The paper analyzes changes of forest cover in the Lubrzanka river catchment (the Holy Cross Mountains) in the years 1800–2011 in relation to the morphological characteristics of the terrain (altitude, slope gradients, and slope aspect) and genetic soil types, in relation to political and socio-economic factors. The source material consists of topographic maps from 1800, 1900, 1930 and 1983, thematic maps and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). GIS tools and algorithms were used to analyze the temporal and spatial forest cover changes. It was documented that the forest content was the largest at the beginning of the analyzed research period – in 1800 (46.7%) and the smallest in 1900 (24.3%). Subsequently, a slow but continuing increase in forest cover from 1900 to 2011 was demonstrated. An analysis of the persistence of the forest landscape in the context of the stability of its use was also carried out. In the Lubrzanka catchment, permanent forest use in the period 1800–2011 covered 48.9 km2 , which accounted for 19.2% of its total area.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy współczesnych przemian rzeźby terenu Kielc przeprowadzonej metodami kartografii porównawczej. Określono zmiany form rzeźby terenu, które zachodziły w obecnych granicach administracyjnych miasta od pierwszej połowy XIX do początku XXI w. Szczegółowej analizy dokonano na podstawie badań materiałów kartograficznych w skali 1:10 000 wydanych po 1970 r. Zmiany w okresie wcześniejszym oszacowano na podstawie map archiwalnych w mniejszych skalach.
This paper presents analysis of contemporary changes of landforms in area of the city of Kielce using methods of comparative cartography. Changes of landforms in the last two hundred years, within present administrative borders of the city were investigated. Detailed examination were held on the basis of topographic maps in the scale of 1:10 000, which were made after 1970's. Changes in the earlier period were estimated on the basis of archival maps in smaller scales.
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