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The aim of our work was to study the physical symptoms of upper- and lower-level white-collar workers using a questionnaire. The study was cross-sectional with a questionnaire posted to 15 000 working-age persons. The responses (6121) included 970 upper- and 1150 lower-level white-collar workers. In the upper - and lower-level white-collar worker groups, 45.7 and 56.0%, respectively, had experienced pain, numbness and aches in the neck either pretty often or more frequently. When comparing daily computer users and nonusers, there were significant differences in pain, numbness and aches in the neck or in the shoulders. In addition, age and gender influenced some physical symptoms. In the future, it is essential to take into account that working with computers can be especially associated with physical symptoms in the neck and in the shoulders when workers use computers daily.
This paper presents software that can be used for educational purposes – teaching students to perform the analysis of electric circuits [1]. Programmes created in the SMATH system [2] make it possible to solve exercises on electric circuits and constitute an interesting tool supporting the teaching process. The fact that the students can form their own electric circuit structures, with a preview of the equations and the solutions of these calculations, offers to them an interesting learning alternative.
Content available remote Najbardziej innowacyjna generacja komputerów przemysłowych B&R APC620
B&R rozwija i produkuje komputery dla zastosowań przemysłowych od ponad dziesięciu lat. W odróżnieniu od szybko przeistaczającego się rynku konsumenckiego, ciągłość i kompatybilność utrzymywana przez wiele lat oraz możliwość śledzenia wszystkich wersji produktów ma w dziedzinie automatyki kluczowe znaczenie. Setki tysięcy systemów komputerowych B&R zainstalowanych u naszych klientów na przestrzeni wielu lat dowodzą, że B&R spełnia wymagania branży.
Content available remote Komputer i technologia Herberta.
Artykuł dotyczy nie tylko dominującej obecnie problematyki komputerowej, lecz również pewnych powiązań między wykształceniem inżyniera a ... poezją zmarłego niedawno, wielkiego polskiego poety Zbigniewa Herberta.
This paper presents the use of new technical equipment by young adults (30 years old or younger), and the physical symptoms they have. The paper then analyses how the symptoms are associated with the use of computers and mobile phones, taking into account the background information. The study is based on a survey of 15 000 working-age (18–65) Finns. The responses (1563) covering young adults’ physical symptoms were analysed. Altogether 53.3% of all young adults had pretty often or more frequently pain, numbness or aches in the neck and 32.2% had aches in the hip and lower back. Women experienced more pain, numbness or aches in the neck (65.0%) than men (34.5%). The use of different computers at leisure quite often had an association with some symptoms in different parts of the body. In addition, exhaustion at work had associations with some physical symptoms. In the future, it is essential to note ergonomic reasons and exhaustion at work when young adults experience pain, numbness or aches.
The aim of this paper was to present how mental symptoms are connected to the use of desktop, portable or minicomputers (communicators and hand-held computers), mobile phones, and background information such as age and gender in the Finnish working-age population. The study was carried out as a cross-sectional study by posting a questionnaire to 15 000 working-age (18–65) Finns. The mental symptoms of 6 121 respondents were analysed using the model factors age, gender, the use of computers and the use of mobile phones. In all data, the use of desktop computers was related to mental symptoms. However, the results of our data are not highly reliable, because the nonresponse rate was over 50%. Nevertheless, it may be essential to take into account in the future that working with computers can increase workers’ mental symptoms, and it is important to observe their mental health.
Content available Information society in Russian Federation
This article is devoted to the actual topic of the Information Society in Russian Federation. In the present conditions we can’t imagine our life without opportunities, which gives us the information society. From the quality of the development of this sector depends largely on the level of development of society as a whole.
Współczesne komputerowe systemy pomiarowe stały się rozwiązaniem niezwykle popularnym, na co duży wpływ ma ich przystępna cena, rekonfigurowalność i elastyczność (pozwalająca na tworzenie różnych struktur systemów przy użyciu tego samego sprzętu) oraz możliwość budowy systemów skalowanych – zarówno skupionych, jak i rozproszonych. W tych ostatnich jedną z ważniejszych funkcji pełni zapewnienie skutecznego medium transmisyjnego, w tym zatem kierunku od dłuższego czasu rozwijają się nowe technologie
Content available Komputer jako elektroniczny partner projektowania
W artykule poruszana jest tematyka kreatywnego wykorzystania komputera we współczesnym projektowaniu architektonicznym. Komputer do pewnego czasu był urządzeniem używanym głównie do operacji wytwarzania niezbędnej dokumentacji. Jednakże ostatnia rewolucja informatyczna oraz szybki rozwój technologii umożliwił wykorzystanie technik komputerowych w szerszym zakresie. Dokonywane przez komputery analizy i obliczenia całkowicie zmieniają metodykę wykonywanej pracy, a także sposób, w jaki jest postrzegana i oceniania. Dodatkowo coraz większe grono architektów sięga do niekonwencjonalnych dziedzin nauki i technologii, tworząc nowe metody projektowania, a dzięki zintegrowaniu programów projektowych z urządzeniami wykonawczymi istnieje możliwość realizacji obiektów o innowacyjnych kształtach. W ten sposób komputer i towarzysząca mu technologia stają się nie tylko narzędziem rysunkowym, ale także uczestnikiem i współtwórcą projektowania.
In the paper the exploratory use of computer in the contemporary designing is presented. Relatively recently he was only machine used to production necessary documentation. However latest technological achievement leads to changes in methodology of designing process and its final effects. Moreover some architects reach to unconventional scientific disciplines, what establish new tendency in architecture. Additionally integration drawing software with manufacturing machines cause that forms and shapes are possible to realize. In this way computer becomes a digital co-author of designing.
Content available remote Application of Ontological Knowledge Base for Knowledge Based Engineering
Engineering knowledge represented in readable way for both expert and computer is a crucial issue in computer aided engineering. Properly captured and structured knowledge plays an important role for every computer aided system success. Behind formal structure and consistency also reusability, flexibility and interoperability of knowledge are getting more and more essential for knowledge based systems' research community. In this article we propose a hybrid knowledge representation for knowledge based engineering; as a repository for engineering declarative knowledge an ontological knowledge base and a geometrical model for procedural knowledge storage. Apart from that we present a developing process of an application using the proposed knowledge representation for solving deductive engineers' tasks and providing driving parameters for CAD system. To fulfill above mentioned requirements, especially interoperability, an environment with open knowledge-base connectivity (OKBC) protocol as ontology editor Protégé was applied.
Over the last decades the nature and form of what children can choose to read has changed radically, partly as a consequence of rapid technological advances and the increasing dominance of the image. The research questions were: 1) How do children learn to read and write by computer? 2) How can one support children’s learning during the transition from pre-school to primary school? and 3) How can we support learning during the transition from pre-school to primary school in the future? This work is based on a questionnaire that was sent to kindergarten and primary school teachers in the Helsinki area. Only 27 teachers in the pre-school or primary school answered the questionnaire. Following this, the questionnaire was also sent to kindergarten and primary school student teachers. The results show that that it is easy for children to acquaint themselves with the computer keyboard and that children actually enjoy playing by writing on computer. The respondents said that children must, at first, train to write by hand, then by computer.
Content available Kieślowski, the mysteries of screens and God
The computer seems like a privileged personage in Decalogue 1 (Dekalog, jeden, 1987/88, prem. 1989, dir. K. Kieślowski): it is used by Paweł and his father to solve mathematical questions about Miss Piggy, to calculate the durability of the ice on the pond, to know what Mum is doing, and to control domestic devices. For Kieślowski the computer is not just a gadget: Krzysztof ’s lecture describes its potential and its possible autonomy. Independent from man (the computer switches itself on), it becomes his rival: Kieślowski proposes a critical interpretation of the computer as a new idol, promising unlimited memory and knowledge. A similar preoccupation can be found in the Black Mirror series, where new technologies, existing or as yet still fantastic, are becoming more and more intrusive in the lives of their human protagonists. The computer seems also to be a rival of God, present in symbols in Decalogue 1: a sign of him is not only the metaphysical man played by Artur Barciś, but also the biblical symbol of fire and the Madonna’s tears.
Content available remote Deanthropomorphized Pancomputationalism and the Concept of Computing
Pancomputationalism is quite a wide-ranging concept, but most of its variants, either implicitly or explicitly, rely on Turing’s conceptualizations of a computer and computing, which are obvious anthropomorphisms. This paper questions the concept of pancomputationalism based on Turing computing and asks what concept of computation can be used to avoid the constrains of anthropomorphisations.
Przedstawiono szerokie możliwości wykorzystania techniki internetowej w zarządzaniu gospodarstwem rolnym. Omówiono przyczyny braku jej szerokiego zastosowania, takie jak: dotychczasowy stan wiedzy i dramatycznie niski poziom dochodów gospodarstw rolnych, a także mało rozwinięte systemy informacji i usług. Wskazano perspektywy zainteresowania rolników z gospodarstw posiadających powyżej 20 ha użytków rolnych tą techniką przekazu informacji.
Wide possibilities of application of Internet technology in farm management are presented. The reasons of lack of such applications, such as present state of knowledge and dramatically low level of farm revenues as well as poorly developed information system and services are discussed. Prospects of farmers interests in this information transmission techniques technology, regarding farms of over 50 ha of the arable land, are shown.
W latach 90, Izrael skierował swoją gospodarkę w stronę wysoko zaawansowanych technologii, a sektor przemysłu high-tech stanowił zasadniczą składową jego wzrostu gospodarczego w tym okresie. Przedsiębiorstwa izraelskie opracowały na potrzeby eksportu, szeroką gamę produktów o wysokiej wartości dodanej w takich branżach jak: oprogramowanie, telekomunikacja, sprzęt medyczny oraz biotechnologia. Izraelski przemysł elektroniczny generuje ok 40% całkowitego eksportu artykułów przemysłowych.
W KGHM „Polska Miedź" SA O/ZG „Polkowice-Sieroszowice" zaprojektowano i wdrożono system informatyczny eRaport. Jego podstawowy cel to usprawnienie raportowania przez zastąpienie wypełnianych odręcznie przez dozór raportów zmianowych elektronicznymi odpowiednikami. Dostępne na dole kopalni - możliwie najbliżej miejsca pracy komputery, pozwalają na zasilanie serwerów w dane, które następnie udostępniane są współpracującym jednostkom organizacyjnym zakładu górniczego do celów sprawozdawczych i analitycznych.
At KGHM „Polish Copper" SA/ „Polkowice-Sieroszowice" copper mine an eReport information system was designed and implemented. Its primary goal is to improve reporting by replacing handwritten reports supervisory staff on a given work shift with electronic reports. Computers available underground in the mine - located as close to the workplace as possible - allow you to provide servers in the data, which are then made available to the cooperating organizational units of the mine for reporting and analytical purposes.
Content available remote Computers in medicine
The presence of computers with the specific medical tools implemented is increasing permanently. The specificity of medical doctors work shall be taken into account by specialists in programming thus the close collaboration is necessary to make the programs compatible to doctors expectations. The most complicated is the lack of systems communication. The network system satisfying doctors expectations seems to make the collaboration with programmers much easier particularly in the issue of confidence. The discussion and mutual exchange of opinions seems to be critical for interdisciplinary collaboration in this field. Large scale computing is of special interest for infectious diseases. The access to the net system and to data bases in the scale of the whole globe is of particular importance for AIDS outbreak. The variability of this virus traced in the planet scale may make possible the prediction of the prospective mutants enabling preparation of therapeutic (pharmacological) treatments in advance. This is why the access to the large scale net system based on grid system seems to be promising in the strategy of the AIDS therapeutic system.
The article is an analysis of the desirability of the introduction by the reform program of course computer classes into the first stage of education. This analysis was based on a study taking account of a pedagogical experiment carried out in a primary school.
Objectives The circadian system is the main regulator of almost all human physiological processes. The aim of this study was to assess sleep in the working population, in relation to the share of remote working. Material and Methods An online survey was conducted among students and staff representing 3 universities in Łódź, Poland (N = 1209). The participants were divided into 3 groups according to the percentage of time they worked remotely. Group I consisted of respondents performing tasks remotely for ≤45% of their working time; group II included respondents performing their duties remotely for >45–75% of their working time, and group III included those working >75% of their time remotely. Results performing their duties remotely for >45–75% of their working time, and group III included those working >75% of their time remotely. Results: In the study, the authors found the association between the length of time spent on a computer, the percentage of time working remotely, and the occurrence of physical symptoms and the prevalence of sleep disorders. The most significant difference between working days and days off in terms of the mid-point of sleep (1.5 h) was observed in group I, where there was the greatest variability in the form of work performance. The participants who worked most of their time remotely (group III) shifted their bedtime to midnight, both on working days and on days off. Conclusions The study highlights that increased remote computer use leads to a shift in sleeping patterns towards midnight. The participants with later midpoint of sleep hours were found to have a higher incidence of sleep disorders. The prevalence of sleep disorders was significantly impacted by prolonged mobile phone use before bedtime and long hours of computer use. Thus, limiting both the time spent in front of a computer and the use of mobile phones before bedtime is recommended.
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