The article provides an analysis of the constitutional position of presidents of committees specifi ed in statutes. In accordance with Article 147, para. 4 of the Constitution such presidents may be appointed to membership in the Council of Ministers. But so far this regulation attracted little interest from scholars. The analysis covers both constitutional solutions and the practice of the period of Polish People’s Republic, when for the fi rst time in the history of Polish constitutionalism presidents of committees were accepted as members of the government, as well as legal regulations and practice of the Third Republic of Poland. In the author’s view, in the application of the above-mentioned Article more negative than positive experiences occurred. Moreover, due to the complexity of normative regulation relating to the said offi ce — combining the elements of a collective (committee) with a one-person management (president of a committee) — interpretative problems may arise. The author claims that the current trend to not apply Article. 147, para. 4 of the Constitution will be continued in the political practice.
Since Poland regained independence in 1918, there have been several constitutional acts in force (constitutions and the so-called “small constitutions”). Each of them contained provisions defining the scope of government activity, its structure, the mechanisms of appointing and dismissing cabinet members, as well as the principles of accountability. The paper outlines the way in which these issues have been developing over the past 100 years and to what extent the current solutions constitute the continuation of the solutions of the Constitution of 17 March 1921.
Od odzyskania w 1918 r. niepodległości przez państwo polskie obowiązywało kilka aktów ustrojowych (konstytucji i tzw. małych konstytucji). W każdym z nich zawarte były przepisy określające zakres działania rządu, jego strukturę, mechanizmy powoływania i odwoływania członków gabinetu oraz zasady ponoszenie odpowiedzialności. W artykule zostało przedstawione jak w ponad 100-letniej historii zmieniały się wskazane kwestie i na ile obecnie obowiązujące rozwiązania stanowią kontynuację rozwiązań Konstytucji z 17 marca 1921 r.
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