This paper discusses the issues related to the conflict analysis method and the rough set theory, process of global decision-making on the basis of knowledge which is stored in several local knowledge bases. The value of the rough set theory and conflict analysis applied in practical decision support systems with complex domain knowledge are expressed. The furthermore examples of decision support systems with complex domain knowledge are presented in this article. The paper proposes a new approach to the organizational structure of a multi-agent decision-making system, which operates on the basis of dispersed knowledge. In the presented system, the local knowledge bases will be combined into groups in a dynamic way. We will seek to designate groups of local bases on which the test object is classified to the decision classes in a similar manner. Then, a process of knowledge inconsistencies elimination will be implemented for created groups. Global decisions will be made using one of the methods for analysis of conflicts.
The purpose of the article is twofold: to diagnose tourism-related conflicts occurring in Poznań by identifying their intensity and key parties, and to determine the capacity of the key stakeholders in the city’s tourism system to mitigate these disputes. Because of its complex nature, overtourism in cities is a dangerous phenomenon, which is very hard to measure. Like other social conflicts, the intensity and development of overtourism can be measured by analysing tourism-related conflicts in the urban space, using tools offered by conflict management theories, especially Christopher Moore’s Circle of Conflict model. Conflict issues identified by the author are associated with the uncontrolled consumption of the city’s overall offering, which is manifested by the behaviour of city inhabitants, visitors from the metropolitan area, and tourists. The article contributes to the literature on overtourism by proposing an alternative method of identifying the scope and intensity of overtourism in the absence of objective measures and data. The author also proposes a method of evaluating key stakeholders’ capacity for conflict management in Poznań.
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Issues that are related to decision making that is based on dispersed knowledge are discussed in the paper. A dispersed decision-making system that was proposed in the earlier paper of the author is used in this paper. In the system the process of combining classifiers in coalitions is very important and negotiation is applied in the clustering process. The main aim of the article is to compare the results obtained using five different methods of conflict analysis in the system. All of these methods are used when the individual classifiers generate probability vectors over decision classes. The most popular methods are considered - a sum rule, a product rule, a median rule, a maximum rule and a minimum rule. An additional aim is to compare the results obtained with using a dispersed decision-making system with the results obtained when the prediction results are aggregated directly using the conflict analysis methods. Tests, that were performed on data from the UCI repository are presented in the paper. The best methods in a particular situation are also indicated. It was found that some methods do not generate satisfactory results when there are dummy agents in a dispersed data set. That is, there are undecided agents who assign the same probability value to many different decision values. Another conclusion was that the use of a dispersed system improves the efficiency of inference.
Turcja i Stany Zjednoczone są partnerami strategicznymi od ponad siedemdziesięciu lat. Wzajemne stosunki nie zawsze przebiegały jednak bezkonfliktowo i sporadycznie dochodziło do przejściowych kryzysów dwustronnych. Mimo wyzwań, obaj sojusznicy z NATO – Stany Zjednoczone i Turcja – od lat potwierdzają swoje zaangażowanie we współpracę jako „partnerzy strategiczni”. Jednak wskutek narastającego kryzysu syryjskiego stosunki między sojusznikami osiągnęły bezprecedensowo niski poziom. Niniejsze studium analizuje stosunki między Turcją a Stanami Zjednoczonymi w kontekście trwającego w Syrii konfliktu z zastosowaniem metody analizy konfliktu. W jej ramach analizujemy tło historyczne, określamy pierwotne przyczyny kryzysu i przeprowadzamy analizę aktorów. Na podstawie swoich ustaleń przedstawiamy zalecenia dotyczące polityki mającej na celu de-eskalację i przekształcenie obecnego kryzysu w stosunkach USA-Turcja w sposób pozwalający przywrócić wzajemne zaufanie, ale także znaleźć nowe sposoby współpracy w charakterze strategicznych partnerów
Turkey and the United States of America have been strategic partners for over seven decades. Nevertheless, their relationship has not always been a smooth one, and the two countries have encountered temporary bilateral crises from time to time. In spite of the challenges, over the years, the NATO allies – the United States and Turkey have continued to reaffirm their commitment to cooperate with each other as “strategic partners.” However, the ensuing Syrian crisis has brought the relationship between the allies to an all-time historic low. This study examines Turkey-US relations in the context of the ongoing Syrian conflict using a conflict analysis framework. With this framework, we analyze the historical background, identify the root causes of the crisis and conduct an actor analysis. Based on our findings, we provide policy recommendations to de-escalate and transform the current crisis in US-Turkey relations in order to both restore their mutual trust and find new ways to cooperate as strategic partners.
Categories and theories that describe and explain conflicts and their properties, which derive from sociology, psychology and political science, use different levels of social-political reality: from meta-theories (for example functional and coercive) to theories concerning psychological processes. The aim of social sciences is to study political conflict in the following perspectives: social systems featured by unequal access to valued symbolic and material goods; cognitive, emotional and motivational processes of people participating in conflicts; patterns and actual behaviors in conflict situations; mechanisms of conflict dynamics — cause-and-effect relationships that determine phases of conflict development; functions of conflicts, their creative and destructive effects on individuals, groups, societies and global society; integrative methods of conflict-solving as an element of positive sum game strategy; and at last, shaping the institutions of social systems capable of „civilizing” conflicts through limitation of their destructive sources, methods and effects.
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