This article aims at describing the evidence for the efficacy of communication. The author differentiates effectiveness and efficacy of communication, as well as communication per se and communication with each other. He argues that there can be no discussion about the efficacy of communication without establishing its effectiveness. A communication process can be ineffective either when there is no recipient of the communicate or when the message is not received due to, for example, a noise. Even though the effectiveness can be measured using a nominal scale, the efficacy requires at least an ordinal scale. The author bases his conclusions on the theory of communication models, intentionality and, proposed by him, “a constant species”.
This article focuses on the potential conditions which are conducive to harmonious communication and the factors hampering desirable contact. It is presented in the context of selected models of communication, the dimensions of the communication process and communication strategies. Communication is interpreted here as comprehensive and omnipresent content (information, emotions etc.). It can be associated with the following characteristics: interactivity, orientation to the other party, entering into a dialogue, intentionality etc. An attempt at identifying conditions conductive to the desirable contact will be presented in the context of the selected models, the dimensions of the communication process and communication strategies.
Przedmiotem opisu jest ukazanie potencjalnych uwarunkowań sprzyjających harmonijnemu porozumiewaniu się oraz czynników utrudniających fortunną komunikację. Próba ta została przedstawiona w kontekście wybranych modeli komunikacji, wymiarów procesu komunikowania oraz strategii komunikacyjnych. Komunikacji rozumianej jako całościowy i wszechobecny przekaz treści (informacji, emocji itp.) można przypisać następujące cechy: interakcyjność, nastawienie na drugą stronę, dialogowość, intencjonalność itp.
The analysis of the characteristics of refusals to carry out preventive vaccinations, both in historical and contemporary perspective, showed that the dissemination of false information by vaccination movements, had and has a significant impact on the level of vaccination in the scope of individual preventive vaccinations, e.g. against polio, tetanus and diphtheria and it is real public health challenge. It is necessary to analyze the nature of the message in terms of the sender’s intentions, i.e. to distinguish between misinformation and disinformation. Preparation of an appropriate communication strategy in public health in this regard, seems necessary and crucial in terms of maintaining a high level of confidence in preventive vaccinations, and thus population resistance in the case of infectious diseases. Type of research methodology/research approach used: literature analysis.
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