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This new edition of the code has been prepared by the Commission for Research Integrity and approved by the General Assemby of the Polish Academy of Sciences in June 2020. Good research practices are presented in the context of data management; research environment; training, supervision and mentorship; research procedures; safeguards; collaborative working; publication; reviewing and evaluation; conflict of interest (CoI). It is now recommended that each scientist file an annual declaration of CoI while the possible need for its addressing will be determined by the leaders of academic/scientific institutions. Violations of research integrity are briefly presented as well as dealing with those violations as well as with allegations of misconduct.
tom 24
nr 2
73 - 91
The study refers to the occurrence of conflicts of interest on the capital market, which negatively affects the functioning of the capital market, limits its development potential, and may even affect the outflow of investors, particularly those providing liquidity in the market. Today, the social responsibility of business entities becomes something important. It is a specific determinant of the company’s image and the basis of its operation. Word = Institution “brokerage house” should be associated with competence, honesty, or righteousness resulting from observance of the law and ethics principles of conducted business. The existence of a set of regulations (the Code of Good Practice for Brokerage Houses, the Act on Counteracting Unfair Market Practices) relating to the functioning of brokerage houses, there are situations in business practice that are not used to develop a capital market, based on a conflict of interest. Brokerage firms are obliged, on the one hand, to: sell shares and, on the other hand, recommend buying them. “Manipulation on the market” would mean entering into transactions that give false, misleading signals about supply, demand, and prices of equity instruments. To avoid conflicts of interest, there are special procedures in brokerage offices that prevent co-operation between competing departments: chinese walls. Each office additionally has rules governing the flow and control of confidential information. Such information may not be available, for example, between primary and secondary market forces, between sales departments and analysis departments. The indicated issues were brought together, focusing on the possible consequences of conflicts of interest. It emphasizes the difficulty of bringing justice through the necessity of showing the causal link between the conflict of interest and the possible loss of the investor. Then solutions were identified to protect against the negative aspects of the conflict of interest, and the proposals were presented in their conclusions.
tom 9
nr 1(16)
W niniejszym artykule poddano szczegółowej analizie normę art. 249. § 1. oraz art. 422. § 1. kodeksu spółek handlowych w zakresie możliwości zaskarżania uchwał wspólników (akcjonariuszy), które są godzące w interes spółki kapitałowej. Przedstawiono dwie główne koncepcje pojmowania interesu spółki. Przedstawiono także koncepcje kompromisowe, które zapatrują się na pojęcie interesu spółki przez pryzmat interesu wspólników (akcjonariuszy), traktują to pojęcie jako wskazówkę do rozstrzygania kolizji interesów oraz zbliżają do ujęcia w sposób abstrakcyjny złotego środka pomiędzy swobodnym, autonomicznym podejmowaniem decyzji przez wspólników (akcjonariuszy) a zabezpieczeniem spółki przed jej dewastacją.
In this article, detailed analyzed the legal norm of art. 249. § 1 and art. 422. § 1 of The Code of Commercial Companies with regard to the possibility of appealing against resolutions of shareholders, that are breachting the interest of the capital company. It is presented two main concepts of the interest of company. Also it is presented compromise concepts, which look at the interest of company through the prism of the interest of shareholders and treat this idea as an indication for the resolution of the conflict of interest and allow in a abstract way to find a middle ground between free, autonomous decision-making by shareholders and securing the company against its devastation.
nr 2
The aim of this paper is to explore the concept of interlocking directorates in a context of possible misuse of power, especially such as conflict of interest (COI). The paper presents some results of current research made on interlocking directorates. Next it analyzes connections between this phenomenon and COI. One of a basic assumption for this paper is that COI is generally dangerous for a processes of industrial and market development of regions like CEE and therefore all phenomena COI-related (as interlocking directorates) must be well recognized by regional social sciences. The article will refer to such issues as threats to free market rules, violation of trust and formation of industrial elite.
The purpose of the article is to identify and characterize conflicts of interest in hotels in the context of implementing the CSR concept. The study, based on the subject literature review, presents the essence of conflicts of interest, their reasons, types in organizations and the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the characteristics of stakeholders. The subsequent sections were developed as a result of participant observation and the author’s experience as an employee of a hotel enterprise. The concept of a hotel was explained, its stakeholders were characterized and their expectations in the context of the CSR concept. The final section discusses the types of conflicts of interest occurring between stakeholder groups in a hotel. The analysis showed that the implementation of the CSR concept in hotels is associated with conflicts of interest. However, relevant entrepreneurial knowledge based on the reliable identification of stakeholders and their expectations, as well as the efficient process of communication with them, allows for avoiding some conflicts or solving them effectively and quickly.
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i charakterystyka konfliktów interesów występujących w hotelach w kontekście koncepcji CSR. Jako efekt przeglądu literatury przedstawiona została istota konfliktów interesów w organizacjach, ich przyczyny i rodzaje oraz pojęcie społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstwa (CSR) i charakterystyka interesariuszy. Kolejne rozdziały powstały w wyniku obserwacji uczestniczącej i na podstawie doświadczeń autora – pracownika przedsiębiorstwa hote-larskiego. Wyjaśniono pojęcie hotelu, scharakteryzowano jego interesariuszy oraz ich oczekiwania w kontekście koncepcji CSR. W ostatnim punkcie przedstawiono rodzaje konfliktów interesów występujących w hotelu pomiędzy grupami interesariuszy. Z rozważań wynika, że z realizacją koncepcji CSR w hotelach wiąże się występowanie konfliktów interesów. Jednak rzetelna identyfikacja interesariuszy i ich oczekiwań oraz odpowiedni proces komunikowania się z nimi może pozwolić na uniknięcie niektórych konfliktów lub efektywne i szybkie ich rozwiązanie.
Content available remote Korupcja czy konflikt interesów?
Od czasu do czasu w mediach pojawiają się informacje o aferach w polityce, gospodarce, administracji rządowej lub samorządowej. Doniesieniom towarzyszą komentarze dotyczące korupcji, nieetycznego postępowania, konfliktu interesów.
Content available remote Managing an Enterprise and Ethical Dilemmas in Accountancy
tom 9
nr 2
The purpose of this article is to present the correlation between management of an economic entity and the development of ethical accounting dilemmas in the era of high-risk business. In the globalisation era and recurring economic crises, realisation of the objectives of a company takes place under high risk conditions. It is therefore necessary to use a proper management system. The necessary condition for making all decisions is to have relevant information. The value and relevance of these decisions depend on the quality of information which they have been based on. Lack of ethics in accounting has a direct impact on the company's management, which is based on information generated by the accounting system of the company. Ethical dilemmas arising in accounting are also ethical dilemmas arising in the process of business management.
tom 20
nr 1
The article raises issues of transparency in relationships between doctors and drug manufacturers. It indicates how important it is as a way for physicians and the pharmaceutical industry to regain public trust. The manuscript will define the concept of disclosure. It will discuss in detail The Physician Payment Sunshine Act from the U.S., which imposes a legal obligation on pharmaceutical companies to disclose their relationships with doctors and university hospitals. The article will also show the diverse regulation of disclosure in different countries of the European Union. The situation in Poland will be also described. In the summary, there will be a discussion about the importance of disclosure for patients and the advantages and disadvantages of such regulations for physicians and drug manufacturers.
tom 20
nr 1
The paper shows that conflicts of interest in science undermine its ethos. Some examples of this phenomenon have been analysed from the point of view of its destructive consequences. The need to counter them has also been identified in our country and some legal regulations and self-regulations are gradually being introduced. However, they are not always respected in practice. In the last part of the paper a model of management of risk of bias in scientific research has been outlined. The main thesis says that an awareness of conflict of interest embracing both knowledge of the general issues and relevant assessment of personal risk of lack of objectivism should be an ethical minimum of every scientific worker.
nr 2
A new breed of power broker debuted with the diffusion of global authority, the growth of privatization, and new information technologies in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The success of these “shadow elites” stems from their ability to break new ground with regard to conflict of interest. They conflate official and private interests without violating the law. They test both governments’ rules of accountability and businesses’ codes of competition. Moving nimbly between official and private spheres, and sometimes erasing the distinction, these players can wield more power and influence than lobbyists, interest groups, “kitchen cabinets,” and other influencers in democratic society. Largely beyond public input, they challenge the principles that have defined modern states, free markets, and democracy itself. Conventional categories are ill-suited to describe these operators and conventional means of holding them to account are also ill-equipped to do so.
The author analyses the position of a candidate for member of a governing body in an entity supervised by the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority (PFSA) and discusses the related problems. The aim of the article is to identify the area of an increased risk level in financial institutions in the process of appointing members of the governing bodies of supervised entities. The PFSA assumes that the selection of the candidates for members of the governing bodies in Pension Fund Companies may be carried out by either the management board or the supervisory board. This leaves a large space for the activity of the boards. The management board can gain influence over the course of these proceedings. When the selection is conducted by the supervisory board, the risk is significantly reduced. The second aspect addressed therein concerns the position of a candidate for member of the governing bodies in supervised entities in legal proceedings. In jurisprudence it has been established that a candidate is to be treated as a party to the proceedings. The administrative courts found that inadmissibility of a candidate as a party would violate Article 77(2) of the Constitution by closing the judicial path for the candidate and preventing them from asserting protection of their rights and freedoms. Despite this, the Act of 21 July 2006 on Financial Market Supervision (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 2059, as amended) was amended in April 2021 to the effect that a candidate was not a party to the proceedings thus enhancing the risks, including conflicts of interest. The effect of these provisions has been instrumentalisation of those to whom a great deal of responsibility is entrusted – if the approval of the PFSA is obtained. The PFSA's decisions may affect the career path of candidates. In certain cases, they may even 'block' it, leaving little room for defence and narrowing the possibilities of adjusting the competence level to the positions held. There is also no timeframe for the PFSA’s decision. The risks associated with such situation have been described in the article.
The report encompasses the activity of the Commission for Ethics in Science in the year 2019.
When Pope Paul VI in the encyclical Humanae vitae rejected the support for new products of hormonal contraception, it aroused misunderstanding in many circles, also within the Catholic Church. Years later, however, new facts emerge, the meaning of which is better known today than years ago. In 1965, the definition of pregnancy was changed to one that conceals the abortional influence of these substances. On the basis of contemporary research, it turns out that for over 50 years, public opinion about the true effect of hormonal contraception has been cheated. The confusion of information in the public space around this matter is enormous.A survey conducted in Polish society by the Public Opinion Research Center in 2014 showed a great ignorance of Poles about the true effect of hormonal contraception. It turns out that millions of early miscarriages have been brought without the consent and knowledge of women. This was accomplished by numerous interest groups financially interested in the truth being not widely known. The circles involved in this scam include leading representatives of mainstream media, gynecologists, pharmacists, academics, political and social activists, people associated with the world of culture and the entertainment industry.There is a need for changes in the law that will protect citizens against dishonest market practices in terms of conflicts of interest and corruption.
Kiedy papież Paweł VI w encyklice Humanae vitae odrzucił poparcie dla nowych produktów antykoncepcji hormonalnej, wzbudziło to niezrozumienie w wielu kręgach, także wewnątrz Kościoła katolickiego. Po latach wychodzą jednak na jaw nowe fakty, których znaczenie rozumie się dziś lepiej niż przed laty. W 1965 roku zmieniono definicję ciąży na taką, która ukrywa wczesnoporonny charakter tych substancji. Na podstawie współczesnych badań okazuje się, że przez ponad 50 lat oszukiwano opinię publiczną na temat prawdziwego działania antykoncepcji hormonalnej. Zamęt informacyjny w przestrzeni publicznej wokół tej sprawy jest ogromny. Badanie przeprowadzone w Polskim społeczeństwie przez Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej w 20014 roku wykazało ogromną nieświadomość Polaków na temat prawdziwego działania antykoncepcji hormonalnej. Okazuje się, że doprowadzono do milionów wczesnych poronień bez zgody i wiedzy kobiet. Zrealizowały to liczne grupy interesu zainteresowane finansowo tym, aby prawda nie była powszechnie znana. Do środowisk biorących udział w tym oszustwie należą czołowi przedstawiciele mediów mainstreamowych, lekarzy ginekologów, farmaceutów, środowisk akademickich, działaczy politycznych, społecznych, ludzi związanych ze światem kultury i przemysłem rozrywkowym. Konieczne są zmiany w prawie, które będą chronić obywateli przed nieuczciwymi praktykami rynkowymi w zakresie konfliktu interesów i korupcji.
W artykule zawarto analizę zjawiska lobbingu prowadzoną z perspektywy konfliktu interesu publicznego z interesami partykularnymi. Różnorodność regulacji lobbingu oraz fakt, że od lat jest poszukiwana metoda właściwej regulacji, dowodzi złożoności prezentowanej problematyki. W ostatnich latach ze względu na dynamiczny rozwój praw jednostki oraz zmiany w zakresie uczestnictwa podmiotów społecznych w procesach tworzenia prawa model lobbingu, a wraz z nim jego charakter i narzędzia uległy zmianie. Wobec powyższego istotne jest określenie jego roli w demokratycznych państwach prawa oraz weryfikacja regulacji prawnych w tym obszarze.
The article presents an analysis of the lobbying phenomenon conducted from the perspective of the conflict of the public interest with the interests of particular social groups. The diversity of lobbying regulation and the fact that the best regulation method has been sought for years demonstrate the complexity of the issue. In recent years, due to the dynamic development of the human rights as well as changes in the participation of social subjects in the process of law-making, lobbying model alongside with its character and tools have changed. In view of the above, it is important to define its role in the democratic states of law, as well as the verification of legal regulations in this area.
Content available remote Zarządzanie bezstronnością w jednostkach certyfikujących
W artykule poddano analizie normy PN-EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 oraz PN-EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013-03 będące podstawą prowadzenia działalności przez jednostki certyfikujące odpowiednio osoby i wyroby w zakresie wymagań dotyczących zarządzania bezstronnością. Zwrócono uwagę na występujące nieścisłości i ogólny charakter niektórych wymagań. Zaproponowano możliwe warianty rozwiązań wybranych zagadnień, które ze względu na podobny charakter wymagań mogą mieć zastosowanie w obu typach jednostek certyfikujących.
The paper analyzes the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17024: 2012 and PN-EN ISO/IEC 17065: 2013-03 underlying the establishment of the certification bodies respectively persons and products in the requirements for management of impartiality. Attention was drawn to inaccuracies occurring and the general nature of some of the requirements. It suggests possible options for solutions to selected issues which, due to the similar nature of the requirements may be applied to both types of bodies
tom 31
nr 3
Wystąpienie szeregu wypadków związanych z wydobyciem ropy naftowej ze złóż podmorskich w Nigerii jest potwierdzeniem wniosków niektórych autorów, że reżim ustawy naftowej z 1969 r. (Petroleum Act, PA) jest obarczony wieloma wadami. Obrońcy środowiska z zadowoleniem przyjęli ustawę o przemyśle naftowym z 2021 r. (Petroleum Industry Act, PIA) jako krok naprzód w regulacji ryzyka związanego z wydobyciem ropy ze złóż podmorskich. W artykule wykorzystano niedoktrynalną metodologię badania zakresu, w jakim PIA 2021 wyszła poza PA 1969 w skutecznej regulacji ryzyka działalności wydobywczej offshore w nigeryjskim sektorze naftowym. Takie analizy opierają się na ogólnych zasadach efektywnego systemu zarządzania ryzykiem, znajdujących potwierdzenie w najlepszych praktykach międzynarodowych. W opracowaniu zauważono, że PIA 2021 nie wypełniła skutecznie luk stwierdzonych w reżimie opartym na PA 1969. Wskazywano, że wprawdzie PIA przewiduje powołanie odrębnego regulatora, pozostawia jednak wady PA 1969, w tym wielość konfliktów interesów polegających na tożsamości regulatora oraz regulowanego i dwoistego charakteru zadań regulatora jako podmiotu maksymalizującego zysk i zarządzającego ryzykiem. Inną wadą jest zachowanie preskryptywnej metody regulacji, która jest oceniana jako nieskuteczna przy regulacji zmieniającego się środowiska ryzyka. Oczekuje się, że takie analizy okażą się użyteczne przy opracowywaniu przyszłych reform nigeryjskiego sektora naftowego oraz innych obszarów, zważywszy na to, że regulacja w zakresie ryzyka jest dziedziną prawa transnarodowego. Autorzy zalecają przyjęcie regulacji opartej na wyznaczeniu celów zarządzania ryzykiem, co daje elastyczność, przy pozostawieniu bezpieczeństwa w rękach podmiotu dysponującego lepszą wiedzą specjalistyczną, czyli operatora.
The occurrence of several offshore petroleum accidents in Nigeria supports the conclusion by some authors that the Petroleum Act (PA) 1969 regime is fraught with lapses. Environmental protagonists have applauded the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) 2021 as the way forward in the regulation of offshore risk. This paper uses the non-doctrinal methodology to investigate the extent to which the PIA 2021 has progressed beyond the PA 1969 in effectively regulating offshore risk in Nigeria’s petroleum sector. Such analyses are predicated on the general principles of effective risk governance regime evidenced in international best practices. This study finds that the PIA 2021 has not successfully filled the existing gaps identified in the PA 1969 regime. It was argued that while the PIA provides for the establishment of a separate regulator, it retains the defects of the 1969 Act, including conflict of interest replete in the regulator being the regulated and the dual role of the regulator in maximizing revenue and risk governance. Another defect is the retention of a prescriptive method of regulation, which was argued to be ineffective in regulating an ever-evolving risk environment. It is expected that such analyses will prove useful in guiding future reforms in the Nigerian petroleum sector, as well as other jurisdictions, given that risk regulation is an area of transnational law. The authors recommend the adoption of goal-setting risk governance regulation, which allows for flexibility, leaving safety in the hands of those with better expertise to guarantee it, i.e. the operator.
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