For a network, edge/node-independent spanning trees (ISTs) can not only tolerate faulty edges/nodes, but also be used to distribute secure messages. As important node-symmetric variants of the hypercubes, the augmented cubes have received much attention from researchers. The n-dimensional augmented cube AQn is both (2n ‒ 1)-edge-connected and (2n ‒ 1)-nodeconnected (n≠3), thus the well-known edge conjecture and node conjecture of ISTs are both interesting questions in AQn. So far, the edge conjecture on augmented cubes was proved to be true. However, the node conjecture on AQn is still open. In this paper, we further study the construction principle of the node-ISTs by using the double neighbors of every node in the higher dimension. We prove the existence of 2k − 1 node-ISTs rooted at node 0 in AQn ( 00...0 n – k ) ( n ≥ k ≥ 4 ) by proposing an ingenious way of construction and propose a corresponding O (N logN ) time algorithm, where N = 2k is the number of nodes in AQn ( 00...0 n – k ) .
W pracy opisane są równoległe algorytmy poszukiwania z zabronieniami, dedykowane gniazdowemu problemowi z ograniczeniem bez czekania. Proponowane algorytmy zbudowane są z nadrzędnego algorytmu bazującego na wspomnianej technice oraz sterowanego algorytmu konstrukcyjnego. Poszukiwania ograniczone są tylko do rozwiązań możliwych do wygenerowania przez wspomniany algorytm konstrukcyjny. W pracy przedstawia się analizę porównawczą zaproponowanych algorytmów.
This paper deals with parallel tabu search algorithms for a job shop problem with a no-wait constraint and a makespan criterion. The proposed algorithms consist of a master algorithm based on the mentioned technique and slave constructive algorithm. This approach reduces the number of solutions to check only to solutions that can be generated by means of the constructive algorithm. In this paper a comparative analysis of the proposed algorithms is presented.
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