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The article discusses the complex national, economic, and cultural relations in the north- -Caucasian republic as well as evaluates the consequences of the Russian politics towards Chechnya since the end of the second intervention until now. It is a picture full of contradictions. The success of rebuilding the infrastructure of the republic and ensuring safety to its citizens was paid with authoritarian regime of Ramzan Kadyrov. The republic is becoming an Islamic enclave in the area of Orthodox Russia. It gives rise to concerns about the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation. Thus, the price that Russians are paying for winning the war against separatists is high and still difficult to define in its final political and economic reckoning.
This paper examines the misperceptions about the Russian-Chechen conflicts, trends of which can be observed in the Western media and academia. The first section investigates issues related to Islamic fundamentalism in Chechnya, while the second section looks into discussion about the roots of the conflict. The third section is devoted to the issue of brutality - the most debated topic in the Western media. I argue that an overarching misperception about the Chechen conflict was caused not only by Russian propaganda, but also by the inherent attitude prevailing in the West. This attitude should be understood in the framework of Orientalism as was explained by Edward Said.
Content available remote Propedeutyka konfliktu
Konflikt jest zjawiskiem powszechnie spotykanym we współczesnym świecie. Wbrew tradycyjnym poglądom, najnowsze publikacje sugerują, że jest on czymś normalnym, a nawet, w pewnych sytuacjach, pożądanym. Dobrze zarządzany konflikt może bowiem być motorem rozwoju społecznego. Najistotniejszą kwestią efektywnego wykorzystania tego zjawiska, jest reakcja na jego zaistnienie ze strony zaangażowanych w konflikt podmiotów. Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe parametry niezbędne do analizy konfliktu jako zjawiska społecznego.
A conflict is a common phenomenon in the contemporary world. Contrary to traditional opinions, recent publications suggest that it is a normal, or even in some situations a desirable occurrence. A well-managed conflict may be the driving force of social development. The most important issue in the effective use of a conflict is the reaction of the involved subjects towards it. The article presents the basic parameters which are indispensable to analyze the conflict as a social phenomenon
Content available remote Pomoc humanitarna dla obszarów objętych kryzysami zbrojnymi
Article is about the politicisation of humanitarian aid to victims of armed conflicts. The author analyses humanitarian policies of ten largest humanitarian state donors and the European Union and assesses the degree of their politicisation. Author also discusses the process of consolidation of the activities undertaken by humanitarian organisations and presents the cluster approach. Along with the global escalation and proliferation of armed conflict and the ensuing growing threats to national and international security governments have begun to look for the new methods of influence on unstable regions and use them to establishing peace and security. One of them became the distribution of humanitarian aid. A six-fold augmentation of the amount of subsidies (1999-2012) increased the possibilities of taking action in the areas of conflict, but also transformed the humanitarian sphere into the aid business. It supported the creation of new organisations, which - for the appropriate remuneration – have realised humanitarian programs in line with the political guidelines of governments, not necessarily forming a response to the needs of victims. Assessing the politicisation of humanitarian aid transferred by the state and the EU the group of the largest donors can be divided into three subgroups. To the first belong states, which subordinating the humanitarian ideas to the political guidelines: USA (the largest global donor), Saudi Arabia and Canada. The second group consists of the European Commission, Japan, Netherlands and Germany, which have implement humanitarian principles into their policies, but have not reduce their right to decide about the allocation and method of delivery of their assistance. In the third group - remains in apparent opposition to the first group – there are Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Humanitarian programs of those states are conducted strictly as a respond to the real and most important humanitarian needs of victims of crisis
Celem artykułu będzie analiza procesów tworzenia i odtwarzania tożsamości śląskiej po 1989 roku i związanych z nimi problemów wynikających z obowiązującej w Polsce unitarnej koncepcji państwa. Opisano sprzeczności wynikające z przyjęcia tej koncepcji, których przejawami będą konflikty wokół narodowości śląskiej, języka śląskiego oraz autonomii regionu. Niezwykle istotne są również różnice pojawiające się w postrzeganiu historii oraz odmienna pamięć zbiorowa Ślązaków i reprezentujących narodową perspektywę przedstawicieli władz lokalnych i regionalnych. Artykuł oparty został na analizie danych jakościowych pochodzących w głównej mierze z badań własnych prowadzonych od 1997 roku oraz analizie danych zastanych.
Although there is a relatively long tradition of research into the mechanisms underlying conflicts (both internal and interpersonal ones), the existential perspective of conflict has not as yet been the subject of extensive psychological studies. From the standpoint of existential psychology, conflict is primarily an expression of an individual’s confrontation with objective existential facts: freedom and the responsibility for oneself that freedom entails, the finitude of human life, existential loneliness and fate in its broadest sense. Although conflict, so defined, is essentially an immanent feature of human existence, it becomes a problem when a strong sense of helplessness and anxiety starts to accompany it, as a person loses their purpose in life and fails to realize their personal values. This research aimed to answer the question of whether there is a relationship between an individual’s behavior in response to (internal and interpersonal) conflict and his/her sense of meaning in life and preferred values. The study covered a group of 153 students aged from 19 to 26 years. Purpose-of-life was measured using the test developed by Crumbaugh and Maholick (1964). The Schwartz Portrait Values questionnaire was used to assess the respondents’ preferences for fundamental values. The behavior of the subjects in response to conflict was examined using linguistic (frequency) analysis of the verbs used in their open-ended answers.
The purpose of the article is to outline the problem of widely understood conflicts in human life from the perspective of existential philosophy. Without questioning the importance of psychological research on complex mechanisms underlying conflicts, the author points to the issue of the problematic nature of human existence, the category of freedom, the problem of the authenticity of being and the sense of meaning. In the second part of the paper, the essence of educational process in the context of experiencing difficulties and conflicting situations by human beings has been introduced. The necessity of taking into account the problem of being oneself and constituting a human being in relation to himself, the world and others has been presented.
Content available North Atlantic Treaty security
The article discusses security within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation with respect to threats which may appear in its near and more distant surroundings. The following military threats are discussed: military conflicts, militarization of the Arctic, demonstration of Russian military power, use of weapons of mass destruction, cyber attack, terrorism and militarisation of Space. Other mentioned dangers are: natural and social ones including migration, competition among state and non-state entities as well as the phenomenon of fallen cities and states.
The article presents a phenomenon accompanying the conflict in Syria, involving the production and use of homemade weapons. Based on publications as well as multimedia materials published on the Internet the authors describe homemade weapons. The advantages and disadvantages of their use in tactical operations were identified in the form of conclusions.
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The article's main purpose is to show how the News Framing Theory operates within the news about violent confl icts presented by the journalists working for the Amnesty International organization. It tries to identify frames used by journalists by analyzing some posts that appeared on the official Facebook page of the organization. It attempts to show the function and signifi cant role of frames used to present the news.
Political leadership during the period of freedom movement in Africa had a dominant role. They coordinated and led the independence struggle against colonialism. The case of independence became the common goal of all Africans. Political leaders had full sup port of their people, among well known charismatic leaders Kwame Nkrumah can be mentioned. After the gradual success of common vision, which was independence, the view of previous freedom leaders was diversified on the process of continent's unity; they were divided into three different groups. The Casablanca group favoured a strong political union of independent Africa; the Monrovia group supported functional non-political cooperation and the Brazzaville group which stood for a gradual concept of African Unity starting with regional cooperation. Eventually all the leaders of three groups agreed to form the Organization of African Unity. Most of the freedom leaders started to build their power, based on a single party system, planning to stay in power for lifelong. These leaders became dictators and corrupted. Transfer of state power was based on violence. Some are still in office from the period of independence. Others died naturally exercising power while most of them were overthrown by military coupe or forced to leave office. They failed in terms of nation building. Conflict over power sharing started at the early stage of independence and still continues. The legacy of wrong exercise of power had resulted in ethnic conflict, political, economic and social crisis in Africa.
Content available Zapobieganie przemocy przez mediację
Current article refers to the issue of the use of mediation as tool for prevention of violence in interpersonal relationships. The article presents use of mediation in situations with the thread of violence, both in the light of legal regulations and psychological aspects, based on theoretical knowledge and experience in the application of the method. The author points out that in the situations with the thread of violence mediation may be effective, assuming appropriate qualification and experience of mediator and appropriate approach. Furthermore, mediation may even be a landmark event, actuating a process of healing in the relationship or even preventing potential violence.
Terrorism is a phenomenon historically variable, multi-faceted and dynamic occurring in various forms. It is difficult at present to define a uniform definition of terrorism, which is changing under the influence of civilization, especially the rapid scientific and technical progress. Terrorists perfectly use the latest means of communication, mass media, modern communication technology and computers. The purpose of this article is therefore an approximation of the phenomenon and ways to combat it.
The context-specific proportion congruent (CSPC) effect can be observed when within a block of trials two different ratios congruent-to-incongruent trials are assigned to different variants of stimulus feature (like location or colour). This feature is a contextual cue. CSPC effect is present when congruency effect size is differentiated according to the ratio congruent-to-incongruent trials assigned to specific stimulation parts. In the present paper the relevance and saliency of contextual cues in variants of the flanker task were systematically manipulated, by varying background colour, stimulus colour and luminance, and target-arrow direction as contextual cues. The obtained results support the claim that task-relevancy of the contextual cue is a critical factor in predicting its effectiveness (no CSPC effect for task-irrelevant background, stimuli colour or luminance, and significant CSPC effect for task-relevant target-arrow direction).
The aim of the paper is to try to determine the essence of the new face of armed conflict. Liberia is the main point of reference in the analysis for two reasons. Firstly, Liberia is the oldest independent republic on the African continent and its establishing is linked to paradoxical events begun in 1821, when black people settling in the vicinity of Monrovia, former slaves liberated from South American cotton plantations, reconstructed a slave-like type of society, taking local, poorly organised tribes as their subjects. Secondly, Liberia proves that the intensity of changes in armed conflict does not have to be strictly dependent on the size of the land: a country of small geographical size can equal or even exceed countries with several times larger surface in terms of features of “new wars”. In 1989 in Liberia, the nine-year presidency of Samuel Doe, characterised by exceptional ineptitude and bloody terror, led to the outbreak of clashes between government forces and the opposition from National Patriotic Front of Liberia, led by Charles Taylor. Thus, the first civil war in Liberia was begun, that lasted until 1997 and became an arena of mass violations of human rights, leaving behind 150,000 dead victims and about 850,000 refugees to neighbouring countries.
Mankind seems to be accompanied by conflict since the beginning. Howev- er, as the concept of having a range of meaning, appeared quite late. In poli- tics, there are many sources of conflict. It is important to be able to resolve the conflict even in its early stage. Knowledge of conflict can help solve it. Unless the conflict becomes a tool of the political fight.
Content available remote Zarzewie konfliktu między Kościołem a Synagogą (do 135 roku)
The first century of the existence of Christianity and development of the Church in the Palestinian and Mediterranean areas is signed by a growing conflict with Judaism, which at this time is under one of the biggest crises in its history. The climax point of this crisis was the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Division between the young Church and – conventionally speaking – the Synagogue takes place during the time of the end of biblical Judaism and the birth of rabbinic Judaism. In this article the author shows the roots of the conflict, which, by decades grow so strongly, that eventually the roads of both religious communities were totally divided. In the first part of the article he evidences the source material for further investigations. Then he presents three factors that played a significant role in the process of separation between Christians and Jews: theological factors, historical and political factors and socio-economical factors. The issue of so-called birkat ha-minim requires the separate treatment. The process of growing up of the Church and the changes in the Synagogue in I century and in first decades of II century led to a definitive break in ties between the two communities. All the factors that caused that break (both religious, theological, historical-political, social and even economic) are interlinked. After the resurrection of Christ, Church was a small community of Jews who believed that the resurrected Christ is the Messiah. The members of this community ceased bringing offers to the Temple and gave the full access to the new belief for pagans. In the same time the Jewish community was under changes. These changes give birth to the new form of Judaism – rabbinic Judaism. Within it there was no place for Christians.
Content available Armaments used in the Ukrainian conflict 2014–2015
The development of events in Ukraine at the end of 2014 led to the outbreak of armed fighting in Donbas, where virtually all kinds of land forces’ arms were used, not only of Soviet or Russian production but also the latest ones and armaments that had been previously withdrawn from operation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the armaments used during the fighting in the Donbas region, innovations in weaponry and tactics in the period from April 2014 to the middle of February 2015. The study is based on the qualitative analysis of primary source materials from photographs and video clips available in free circulation as well as information shared in online forums (particularly Russian ones) and unstructured interviews with the participants of those events. The findings of the study pertain to the kinds of Soviet and Russian land forces’ armaments in a real combat situation as well as the tactics involved in using them.
In the article I tried to select the most important issues and events related to the Albanian minority question in Macedonia. In the very beginning I explain the origin of the name Macedonia, the location of Macedonia and roughly summarize its way to independence in the 90's. Then I elucidate where the Albanian minority in Macedonia came from and why the conflict in Tetovo broke out. At the and I try to chronologically describe the events from 2001 that had impact on today's political situation in the state with special regard to the political crisis that lasted from 2014 to the implementation of the law guaranteeing Albanian as the second official language in Macedonia.
A conflict is a natural element of social life. Such a thesis has been developed for many years by numerous thinkers. Nevertheless, there have been several social phenomena that oblige us to analyse social conflicts in more depth in the twenty-first century. The article tries to explore new – what means different than in the past - types of conflicts, which however having old roots, at present seem to have different impact on individuals’ and global security. The main research questions the article tries to answer are connected with the relation between various conflicts and characteristics of postmodern society. To understand what kinds of conflicts are signs of postmodern society, Polish conflicts have been considered as cases taking into consideration the results of the Polish opinion polls on issues directly connected with the main characteristics of postmodern society.
The conflict competence is considered as an element of the communicative and social competence. The structural components of the competence are defined on the basis of synthesis of theoretical-empirical data on a problem of the conflict competence. The author gives grounds for a program of the development of the conflict competence in teacher education students.
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