Introduction: Common ivy (Hedera helix) is a plant used successfully in the treatment of various ailments. This is possible owing to the unique set of substances contained in it such as large amount of saponins, flavonoids, phenolic acids and phytosterols as well as polyacetylenes and coumarins. All these substances have been used in the production of cosmetic and medicinal preparations. Clinical trials on the efficacy and safety of dry ivy leaf extract have shown its high efficacy, comparable to synthetic medications, and better tolerance of herbal drugs. Objective: Investigations were performed on model ivy leaf (Hedera helix) extracts which were created using a medium of diversified polarity (ԐM). Measurements of viscosity and surface activity on phase boundary were performed. During preformulation studies attention was drawn to the possibility of micellar solubilization of cholesterol and selected structures of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – ketoprofen. Methods: Viscosity measurements of Extractum Hederae helicis e folium aqueous solutions and in 0.1 mol HCl were performed according to the Polish Standard with Ubbelohde dilution viscometer. The surface tension of aqueous solutions – Δγ25 of Hederae helicis e folium extracts was determined according to the Polish Standard with stalagmometric method . Critical micellar concentration (cmc) was calculated. This enabled to evaluate the dependence ΔG0 =2.303 RT× log cmc of the thermodynamic potential of micelle formation (ΔG0 ). Results: It has been confirmed in the conducted comparative studies that aqueous solutions of Extr. Hederae helicis e folium created with maltodextrin as well as with SiO2 – maltodextrin result in micellar solubilization. The increase of granulometric size of cholesterol particle to Ø 1.60 mm decreased the amount of solubilized cholesterol but solubility preferences of the extracts were maintained. Conclusions: Model extracts produced from Hederae helicis e folium with diversified polarity of the extraction medium (water – ethanol) are characterized by appropriate solubility of the components which results not only from the presence of chlorophyll and its derivatives in the extract but also from the technique used for spray drying of the extract.
Skład chemiczny formy młodocianej i dojrzałej bluszczu pospolitego (Hedera helix L.) a ukorzenianie sadzonek pędowych. Bluszcz pospolity jest zimozielonym pnączem, charakteryzującym się dymorfizmem faz rozwojowych. Fazę młodocianą i dojrzałą różni wiele cech morfologicznych oraz zdolność do ukorzeniania sadzonek pędowych. Praca miała na celu określenie składu chemicznego sadzonek pędowych obu form oraz próbę oceny jego wpływu na przyczyny różnic w zdolności do ich ukorzeniania. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz stwierdzono, że obie formy różnią się zawartością węglowodanów, śluzu, białka, chlorofili a i b, flawonoidów i antocyjanów. Różnice w składzie chemicznym sadzonek pędowych młodocianej i dojrzałej formy mogą być jedną z przyczyn różnic w ich zdolności korzenienia.
Hedera helix L. is evergreen ivy with form dimorphism. Juvenile and mature forms are different morphologically and have different rooting ability. The aim of this work was to determine chemical composition of cuttings from both forms and to evaluate its influence on rooting ability. We have observed that both forms have different contents of carbohydrates, mucus, protein, chlorophyls a and b, flavonoids and antocyanins. These differences in chemical composition of cuttings from juvenile and mature forms may be associated with its rooting ability.
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