A key issue in judging foreign accent is to isolate the phonetic component from potentially confounding higher-level factors such as grammatical or prosodic errors which arise when using natural sentence-length speech material. The current study evaluated accent and intelligibility ratings of children’s speech for isolated words spliced out of extemporaneous material elicited via a picture description task. Experiment 1 demonstrated that word scores and accent ratings provided by native judges pattern as in earlier studies, validating the use of word-based material derived from natural speech. In a second experiment, listeners rated the degree of foreign accent and comprehensibility for unrelated sequences of 1 to 8 words from the same talker. Degree of foreign accent was judged to increase with sequence length, asymptoting by 2 word sequences, although listeners did not rate the sequence based on the most-accented word it contains. Comprehensibility was judged to be lower as sequence length increased, asymptoting at 4 words. These findings suggest that short sequences of randomly-permuted words extracted from extemporaneous speech can be used for robust accent and comprehensibility judgements whose focus is on the phonetic basis for deviations from the native norm.
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The tabular structure of legal texts and the principles of their drafting result in the frequent use of various types of references, which has a negative impact on the comprehensibility of the law. As legal texts are nowadays drafted and made available in electronic format, it is reasonable to try to develop automated mechanisms for checking the correctness of references contained in these texts. The paper shows how a particular type of automated and dedicated information management mechanisms, offered by the so-called adaptive hypertexts, can be used for this purpose. The authors focus primarily on describing the specificity of this type of tools and on analyzing the possibilities, principles and prospects of their use in order to improve the quality of legal texts, in particular their comprehensibility.
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This article discusses the results of an analysis of the functioning of the psycholinguistic phenomenon of inter-language communication within Slavonic languages. A particular emphasis is put to one of the key elements of this phenomenon, i.e., the dysfunction in and disturbance to the perception of delimitation of distinctive and delimitative functions of phonological features that in the initial stage of the language contact result in an obstruction to the functioning of cognitive mechanisms (responsible for processing the meaning of common or analogous morphemes and lexemes occurring in a linguistic system closely related to the Polish language). The experiments described in the article provided reliable data to determine and document not only the reasons behind the occurrence of these problems in understanding utterances (communiques) in some other Slavonic languages, relatively easy to overcome, but also to indicate the disproportion, commonly perceived, between the productive and receptive competence – with the example of the experiment participants involved in thus embedded glottodidactical process.
Recent studies reveal a growing number of individuals with the traits of broad autism phenotype who display communication problems and difficulties in establishing interpersonal relations. Studies suggest that BAP traits are more frequent in students of the sciences than in humanities students. Therefore, the present study aimed to establish the mediating role of a field of study in the relationship between BAP and the sense of coherence. The study included 168 students (90 females and 78 males) of science and humanities. We administered the AQ questionnaires (Autism -Spectrum Quotient, Baron-Cohen et al.,, 2001) for adults, the Sense of Coherence Questionnaire (SOC - 29, Antonovsky, 1987, 1993). The study confirmed that BAP traits are more expressed in students of science than in students of arts as well as in men than women. Also, relationships between the intensity of BAP traits and comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness were noted, but not between the total sense of coherence. Therefore, we concentrated on evaluating a mediating effect of the field of study and these three dimensions. The positive relationships between BAP meaningfulness and manageability suggest that the appropriate choice of the field of study plays a significant role in finding meaning in life and deve loping an ability to cope with emerging difficulties. Since the field of study is closely linked to the type of work, it might be assumed that the same role is played by a job that makes sense. It explains the frustration of brain-damaged patients at being unable to work. Clinical data show that giving such patients an oppor tunity to be active in any field restores their sense of meaning in life.
Some (though not all) previous studies have documented the interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit (ISIB), i.e. the greater intelligibility of non-native (relative to native) speech to non-native listeners as compared to native listeners. Moreover, some studies (again not all) found that native listeners consider foreign-accented statements as less truthful than native-sounding ones. We join these two lines of research, asking whether foreign-accented statements sound more credible to non-native than to native listeners and whether difficult-to-process (less comprehensible) utterances are less credible. In two experiments we measure the intelligibility, comprehensibility and credibility of native and foreign-accented statements for native listeners and non-native listeners matched or mismatched in L1 with non-native talkers. We find an ISIB in both matched and mismatched non-native listeners, and an analogous matched comprehensibility benefit. However, we obtain no evidence of an interlanguage speech credibility benefit. Instead, both matched and mismatched non-native listeners tend to trust native statements more (i.e. statements produced by their target-language models). For native listeners, we do not confirm the tendency to mistrust non-native statements, but we do find a moderate correlation between the comprehensibility and credibility of foreign-accented utterances, giving limited support to the hypothesis that decreased perceptual fluency leads to decreased credibility.
Background: Police officers meet many stressors as part of their occupation. The psychological resource "sense of coherence" (SOC) protects against ill-health, but its impact on coping resources for stress situations has not been studied in the population of police officers. Different approaches to investigate the significance of SOC for different outcomes have been identified in literature, leading to some difficulties in the interpretation and generalization of results. The aim was therefore to explore SOC and the coping resources, and to examine the significance of SOC for various coping resources for stress using different models in a sample of Swedish police officers providing on-the-beat service. Materials and Methods: One hundred and one police officers (age: mean = 33 years, SD = 8; 29 females) were included, and the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (SOC-29) and the Coping Resources Inventory (CRI) were used. The dependent variable in each regression analysis was one of the coping resources: cognitive, social, emotional, spiritual/philosophical, physical, and a global resource. Global SOC-29 and/or its components (comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness) were investigated as independent variables. Results: All CRI and SOC-29 scores except for that of spiritual/philosophical resources were higher than those of reference groups. Manageability was the most important component of SOC for various coping resources in stress situations used by police officers. Conclusion: A deeper study of manageability will give useful information, because this component of SOC is particularly significant in the variation in resources used by police officers to cope with stress. Salutogenesis, the origin of well-being, should be more in focus of future research on workplaces with a high level of occupational stress.
Praca zawodowych kuratorów sądowych polega na podejmowaniu różnych zadań zarówno wobec podopiecznych, jak i instytucji. Kuratorzy pracują w terenie z podopiecznymi, w sądach wymieniają informacje z sędziami na temat prowadzonych i planowanych wobec podopiecznych działań, w środowisku zewnętrznym współpracują z instytucjami i organizacjami działającymi na rzecz pomocy i resocjalizacji. Wielość zadań i konieczność́ ich koordynowania, podejmowanie trudnych decyzji związanych ze zmianami życia ludzkiego, dotyczących podopiecznych i ich rodzin, trudności i opór przed wdrażaniem zmian - wpływający na efektywność, zagrożenia generowane przez specyfikę zadań, dzielenie konieczności realizowania zaangażowania zewnętrznego z realizacją celów osobistych - to wszystko stawia przed tą grupą zawodową wiele wymagań. Kuratorzy powinni być dobrze wyposażeni wewnętrznie - mieć wysokie poczucie koherencji (zrozumiałości, zaradności, sensowności), stawiać sobie cele w życiu zawodowym i osobistym, mieć poczucie sensu życia, ważna jest też dla ich grupy zawodowej umiejętność radzenia sobie w sytuacjach trudnych. Badanie wymienionych zmiennych w grupie kuratorów zawodowych i ich opis stanowi właśnie przedmiot refleksji przedstawionego artykułu.
In their work probation officers need to engage in an array of tasks in dealings with their clients and institutional stakeholders. They work in the field with their clients, in the courtroom, to exchange information with judges on pending and planned actions against their clients, and interact with external stakeholders - institutions and organizations which foster assistance and social rehabilitation. The variety of tasks and the need to coordinate them, tough decisions which induce changes in human lives and affect the clients and their families, difficulties and resistance to change, with the ensuing drop of effectiveness, insecurity driven by task specificity, the need to combine the outside involvement with persona goals - all these are major challenges for this professional group. Thus, probation officers need to possess the proper ‘inner equipment’ understood as a high sense of coherence (comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness), the ability to define professional and personal goals and the sense of purpose in life, not to mention the ability to cope in difficult situations. The paper presents and describes the findings from the study of the aforementioned variables among professional probation officers.
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