and directed at formation of musical culture of the personality in unity of its components: musical orientation, musical awareness, musical and creative good breeding and development. In this regard basic elements of content of music education of junior school students are determined: motivational and evaluative, cognitive and theoretical, active and practical, educational and developing. As far as these elements of content of education directly reflect components of musical culture of a pupil, they are considered to be prerequisites for full realization of the cultural and creative purpose of the general musical education. Selection and designing of content of the general music education of junior school students are determined by: 1) general tendencies of education reforming; 2) features of selection of content of the primary general education; 3) substantial specifics of music education; 4) author’s concept of formation of musical culture of junior school students. It is revealed that for full realization of cultural and creative, educational, developing and educative functions, the content of education has to be carefully selected, consciously directed at achievement of goals, personally enriched and expanded towards component structure. Prospects of further researches are seen in the analysis of various forms of implementation of the contents of musical education of junior school students (in textbooks, workbooks, educational process, etc.).
W artykule prezentuję teoretyczne ujęcie zagadnień z zakresu programów szkolnych, przedstawiam także kilka wątków z badań własnych dotyczących ich roli i miejsca w praktyce oświatowej i edukacyjnej. Wiele uwagi poświęcam uregulowaniom prawnym z zakresu dopuszczania do użytku programów kształcenia.
In the article I present the theoretical approach issues concerning school programs. I also present a number of themes from own research on the role of education programs in educational practice. I pay much attention to the legal provisions in the application of educational programs.
Historical peculiarities of development of higher education in the United States became the reason that there are no unique requirements for applicants in this country. It depends on the type of institution and its prestige. The higher education system in the United States includes two sectors: private and public. The content of higher education in the most universities in the USA includes the following: 1) Biological Sciences (Agriculture, Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Ecology, Pharmacology, Medicine, Microbiology, etc.); 2) Physical Science (Geology, Electronics, Physics, Chemistry, Ceramics, Cybernetics, Computer Knowledge, Mathematics, Radiology, Statistics, etc.); 3) Humanities (Philosophy, History, Art History, Classical Philology, Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, etc.); 4) Social Sciences (Anthropology, Geography, Economics, Criminology, Pedagogy, Political Science, Psychology, Law, etc.). The master’s degree is possible in two basic types of programs: academic and professional. The degrees of Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Science (MSc) are typically awarded in the traditional natural Sciences and the Humanities. The degree of Master of Science (MSc) is also awarded in technical fields such as engineering and agriculture. In order to study for a master’s program, the student must take a test designed for entering the so-called graduate school. Depending on the results and average score of the marks obtained, the Selection Committee can designate the scholarship or reject it. There are two opposite tendencies in the content of USA pedagogical education: synthesized teaching pedagogy and the separate study of individual disciplines (Philosophy of Education, History of Pedagogy, Pedagogical Psychology, Pedagogical Sociology). Teachers training belongs to the Humanities. According to the Classifier of educational programmes – 2010 developed by the National center for education statistics, U.S. Department of education, specialty 13.0406 Higher education is the direction of preparation 13.04 “Education Management and Inspection”. Teacher education in the United States focuses primarily on the preparation of teachers-experts who know how to apply their knowledge and multifunctional skills in schools of different types. Therefore the main objective of vocational teacher education is the practical pedagogical training.
У статті автор виокремлює основні виклики та проблеми функціонування інституту сучасної середньої освіти в Україні: трансфер філософії та формули шкільного навчання індустріальної доби в добу інформаційну; неузгодженість компетентнісного підходу у процесі навчання та знаннєвого (фактологічного) під час перевірки його результатів у вигляді ЗНО; відсутність дієвих процедур та механізмів індивідуалізації освітньої траєкторії учнів з особливими освітніми потребами, стигматизацію школярів, що не можуть опанувати програмовий матеріал у відведений навчальний час. Автор аналізує результати ЗНО за 2019–2021 роки у розрізі педагогічної та економічної ефективності роботи українських шкіл. Зокрема, розглядається динаміка кількості осіб, що за результатами складання тесту не набрали мінімального порогового балу з основних предметів, та розрахункова вартість їх підготовки. Особливій увазі присвячується дискусія щодо ефективності класно-урочної системи навчання, можливості у її межах враховувати індивідуальний темп навчання учнів та освітніх потреб. Автор пропонує переглянути формування концепцій інституцій середньої освіти, зокрема, через використання матриці складників нової формули сучасної школи, змістовими блоками якої пропонується визначити наступні: академічна автономія, тривалість навчання, робочий навчальний план, система організації навчання, освітня концепція закладу. Автор прогнозує, що драйвером перезавантаження інституту середньої освіти в Україні можуть стати приватні школи, які сьогодні акумулюють у своїх рядах кращих педагогів та розробляють завдяки ширшій академічній автономії більш дієві методики та інструменти навчання школярів, які можуть бути поширені й у державних закладах освіти.
The author outlines the main challenges and problems faced by modern secondary education system in Ukraine: transfer of philosophy and school education formula from industrial to information age; discrepancy of competence approach in learning and knowledge (factual) approach in assessment its outcomes in the form of external independent test; lack of efficient procedures and mechanisms for individualization of educational trajectory of students with special educational needs, stigmatization of students who cannot master program material in the allotted study time. The author analyzes the results of the external independent test for 2019–2021 in terms of pedagogical and economic efficiency of Ukrainian schools. In particular, the dynamics of the number of school leavers who did not get the minimum threshold score in the main academic subjects, and the estimated cost of their tuition are considered. Special attention is paid to the discussion on the effectiveness of classroom system, it’s capacity to take into account students’ individual pace of learning and educational needs. The author suggests reconsidering the concepts of formation of secondary education institutions, in particular, through use of a matrix of components of a new modern school formula, consisting of the following components: academic autonomy, period of study, curriculum, organizational system, concept of the educational institution. The author predicts that private schools can become the driving force for resetting secondary education in Ukraine, since they are currently employing best teachers and, having wider academic autonomy, develop more efficient teaching methods and tools, that can be shared with public schools.
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