The article contains the thesis that in political science theories a scientific, ideological and philosophical components are so fused that it is impossible to separate them completely. For this reason, the ideological content not only does not undermine the cognitive value of theoretical argument, but even contributes to it — if the relevant criteria are metI think, that the metatheoretical optics is the most appropriate approach to analyse these criteria. It allows not only to describe given theory, but also enables more problematic deconstruction of its conditions and cognitive status. In this article the analysis of this type is presented on the example of Chantal Mouffe’s agonistic conflict theory by taking into consideration three following criteria. First, the ontological and epistemological assumptions of this theory are explained. Secondly, vivisection of the structures and forms of reasoning peculiar to the agonistic paradigm is conducted, followed by the examination of the paradigm’s presence in the scientific discourse. Thirdly, the approaches which are both polemical and supportive for the Mouffe’s theory, but representing different intellectual and ideological circles, are presented.
Przedstawiono ewolucję modeli sytuacji konfliktowych (walka, wojna): od liniowych modeli Lanchestera do współczesnych modeli nieliniowych. Dokonano oceny stanu rozwoju teorii systemów konfliktowych, tj. funkcjonujących w środowisku nieprzyjaznym.
The evolution of mathematical confrontational states models such as combat and war has been described in the article. The evolution starts from linear Lanchester's models and ends at modern non linear models. Assessment of progress confrontational systems theory has been done. It means theories which work in inhospitable environment.