Na świecie dostępne są technologie rur kompozytowych do budowy gazociągów wysokiego ciśnienia, które mogą być również wykorzystane do budowy rurociągów technologicznych na terenach zakładów górniczych ropy i gazu. Stosowanie ich w Polsce ograniczone jest przepisami oraz brakiem warunków technicznych do ich projektowania, budowy i eksploatacji. W artykule przedstawiono analizę krajowych przepisów oraz aktualny stan w zakresie normalizacji. W oparciu o istniejące specyfikacje techniczne oraz przewidywane obciążenia i oddziaływania na rurociągi opracowano wstępne założenia do budowy sieci gazowych wysokiego ciśnienia i rurociągów technologicznych na obszarach poszukiwań ropy i gazu.
Composite pipe technology for the construction of high pressure gas pipelines is available worldwide, which can also be used to construct technological pipelines in oil and gas mines. In Poland the use of such pipelines is limited by regulations and lack of technical conditions for their design, construction and operation. The article presents an analysis of national legislation and the current status of standardization. Based on the existing technical specifications and anticipated loads and impacts on pipelines, preliminary guidelines for the construction of high pressure gas networks and technological pipelines for the areas of oil and gas exploration was developed.
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The main traditional technique for commercial manufacturing of composite pipes is filament winding in which the winding angle and the discontinuity of the structure (caused by starting and ending points of the winding process) are two important matters of concern. In the present study, circular woven fabric with its orthogonal net-shaped continuous structure was produced from polyester yarns. Fabric was wet with epoxy and hand lay-up was used to manufacture the composite pipes. Composite pipes were subjected to internal hydrostatic pressure and their burst strength was recorded. In addition, tensile strength of flat laminas was assessed in the warp and weft directions. We estimated and analysed the failure strength of composite pipes using Tresca’s failure criterion and Finite Element (FE) modeling. The experimental burst strength was almost 23% more than the FE model and 77% more than the theoretical estimate.
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