The effi ciency of operation of hierarchical organisations (military, police, State Fire Service, Border Guard, etc.) is largely derived from the effectiveness of the work of commanders (managers) at all levels. It is they who indicate the goals of the activity, assign tasks to subordinates and coordinate their work. At the same time, they have the personal, material, fi nancial, and information resources necessary to perform the assigned tasks. Therefore, it seems important to properly understand the role and tasks that commanders/managers perform in hierarchical organisations. The necessity to take up this issue results mainly from the change in the scope of tasks and the structural and organisational changes of these formations (the army, the Police of the State Fire Service). The increasingly broader spectrum of tasks set for our army, police and fi re brigades results in a permanent modifi cation in the fi eld of skills and qualifi cations of modern commanders. In the process of analysing these changes, one should take into account the scientifi c basis derived from the chievements of the theory of organisation and management as well as one’s own solutions and experience in this area. The article presents selected aspects of the role and tasks of modern commanders (managers) as well as shortcomings in the organisation of work by a manager/commander. Hence, after defi ning the role of the commander, their tasks in the form of duties and powers are described. Effi cient and effective operation of commanders requires a number of activities and specific skills. Therefore, the description of activities and leadership skills is a logical complement to the chapter. Moreover, the essential functions and roles performed by commanders are highly correlated with the basic roles of managers in civil organisations. Therefore, the analogies between the work of commanders and the work of managers in civil organisations were also taken into account.
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W artykule założono, że kariery żołnierzy zajmujących najwyższe stanowiska w wojsku przebiegają według różnych wzorów. Najbardziej typowa jest droga dowódcza. Kultura organizacji wojska jest jednak bardziej zróżnicowana i daje personelowi wojskowemu możliwość realizacji zawodowej według innych niż dowódcza ścieżek. Autorka, wykorzystując koncepcję Josepha Campbella (w której zakłada się, że w działaniach, motywacjach oraz interpretacjach ludzi ujawnia się dziedzictwo kulturowe: archetypy, mity, symbole i metafory), porównuje postawy generałów i admirałów wyrażone w ich narracjach z postaciami mitologii greckiej. Olimpijscy bogowie reprezentują archetypowe osobowości, których przejawy dostrzec można w postawach jednostek w organizacji. Wartości i symbole reprezentowane przez mitologiczne postaci można identyfikować także w kulturze organizacji. Autorka, wykorzystując ramy interpretacyjne koncepcji Campbella oraz analizując drogę służbową najwyższych dowódców wojskowych, stara się uchwycić różnice dotyczące karier zawodowych w wojsku, proponując ich podział na cztery typy: dowódczą, naukową, w dyplomacji oraz w instytucjach MON.
This article assumes that career soldiers in the highest positions in the army run by different designs. The most typical is the way of commanding. Military organizational culture, however, is more diverse and gives military personnel the ability to implement professional by paths other than commanding. The author, using the concept of Joseph Campbell (in which said he assumed that the activities, motivations and interpretations of people reveals the cultural heritage: archetypes, myths, symbols and metaphors), compares the attitudes of the generals and admirals, expressed in their narratives, with figures of Greek mythology. Olympian gods represent archetypal personality whose manifestations can be seen in the attitudes of individuals in the organization. Values and mythological characters represented by the character can be identified in culture organization. The author, using interpretative framework for analyzing the concept and the way Campbell’s official top military commanders, trying to capture the differences in the types of career military, proposing to divide them into 4 types of careers: commanding, science, diplomacy, and in the institutions of Defense.
Autorzy niniejszego artykułu prezentują niezbędne zdolności i cechy, jakie powinny posiadać profesjonalne siły zbrojne, aby sprostać prawdopodobnym zagrożeniem globalnego środowiska bezpieczeństwa XXI wieku. Prognozują charakter i przebieg przyszłych konfliktów. Podkreślają że przyszłe pole walki będzie bardzo skomplikowane, nasycone supernowoczesnymi technologiami i nowinkami technicznymi. Przedstawiają przyszłego dowódcę, żołnierza jako profesjonalistę najwyższego poziomu o ponadprzeciętnych i zczególnych cechach. Opisują również Siły Zbrojne RP do roku 2030 jako nowoczesną organizację potrafiącą rozwiązywać konflikty społeczno-militarne w strukturach narodowych i sojuszniczych.
The article presents indispensable features and abilities which professional armed forces should possess in order to face the probable threats to the global security environment of 21 st century. It predicts the character and course of future conflicts. It also emphasises the fact that the future battlefield will be very complex, filled with state-of-the-art technologies and technological innovations. Moreover, it presents the future commander, soldier, as a professional of the highest level, characterized by extraordinary and special features. lt describes the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland until 2030, a as modem organization, capable of solving social-military conflicts within the national and allied structures.
Organization of a manager’s workday has certain impact on numerous issues. No one needs to be convinced that the thesis is right. It is not only creation of own image but affecting many affairs connected with the functioning of a company or its element. A manager, due to his or her position in an enterprise, is able to significantly influence the activities of subordinates. One should also consider the fact that there is a correlation between a nature of work, specific character of a company and personality of a commander (manager). He or she is the one who choosing style of leadership is many a time determined by nature of work and issues to be decided. Remarkable feedback activity takes place between subculture of the managed and certain personal features and habits of a manager. Practice indicates that it would be good if a boss selected his or her style of leadership with respect to the subculture that can be initially found in an enterprise. There are many considerations affecting organization of a manager’s activity, his vertical and horizontal relations. It is not justifiable for a new boss occupying his or her position to destroy everything established by predecessors. In numerous literature analyses treating of management and the functioning of organization there is no direct reference to a specific company (firm, enterprise). As a rule general issues are presented and the function of a manager is defined in different ways. The subject matter that have briefly been elaborated on above show unambiguously that efficient organization of a manager’s activities is an important factor of an enterprise’s functioning efficiency. Such a statement is a result of, above all, the fact that a manager who irrationally organizes own activities may make many factual errors and have a disorganizing impact on work of direct subordinates and the whole company. A manager’s bad model may lead to a complete breakdown of institution efficiency. Even a traditional proverb, being a generalization of experience centuries old, draws one’s attention to this phenomenon by the following saying: „like master, like man”.
Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to present the determinants of managerial competencies in the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. The identification of the elements of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. and its characteristics were also performed. Design/methodology/approach: In the theoretical part, a critical literature analysis was conducted. This included international literature from major databases and Polish literature. Additionally, in order to identify research problems, a diagnostic survey method with Likert scale analysis was used. Findings: The research conducted was based on the authors' categorization of leadership competency areas. The most important competency areas were identified. Furthermore, the research results enabled the identification of criteria distinguishing a leader from a manager. Factors essential for the effective performance of the leader's role were presented. Additionally, indicators of competence within the context of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0 were highlighted. Research limitations/implications: The research is intended to be expanded in the future to include a more extensive and more diverse research sample. Practical implications: The research results and conclusions constitute implications for the development of competencies adequately matching the challenges of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. The 5.0 Leadership ecosystem brings many benefits, such as increased efficiency, cost reduction, and sustainability. For managers responsible for team creation, member selection, and work organisation, the results and conclusions of the research are deemed a valuable information source aimed at enhancing the organisation's effectiveness. Originality/value: The article proposes an original model of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. It presents the conceptualization process and characterizes the elements of this ecosystem.
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Introducing „Rules and Regulations of Armed Forces Operations”, which largely changes former process of command, causes an urgent necessity to work out and implement new artillery regulations. In the current discussion there is being considered the possibility of applying, through adapting to our conditions, solutions functioning in leading NATO armies, particularly in American and German ones. New artillery regulations express this trend. Moreover, proposals how to adapt procedures used in other NATO armies to our conditions arise in military staffs and units. These activities need to be evaluated as an attempt to fill in the vacuum that appeared when the old „Regulations of Artillery Tactical Operations” expired. The analysis of training materials and publications and also discussions with other artillery officers made the author of the article take positions towards the artillery process of command conducted by division commander’s commanding post. The article is based on research carried out by the author’s while working out his Ph.D. dissertation. The bibliography of the research include NATO standardisation documents, and publications concerning the problems of division, brigade and mechanised battalion command, particularly in the artillery command area.
Kompetencje społeczne żołnierzy i kadry dowódczej kształtowały się, gdy powstawały armie narodowe, a w przypadku Polski – tworzyło się Wojsko Polskie. Troską dowódcy było takie przygotowanie i wychowanie żołnierzy, by w czasie wojny mogli bronić obywateli i państwa.
The social competences of soldiers and commanders were shaped when national armies were formed, and in the case of Poland - the Polish Army was being formed. The commander's concern was to prepare and educate soldiers so that they could defend citizens and the state during the war.
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The present process of officers’ education conducted in military academies and universities has to be recognised as too traditional and therefore not fully adequate to current and future social and professional challenges facing our armed forces. It is confirmed by most theoreticians and practicians, co-responsible for structural, functional and programme implementation of the current military educational and training improvement system. Therefore it requires a smart organisational and substantial re-evaluation that would agree with the Polish Republic’s defence policy priorities, directions of social educational transformations and new needs of military theory and practice. Taking this into consideration, the theory cognitive content of the article has been subordinated to an innovative outlook on the ideas and range of officers-commanders’ professional preparation. That is why an excessive model of professional qualifications, created by contemporary teaching scholars, has been used. This model can significantly raise the value of officer commanders’ present and future education. Taking into account the “excessiveness”, the following factors have been analysed: the social and moral system of values, professional knowledge, the ability of thinking and theoretical abilities and operational practical skills. I should hope that the areas and directions of changes suggested by me in professional preparation of commanding cadre would initiate discussion on the Polish officer’s image at the dawn of the 21st century.
Detailed analysis of properties characteristic of social skills, one should base on the theory M. Agryle which presented is also eating the process. He also spotted the analogy between social skills and motor abilities. So detailed and multifaceted analysis of social skills is emphasizing their meaning in the social life, above all in such areas, in which human relationships are gaining the offi cial dimension at institutions organization. Th erefore seems justifi ed so that social issues, with special pointing at social abilities, are in programs of educating these schools which in their assumption they are preparing to the work with people. One should understand social skills as the self-control and applying specifi c abilities which in determined social situations eff ects are bringing, is eff ective and at the same time in accordance with applicable standards and principles. And so for professional qualifi cations in our times required of the command and managerial staff deliberate and eff ective applying social abilities and the acquaintance of their theoretical dimension are essential. Social skills can be treated as the tool for the command staff for creating partnership principles understood in the context of eliminating conscious of cooperating with other people or as the method distance and of creating and developing the positive social bond in the reporting team.
Szczegółową analizę właściwości charakterystycznych dla umiejętności społecznych, należy opierać na teorii M. Argyle’a, który prezentował je również jako proces. Spostrzegł on również analogię między umiejętnościami społecznymi a umiejętnościami motorycznymi. Tak szczegółowa i wielostronna analiza umiejętności społecznych podkreśla ich znaczenie w życiu społecznym, przede wszystkim w takich obszarach, w których relacje międzyludzkie nabierają wymiaru służbowego w instytucjach zhierarchizowanych. Dlatego też wydaje się zasadne, aby problematyka społeczna, ze szczególnym wskazaniem na umiejętności społeczne, znajdowała się w programach kształcenia tych szkół, które w swoim założeniu przygotowują do pracy z ludźmi. Umiejętności społeczne należy rozumieć jako opanowanie i stosowanie konkretnych umiejętności, które w określonych sytuacjach społecznych przynoszą efekty, są skuteczne, a jednocześnie zgodne z obowiązującymi normami i zasadami. Niezbędne zatem dla współcześnie wymaganych kwalifi kacji zawodowych kadry dowódczej i kierowniczej jest świadome i efektywne stosowanie umiejętności społecznych oraz znajomość ich wymiaru teoretycznego. Umiejętności społeczne mogą być traktowane jako narzędzie dla kadry dowódczej do kreowania zasad partnerstwa rozumianych w kontekście świadomego współdziałania z innymi ludźmi lub jako metoda eliminowania dystansu oraz tworzenia pozytywnej więzi społecznej w podległym zespole i rozwijania jej.
Podobieństwo funkcjonowania w wojsku i w środowisku cywilnym osób kierujących swoimi podwładnymi daje szansę aplikacji wartościowych cywilnych rozwiązań. Konsekwentne od wielu lat wykorzystywanie w firmach prywatnych możliwości rozwijania kompetencji społecznych osób kierujących pracownikami, stanowi praktyczne potwierdzenie znaczenia i skuteczności tego typu oddziaływań. Warto aby i wojsko jak najefektywniej skorzystało z możliwości rozwijania tych kompetencji. Wzorując się na koncepcjach rozwijanych na potrzeby doskonalenia umiejętności menedżerów, stworzono model kompetencji społecznych związanych z pełnieniem funkcji dowódczej. Model ten obejmuje zachowania związane z kompetencjami określonymi jako: przywództwo, komunikowanie się, współpraca, wpływ i negocjowanie oraz postępowanie w sytuacjach trudnych. Trafność modelu potwierdzona została empirycznie. Dodatkowo w toku analiz statystycznych ustalono, jakie konkretne umiejętności warte są doskonalenia oraz przy pomocy jakich metod powinno się rozwijać poszczególne kompetencje społeczne.
The fact, that for many years in private companies they improve the Social Competences of Managers is a practical confirmation of the importance and effectiveness of this type of proceedings. The fact, that the functioning of people who manage their subordinates is similar in the army and in the civil world is a chance to apply such valuable civil solutions in the army. The model of social competences related to commander function has been based on the concepts developed for the need to improve managers’ skills. The model covers behavior related to competences defined as: leadership, communication, cooperation, influence and negotiation, and how to behave in difficult situations. The research has shown, that the model works well. In addition, the statistical analyses have indicated which specific skills should be improved and which methods should be used.
The issue of military command is an issue, which under the rules of international criminal law involves numerous issues, related to the regime of commander liability. Since the Nuremberg Tribunal, the issue of superior responsibility has undergone extensive changes. The article presents the influence of the jurisprudence of the Yugoslav Tribunal on the formation of regulations on military command. This is because it was the first international court that had to face this issue. The International Criminal Court built on its experience, clarified the concept of commander's liability and supplemented it with new components.
Problematyka rozkazu wojskowego jest zagadnieniem, które na gruncie przepisów międzynarodowego prawa karnego wiąże się z szeregiem licznych zagadnień, powiązanych z reżimem odpowiedzialności dowódcy. Od czasu Trybunału Norymberskiego problematyka superior responsibility została poddana szerokim zmianom. W artykule zaprezentowano wpływ orzecznictwa Trybunału Jugosłowiańskiego na ukształtowanie się uregulowań dotyczących rozkazu wojskowego. Był to bowiem pierwszy międzynarodowy sąd, któremu przyszło się zmierzyć z tą problematyką. Na jego doświadczeniach bazował Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny, który doprecyzował koncepcję odpowiedzialności dowódcy i uzupełnił ją o nowe komponenty.
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