The article presents a research of the usage of colours in Estonian fairy tales and the associations that are created by means of colours. The topic of colour usage also includes the aspect of corporeality that generates a critical discussion on the presentation of a woman in fairy tales. The symbolical meanings of different colours in fairy tales largely overlap with their meanings in folk belief and runo songs. The colours that are particularly meaningful are black, white, and red. Also, such colours as grey and gold occupy special places in fairy tales. In addition to physical description, colours are used to present characters’ or objects’ inner values, also expressing the way they differ from the ordinary, or hinting at the magical qualities they may possess. Black and white form a pair of opposites, symbolising good and evil, beauty and ugliness, life and death. Those meanings remain with them also in case one is being used without the other. The colour red represents health, fertility, and beauty; that is why it is frequently used in the descriptions of women. At the same time, the colour red can be used as an opposite to white, having in this case a negative meaning. Gold and other metals show the object’s magical characteristics, but at the same time also its value. Possessing a golden object can also hint at the owner’s high moral values. The colour grey represents wisdom but it can also be seen as a colour that disguises magical as ordinary.
The article discusses the characters of witches in Walt Disney’s animated films (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty, The Sword in the Stone, The Little Mermaid, The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea). The author analyses the colours in the appearance, surroundings and actions of the characters, describing them with the term “colour image”. Then, she discusses the meanings of the colours revealed in the images of witches (black, purple, green and red), taking into account their symbolic and emotional connotations. At the end of the article, the author considers how the colours present in the images of witches influence the perception and interpretation of their characters.
Artykuł omawia postacie czarownic występujące w animowanych filmach produkcji Walta Disneya (Królewna Śnieżka i siedmiu krasnoludków, Śpiąca Królewna, Miecz w kamieniu, Mała syrenka, Mała syrenka 2: Powrót do morza). Autorka poddaje analizie barwy występujące w wyglądzie, otoczeniu i czynnościach bohaterek, określając je „wizerunkiem kolorystycznym”. Następnie omawia znaczenia przypisanych czarownicom kolorów (czerni, fioletu, zieleni i czerwieni) z uwzględnieniem ich konotacji symbolicznych i emocjonalnych. W końcowej części artykułu autorka rozważa, jak obecne w wizerunkach czarownic kolory wpływają na odbiór i interpretację ich postaci.