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The verb classification of modern Belarusian Studies is mainly tailored to academic problemс. Its usability for the practical learning of the Belarusian Language is insufficient. A “text book oriented” verb typology should be based on certain verb conjugation regularities that allows for distinguishing of special forms (i.e. types) of verb paradigmс. This approach makes it possible to demonstrate the differences between Russian and Belarusian verb formс. Thus, their mingling whilst speaking can be avoided. Depending on the verb stem and the ending, the I. “Russian” conjugation (е-conjugation) corresponds to three Belarusian “orthographical” variants: the е-conjugation, the а-conjugation and the э-conjugation; the II. “Russian” conjugation (и-conjugation) corresponds to the і- and ы-conjugationс. Within each of these variants, regular types can be identified that alternate vocals, consonants or stress when conjugated. The mingling of endings when speaking Belarusian is caused by the domination of the Russian language in the everyday communication of the Belarusian population and the influence of dialectal speech.
Content available remote Multidimensional Riemann-Hilbert type problems in Leibniz algebras with logarithms
Riemann-Hilbert type problems in Leibniz algebras with logarithms have been studied in PR[8] (cf. Chapter 14). These problems correspond to such classical problems when the Cauchy transformation is an involution. It was shown that this involution is not multiplicative. On the other hand, in the same book equations with multiplicative involutions were considered. These results can be applied to equations with an involutive transformation of argument, in particular, to equations with transformed argument by means of a function of Carleman type. Riemann-Hilbert type problems with an additional multiplicative involution in commutative Leibniz algebras with logarithms are examined in PR[13]. Results obtained there can be applied not only to problems with a transformation of argument but also to problems with the conjugation (in the complex sense). In the present paper there are considered similar problems in several variables with Riemann- Hilbert condition posed on each variable separately. For instance, these problems correspond in the classical case to problems for polyanalytic functions on polydiscs (cf. HD[1], Ms[1).
The author presents an argument in favour of Durkheimian – Saussurian theory of „social fact” as applied to language. The argument consists in pointing out two examples of morphological facts of Polish that are not easily accessible to native speakers and have not been explicitly verbalized, but are nonetheless invariably and rigorously implemented by all of them in their linguistic practice. This shows that the regularities are superimposed on them in a strongly anti-individualistic way. The first fact can be illustrated with the sequence walka ze zorganizowaną przestępczością ‘struggle of its being followed by the adjacent segment beginning in z + V (rather than by a cluster of consonants beginning in a frontal fricative). Polish has created an analogon of the necessary separation of the prepositions z and w from their right-hand syllabic homophonic partner in the adjacent context. The nature of the analogon can be described in the following way: we have to do with strict functional proportional separability of the right-hand non-syllabic homophonic partner of the preposition, on the one hand, and the rest of the expression the partner belongs to. Here is an example of such a proportion: zorganizowany : organizowany :: zoperowany : operowany. The second fact can be illustrated with the present tense form dozbierywuje (vs. * dozbieruje) of the verb dozbierywać. This shape manifests a strict parallelism with regard to the imperfective forms in -liwać, -liwuje, vs. * -luje, cf. rozstrzelać – rozstrzeliwać – rozstrzeliwuje. Both main spirants, [l] and [r], go here hand in hand. However, there is an additional regularity in play. The point is that the shape -r-ywuje depends on the presence of the preceding sequence which contains a root vowel, cf. przeorać – przeorywać – przeorywuje (here, the vowel is [o]). If this condition is not met, the final -uje does not appear; instead, next to -r-yw- regular endings of the main conjugation of verbs in -ać are used; thus, we have -a in the 3rd person sg, -am in the 1st person sg, and so on, cf.: przegrać – przegrywać – przegrywa – przegrywam.
The morphological variation in the present-tense conjugation of the kryje and kupuje conjugation types (3rd verb class) as a result of gradual vowel shifts has been in progress since the 15th century. The gradual back shift towards the endings -u and -ou used to be explained as a result of paradigm levelling within the conjugation types of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd verb class. In 1993, these endings were codified alongside with the endings -i and -í. However, this codification act hasn’t met with general approval, because the incidence of the endings -u and -ou in standard language is not equal: while the ending -u has been standardizing, the ending -ou has still retained its markedness or can be even regarded as colloquial, in particular in written standard language. In this paper, we aim to answer the question how the endings -u and -ou are applied in present-day TV journalism, namely in the Interview ČT24 show.
Tvarová konkurence v prézentním časování sloves vzorů kryje a kupuje jako výsledek hláskových změn (v 1sg kryji/kupuji vs. kryju/kupuju; ve 3pl kryjí/kupují vs. kryjou/kupujou) existuje v češtině již od 15. století. Progrese koncovek -u a -ou se tradičně vysvětlovala jako projev tvarového vyrovnávání uvnitř 1.–3. slovesné třídy. V roce 1993 byly proto u vzorů kryje a kupuje koncovky -u a -ou přijaty do kodifikace spisovného jazyka. Toto rozhodnutí se však nesetkalo s všeobecným souhlasem, neboť pozice obou koncovek ve spisovných textech není stejná: zatímco koncovka -u se postupně neutralizuje, koncovka -ou si stále zachovává značný stupeň příznakovosti, či dokonce nespisovnosti (zejména v psaných textech). V tomto příspěvku si klademe otázku, jak se tato tvarová konkurence projevuje v dnešní televizní publicistice, konkrétně v diskusním pořadu Interview ČT24.
Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy istnieje korelacja pomiędzy postacią bezokolicznika a odmianą czasownika w czasie teraźniejszym. Podstawę analizy stanowią dwa źródła leksykograficzne: Słownik języka polskiego pod red. W. Doroszewskiego oraz Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego pod red. S. Dubisza, skąd wyekscerpowano łącznie około 23 000 leksemów werbalnych, w tym ponad 7000 zakończonych w bezokoliczniku na -ać. Z badań wynika, że zdecydowana większość czasowników z analizowanej grupy ma obecnie typ koniugacji -m, -sz. Odmianę -ę, -esz utrzymują jedynie czasowniki zakończone w bezokoliczniku na -bać, -pać, -otać. W języku potocznym leksemy te podlegają dalszym procesom wyrównawczym.
The paper attempts to find the answer to the question to what extent the inflection of the verb in the present tense is predictable on the basis of the form of its infinitive. The conducted research demonstrates that there exists a very high degree of correlation between the form of the infinitive and the conjugational paradigm. The verbs which end in –ać in the infinitive have an almost 98 percent predictable conjugational type.
The growing bacterial resistance to antibiotics calls for the elaboration of new pathogens elimination strategies. Some of these methods are based on the conjugative transfer of recombinant plasmids able to eliminate pathogenic recipients by plasmid run-away replication or by killing activity of plasmid-encoded bacteriocins. Using live bacteria as donors of plasmid vectors carrying killing determinants requires meeting many safety restrictions in order to eliminate potential biohazard.
Artykuł poświęcony jest możliwości wyodrębnienia w ramach czeskiego systemu koniugacyjnego nowego wzoru odmiany, tzw. wzoru přát. Propozycja uzupełnienia funkcjonujących w czeskim językoznawstwie klasyfikacji czasowników ma na celu przede wszystkim udoskonalenie metod nauczania gramatyki języka czeskiego jako obcego. Dzięki wyodrębnieniu wzoru přát i porównaniu jego paradygmatu z czasownikami innych wzorów – zarówno w ujęciu synchronicznym, jak i diachronicznym – możliwe stało się usystematyzowanie szeregu problematycznych z punktu widzenia obcokrajowców zagadnień niebędących dotychczas przedmiotem zainteresowania autorów gramatyk języka czeskiego i podręczników do nauki tego języka. Szczególny nacisk położony został na kwestię alternacji ilościowych w rdzeniach czasownikowych, która stanowi podstawę dla wyodrębnienia nowego wzoru přát z wyróżnianego przez czeskich językoznawców wzoru krýt. Najważniejsze ustalenia zostały zebrane w formie listy numerowanej i tabeli, które mogą służyć jako pomoce naukowe w pracy z osobami uczącymi się języka czeskiego jako obcego.
The article is devoted to the possibility of identifying a new conjugation type within the Czech language, the so called přát type. The proposal of complementing verb classifications already existing in the Czech linguistics aims at improving methods of teaching grammar of Czech as a foreign language. Thanks to delineating the přát type and comparing its paradigm to those of other verbs – both synchronically and diachronically – it is possible to systemically approach a number of issues problematic from the point of view of a foreign learner, yet beyond the interest of authors of Czech grammar books and textbooks. A special focus is placed on quantitative alternations in verb roots, which are the basis for separating the new přát type from the krýt type, earlier distinguished by Czech linguists. The most important findings are summarized in a numbered list and in a table, which can be used as a teaching tool when working with learners of Czech as a foreign language.
Content available remote Groups – Additive Notation
We translate the articles covering group theory already available in the Mizar Mathematical Library from multiplicative into additive notation. We adapt the works of Wojciech A. Trybulec [41, 42, 43] and Artur Korniłowicz [25]. In particular, these authors have defined the notions of group, abelian group, power of an element of a group, order of a group and order of an element, subgroup, coset of a subgroup, index of a subgroup, conjugation, normal subgroup, topological group, dense subset and basis of a topological group. Lagrange’s theorem and some other theorems concerning these notions [9, 24, 22] are presented. Note that “The term ℤ-module is simply another name for an additive abelian group” [27]. We take an approach different than that used by Futa et al. [21] to use in a future article the results obtained by Artur Korniłowicz [25]. Indeed, Hölzl et al. showed that it was possible to build “a generic theory of limits based on filters” in Isabelle/HOL [23, 10]. Our goal is to define the convergence of a sequence and the convergence of a series in an abelian topological group [11] using the notion of filters.
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