For a locally convex space E we prove that the space of n-symmetric tensors is complemented in the space of (n+1)-symmetric tensors endowed with the projective topology. Applications and related results are also given.
Sociolinguistic competence is not often examined in nonnative English acquisition. This is particularly true for features where the variants are neither stylistically nor socially constrained, but rather are acceptable in all circumstances. Learning to use a language fully, however, implies being able to deal with this type of ‘difficulty,’ and understanding what type of variable features nonnative speakers acquire with ease and which ones they do not may help us better understand more general processes of second language acquisition. By comparing the rates of complementizer deletion of nonnative to native speakers and examining their distributions across various internal and external factors, this paper addresses these issues and offers an example of acquisition of what is, in some ways, an invisible variant. Furthermore, by focusing on a Swiss student association, the paper is also able to compare the patterns of French, German and Italian native speakers, to examine to what extent they differ in English.
The existence of prepositional variation in constructions such as speak about/of something can be motivated semantically in that about and of invite different construals of the topic they introduce. This article reports on a study carried out to test the hypothesis that the semantic distinction is reflected in the length of the object which complements the preposi- tion. The results suggest that object length might indeed play a part in the choice between about and of. The study also reveals additional factors which might influence speakers' choice of the topic-introducing preposition.
Sociolinguistic competence is not often examined in nonnative English acquisition. This is particularly true for features where the variants are neither stylistically nor socially constrained, but rather are acceptable in all circumstances. Learning to use a language fully, however, implies being able to deal with this type of ‘difficulty,’ and understanding what type of variable features nonnative speakers acquire with ease and which ones they do not may help us better understand more general processes of second language acquisition. By comparing the rates of complementizer deletion of nonnative to native speakers and examining their distributions across various internal and external factors, this paper addresses these issues and offers an example of acquisition of what is, in some ways, an invisible variant. Furthermore, by focusing on a Swiss student association, the paper is also able to compare the patterns of French, German and Italian native speakers, to examine to what extent they differ in English.
Aktualne badania dotyczące komplementacji skupiają się nie tylko na czynnikach semantycznych czy składniowych, ale również dodatkowych uwarunkowaniach, jednym z których jest zasada horror aequi. Niniejsze badanie omawia zachowanie trzech par przymiotników w British National Corpus, każda para składa się z jednego przymiotnika z końcówką -ed i drugiego z końcówką -ing. Analiza pokazuje, że horror aequi ma niewielki wpływ na dobór dopełnienia następującego po przymiotniku, natomiast podmiot zdania okazuje się mieć dużo większe znaczenie.
Recent research into complementation has targeted not only semantic or syntactic factors, but also extra features, one of which is the horror aequi principle. With the support of the British National Corpus, the present study investigates three pairs of adjectives: in each case one ends in -ed, and the other in -ing. The analysis has shown that horror aequi has little influence on the complement choice following an adjective, whereas the sentence subject governs that choice in a pronounced manner.
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Artykuł jest poświęcony relacjom zachodzącym między wyświęconymi i sakramentalnymi małżonkami (świeckimi). Autor opisuje w nim pojęcie komplementarności, które wzbogaca terminem ‘dopełniania się sakramentów święceń i małżeństwaʼ (Henri Caffarel). Dopełnianie się obejmuje nie tylko kwestie współpracy, współdziałania, współodpowiedzialności, lecz również wypełnienie ich misji w Kościele i świecie, która może być zrealizowana przy spotkaniu dwóch sakramentów. Miejscem spotkania i rozwoju relacji między nimi są kościelne ruchy, wspólnoty i inicjatywy na rzecz małżeństwa i rodziny. Przywołanie i omówienie tego rodzaju ruchów i wspólnot może posłużyć jako przewodnik oraz pomoc w pracy duszpasterskiej.
The article is devoted to the relationships between ordained and sacramental spouses (lay). The author describes the concept of complementarity, which he enriches with the term ‘complementation of the sacraments of holy orders and marriageʼ (Henri Caffarel). Complementation includes not only the issues of cooperation, cooperation and co-responsibility, but also the fulfillment of their mission in the Church and the world, which can be realized when the two sacraments meet. The place for meeting and developing relationships between them are church movements, communities and initiatives for marriage and family. Recalling and discussing these types of movements and communities can serve as a guide and help in pastoral work.
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