The physiological properties of clothing designed to provide protection against cold, windy and damp conditions affect comfort. The weight, thickness, stiffness of the fabrics and friction between the clothing layers affect physical performance. The comfort and perception of performance associated with 3 military winter combat clothing systems from different decades (the new M05 system, the previous M91 system and traditional clothing) were observed during a winter military manoeuvre. Subjective experiences concerning comfort and performance were recorded for 319 subjects using questionnaires. The most challenging conditions for comfort and performance were perspiration in the cold and external moisture. The new M05 system provided warmer thermal sensations (p < .010), dryer moisture sensations in the presence of external dampness (p < .001), dryer perspiration moisture sensations (p < .050) and better perception of physical (p < .001) and mental performance (p < .001) than the other systems. Careful development of the clothing system guarantees good comfort and performance during cold exposure.
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The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence on a standing thermal manikin of various factors such as thermal environment parameters (temperature, humidity, velocity/direction of air flow), how heating power is transferred to the manikin, and the time required to reach thermal balance during tests with thermal clothing insulation. Three sets of clothing, designed for protecting before cold, intended for use at very low temperatures (0, -10 and -25 °C) were tested in a climatic chamber on a standing thermal manikin. The results of the tests yielded the following results: 1) methods to control the transfer of heating power to the manikin have a negligible influence on the determined value of clothing thermal insulation, 2) air velocity decreases the tested thermal insulation by 7%, whereas an increase in temperature increases the thermal insulation, 3) temperature in a climatic chamber should be determined in accordance with the anticipated clothing insulation of the clothing ensemble being tested. The tests showed that in order to obtain reliable and accurate results, it is necessary to maintain an appropriate air velocity in the climatic chamber, of around 0.3 to 0.5 m/s, and an appropriate difference in temperatures between the manikin’s surface and the environment at a minimum of 12 °C.
Celem pracy była analiza wpływu na termiczny manekin takich czynników, jak: parametry otoczenia (temperatura, wilgotność, szybkość/kierunek strumienia powietrza), sposób przekazywania mocy grzejnej do manekina oraz czas wymagany do osiągnięcia równowagi termicznej. Na manekinie umieszczonym w komorze klimatycznej testowano trzy zestawy odzieży zaprojektowanej do ochrony przed zimnem i przeznaczonej do używania w bardzo niskich temperaturach (0, -10 i -25 °C). Wyniki pomiarów przedstawiały się następująco: 1) metody służące do kontroli przekazywania mocy grzewczej do manekina mają nieznaczny wpływ na wyznaczoną wartość izolacyjności cieplnej odzieży, 2) prędkość powietrza obniża badaną izolacyjność termiczną o 7%, podczas gdy wzrost temperatury powoduje również wzrost izolacyjności cieplnej, 3) temperatura w komorze klimatycznej powinna być określona zgodnie z przewidywaną izolacyjnością cieplną badanej odzieży. Testy pokazują, że w celu uzyskania rzetelnych i dokładnych wyników, niezbędne jest zachowanie odpowiedniej prędkości powietrza w komorze klimatycznej, na poziomie około 0,3 – 0,5 m/s i właściwej różnicy temperatur pomiędzy powierzchnią manekina a otoczeniem, minimalnie 12 °C.
Cold protective clothing was studied in 2 European Union projects. The objectives were (a) to examine different insulation calculation methods as measured on a manikin (serial or parallel), for the prediction of cold stress (IREQ); (b) to consider the effects of cold protective clothing on metabolic rate; (c) to evaluate the movement and wind correction of clothing insulation values. Tests were carried out on 8 subjects. The results showed the possibility of incorporating the effect of increases in metabolic rate values due to thick cold protective clothing into the IREQ model. Using the higher thermal insulation value from the serial method in the IREQ prediction, would lead to unacceptable cooling of the users. Thus, only the parallel insulation calculation method in EN 342:2004 should be used. The wind and motion correction equation (No. 2) gave realistic values for total resultant insulation; dynamic testing according to EN 342:2004 may be omitted.
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