Between the past and the future: Mass Rallies as the staging of the Ukrainian National Project (1911–1914) (Summary)In this paper the internal interactions between the Ukrainian political groups are analyzed. Two rallies, commemorating the great Ukrainian poet, Taras Shevchenko, serve as a lens through which to observe the complex nature of the “Ukrainian national project.” When looking at the Ukrainian rallies of 1911 and 1914, specific focus is paid to the internal and external factors which led to the restructuring of the Ukrainian national project. In particular, the paper focuses on the organization, structure, and contexts of these commemorative events, as well as the organizers and people attending them. The analysis is centered of their political views, socio-economic background, age, gender, and education, thus allowing the author to trace the appearance of new symbols, new ways of using public spaces in the city, the dissemination of rituals and, finally, to comment on how these new approaches shaped the commemorative landscape in general. The author argues that to understand the polical interraction and transition of the Ukrainian narrative from cultural nationalism to military nationalism, three interwoven elements should be taken into consideration: the revision of the Taras Shevchenko cult; the creation of a new historical narrative and the new approach to public space, used as a stage for national ideas.
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The article discusses the cult associated with the personality of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (1877–1926), a revolutionary and the founder of the political police in the Soviet Union, and the changing meanings of this cult in various stages of the history of the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia. Thanks to Dzerzhinsky, as the head of the most significant repressive component, Soviet state terror acquired a very specific institutionalized form. The image of Dzerzhinsky as the basis for the mythologizing of the Soviet political police became very useful in all stages of the development of the Soviet system, most significantly for the development of the cult being the period after the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1956. Even later, despite many revelations of the crimes of communism, the glorification of Felix Dzerzhinsky and the trivialization of the terror he introduced has not completely disappeared. The myth about the founder of the “Cheka” remained very similar or even identical in its main features in all these periods, but its functions varied in time. State security officials in Russia still call themselves “Chekists” in reference to Dzerzhinsky’s VChK/Cheka. The author therefore concludes that his cult has become more useful for state power in the Kremlin in the long run than the cults of other Soviet-era leaders, including Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin.
Studie se zabývá kultem spojeným s osobností Felixe Edmundoviče Dzeržinského (1877–1926), revolucionáře a zakladatele politické policie v Sovětském svazu, a proměnami tohoto kultu v různých etapách dějin SSSR a postsovětského Ruska. Jako vedoucí nejvýznamnější represivní složky, známé pod zkratkou Čeka, stál Dzeržinskij jasně v pozadí zcela konkrétní institucionalizované podoby sovětského státního teroru. Jak autor ukazuje, obraz Dzeržinského jako základ mytologizace sovětské politické policie se stal velmi užitečným ve všech etapách vývoje sovětského systému, přičemž nejvýznamnější pro rozvoj tohoto kultu bylo paradoxně období po dvacátém sjezdu Komunistické strany Sovětského svazu v roce 1956. Glorifikace Felixe Dzeržinského a banalizace teroru, který zavedl, zcela nezmizely ani později, navzdory mnoha odhalením zločinů komunismu. Zatímco mýtus o zakladateli Čeky zůstával po celou dobu v hlavních rysech podobný, nebo dokonce totožný, jeho funkce se časem proměňovaly. Odkaz na Dzeržinského represivní organizaci je dodnes přítomný ve způsobu, jakým sami sebe označují příslušníci ruské státní bezpečnosti („čekisté“). Autor proto dochází k závěru, že kult tohoto muže se stal pro státní moc v Kremlu dlouhodobě užitečnějším než kulty jiných vůdců sovětské éry, včetně Vladimira Iljiče Lenina a Josifa Vissarionoviče Stalina.
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