The article deals with responsibility of a member of a board in Stock Corporation, which is inseparably linked with his funkcion and the member of the board cannot divest of that. The article comparatively refers to the valid legislation in the Slovak republic, the Czech Republic and Poland. The author not only mentions the valid legislation, but also points out the decisions of the Courts of the mentioned countries. The article refers to terminology issues and compares term „proffesional diligence“which is used in the Slovak republic with term „ diligence of due manager“which is used in the Czech republic.
The article is an explanation of the way the European company operates. The author briefly points to the laws and their provisions regulating the status of the European company in its present form. The author primarily highlights EU legislation in the field of European company law, but also regulations in French commercial law related to the analyzed company. Additionally, the author shows the ways of creating a European company and possible styles of managing it. The author also highlights the situation of the employees of a European company and the advantages of creating this type of company, whether fiscal, related to the location, or resultant from the statute of thiscompany. In conclusion, the author points out a number of prospects for the functioning of a European company, highlighting the competitiveness of such a company on the European market and the possibility of its development by European enterprises, as well as indicating that the company is a kind of compromise between the regulations proposed by the European legislator and the regulations laid down by the domestic law of the Member States.
The article is an explanation of the way the European company operates. The author briefly points to the laws and their provisions regulating the status of the European company in its present form. The author primarily highlights EU legislation in the field of European company law, but also regulations in French commercial law related to the analyzed company. Additionally, the author shows the ways of creating a European company and possible styles of managing it. The author also highlights the situation of the employees of a European company and the advantages of creating this type of company, whether fiscal, related to the location, or resultant from the statute of this company. In conclusion, the author points out a number of prospects for the functioning of a European company, highlighting the competitiveness of such a company on the European market and the possibility of its development by European enterprises, as well as indicating that the company is a kind of compromise between the regulations proposed by the European legislator and the regulations laid down by the domestic law of the Member States.
Law No. 9901/2008 on “Entrepreneurs and Commercial Companies”, marked a milestone in the reform of the commercial law in Albanian. Among other novelties, the Law introduced a new approach in regard to the employees and their participation in co determination. Actually, the involvement of the employees were not that unfamiliar in the former Albanian Commercial Legislation thought the social responsibility was. The Law brought in a new approach which was widely inspired from the EU Law, by establishing the Council of the Employees for any commercial company having more than 50 employees. It is true that unlike the trade unions, it is the company that bears the costs of the establishment and functioning of these councils, but besides the costs, it would mean to grant importance to the employees, as stakeholders of the corporate, by being part of the decision making process with regard to the use of special funds or actives of the company or to the allocation of the divided that the General Assembly resolves to allocate to the employees. This article will explore the legal provisions of the Law in regard to the Council of the Employees, its establishment, functioning and entitlement and how these provisions are enforced in practice from the companies in Albania.
The author devotes his attention to the history of commercial law in ancient Rome. Specific legal regulations in which the parties were merchants always existed in ancient laws, but in ancient Rome there was no distinct and consistent set of standards for commercial law, although many legal institutions were closely related to business transactions. This view prevailed in the nineteenthcentury study of Roman law. The twentieth-century science recognizing the fact that the permanent separation of the merchant law (ius mercatorum) took place in the Middle Ages, observes commercial law in ancient Rome as an autonomous branch of law. The author agrees with the latter view.
Artykuł odnosi się do pojęcia sekurytyzacji w polskim prawie handlowym. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest przybliżenie etapów upowszechniania się umowy sekurytyzacji w obrocie handlowym, jej charakteru prawnego, ustabilizowanych składników, dopuszczalności przedmiotowej i podmiotowej, praw i obowiązków stron i innych podmiotów uczestniczących w jej zawieraniu, celu gospodarczego, możliwego wpływu na sytuację finansową przedsiębiorstwa będącego stroną umowy sekurytyzacji, a także uświadomienie upowszechnienia się sekurytyzacji w Polsce ze względu na możliwe korzyści jej przeprowadzenia, a co za tym idzie, konieczności uregulowania prawnie jej zawierania. W artykule pominięte zostały szczegółowe kwestie regulacji prawnej przeprowadzenia sekurytyzacji w Polsce ze względu na ich szczątkowość, nadmierny formalizm i niedopasowanie do realiów obecnego obrotu gospodarczego. W zakończeniu autor przedstawia postulaty de lege ferenda co do regulacji prawnej sekurytyzacji w Polsce w nawiązaniu do nieuchwalonego projektu ustawy o sekurytyzacji z 2003 r.
Article refers to the concept of securitization in the Polish commercial law. The aim of this publication is to present the stages of dissemination of securitization in the course of trade, its legal nature, stable ingredients, the objective and subjective admissibility, the rights and obligations of the parties and other entities participating in securitization, the economic purpose, the possible impact on the financial undertaking which is party to the securitization, as well as the realization spread of securitization in Poland due to the possible benefit of its conduct, and hence, the need to regulate by law its conclusion. The article has been omitted specific issues of legal regulation of securitization carried out in Poland, due to their residualness, excessive formalism and mismatch to the realities of the current economic turnover. In conclusion, the author presents proposals de lege ferenda about the legal regulation of securitization in Poland in relation to non enacted draft law on securitization of 2003.
This section presents figures of the most distinguished Polish lawyers and economists. The aim is to provide a possibly broad depiction of their scientific, organizational, didactic and social achievements. In 2018, the patron of “The Voice of Law” is the patron of the Allerhand Institute – Maurycy Allerhand (1868-1942), and for this reason he will be presented as first in the “Lexicon of Polish Lawyers and Economists”.
Autor prezentuje dane uzyskane w ramach przeprowadzonego badania sondażowego z wykorzystaniem ankiety autorskiej online (, które stanowi część większego projektu badawczego dotyczącego jakości pisemnych tłumaczeń dokumentów angielskojęzycznych z zakresu prawa handlowego, jakie stanowią załączniki w postępowaniu przed sądem rejestrowym, dotyczącym podmiotów podlegających wpisowi do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego (RP, KRS). Postawione pytania badawcze lub hipotezy dotyczą relacji lub porównania ogólnopolskich danych dotyczących spraw z elementem zagranicznym w kontekście zalegających w aktach sądowych, w przedmiotowych wydziałach KRS dokumentów anglojęzycznych wraz z ich poświadczonymi tłumaczeniami. Kwestionariusz został przeprowadzony z uwagi na wiele czynników: zdefiniowanie profilu gatunkowego tekstów, które bedą stanowić korpus, określenie ogólnych, socjologicznie uwarunkowanych tendencji w strukturze tych tekstów oraz – przede wszystkim – określenie wymiernego i możliwego do zastosowania klucza do wyłonienia kryterium wyszukiwania dokumentów, które będą stanowić korpus do przeprowadzenia dalszej analizy ilościowej oraz jakościowej wybranych struktur jezykowych (kolejne etapy projektu).
The author presents data gathered in an online survey questionnaire ( which is a part of a broader research project related to the quality of translation of English language documents in the field of commercial law that are processed in the judicial registration proceedings in reference to the entities subject to registration at the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register (RP, KRS). The questions and hypotheses posed by the author relate to the relationship or comparison of nation-wide data concerning cases with foreign element in the context of the documents in translation on file in the National Court Register (source texts and their certified translations). The survey is the first stage of this project and has been ascribed a number of aims: allowing for a definition of the genre profile of the corpus texts; identifying the general sociologically conditioned tendencies in their structure; and – primarily – determining the practically feasible search criterion for compiling a design corpus for further quantitative and qualitative analysis of selected language structures (the ensuing stages of the said project).
This article is devoted to the life and views of Raymond Saleilles, whose output is still practically unknown in Poland. Even though the predicates of his anti-positivist concepts are regarded to have lain the foundations for the school of free scientific research, he is not as widely recognized as François Gény, whom he certainly inspired. Although Raymond Saleilles considered himself primarily a civilist, he left an enormous and diverse legacy regarding many branches of law; this legacy, marginalized for many years, has been recently receiving much attention, not only in France, as his various views, such as the postulate of a vertical and horizontal perspective in comparative law studies, are of universal value.
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