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The idea of functioning and technical realization of the National Standard Unit of Radionuclide Activity established in Poland by President of the Central Office of Measures is presented in this paper. The Radioisotope Centre POLATOM has been appointed as depositary of that National Standard. The detection circuits as well as the absolute methods of measurements used to realize the standard unit are described. Application of a liquid scintillation technique was emphasized, and the determination accuracy of measurements has been presented. All kinds of the secondary standards, prepared in the RC POLATOM for application in isotope laboratories of nuclear medicine and in industrial and scientific centres, are related to the National Standard by a chain of presented comparisons. Relationship between the National Standard Unit of Radionuclide Activity and the international system of standards has been realized in the RC POLATOM by taking part in international comparisons of the measurement results.
Content available remote The Adessive Case in Polish: A Cognitive Perspective On Some Locative Prepositions
The aim of this paper is to show that what is considered in Polish as one heterogeneous LOCATIVE case in the "formal" approach only on the surface seems rather complex and appears to lack any natural order. Due to the limited size of the paper, focus will be laid only on one locative case, the ADESSIVE, representing the static external locative, expressing different aspects of a relationship outside an entity and describing the "location ‘on top of’ or ‘near’, ‘owner’ or ‘instrument’ by means of which an action is performed" (Karlsson 1999: 115). It has no single linguistic equivalent in Polish; instead it is represented by several prepositions, such as na + LOC ‘on’, przy + LOC ‘by’ and u + GEN ‘at’, etc., reflecting different aspects of proximity and coincidence in space. Taking just the case of the ADESSIVE relation, data observations based on the IPI PAN Corpus of Polish allow us to claim that although each preposition is responsible for a different aspect of the external spatial relation, they complement one another and are related in a family resemblance fashion, expressing an adessive relation.
Wyjaśnienie zjawiska politycznego jest nie tyle funkcją wielowariantową, lecz wieloelementowym narzędziem badawczym, które gwarantuje adekwatność (w szerszym kontekście chodzi o szanse wyjaśnienia) kosztem uniwersalności. Proponowany paradygmat koincydencji dostarcza możliwości aplikacji wyjaśnień, które pozornie pozostają ze sobą w sprzeczności merytorycznej oraz metodologicznej. Poprzez pojęcia „metaaktywności” oraz „ quasi-eksperta” zostają wyjaśnione kryteria, które gwarantują powstanie wieloelementowego narzędzia badawczego w naukach politycznych. Podstawą rozważań jest szeroko rozumiana egzemplifikacja sporu pomiędzy metodologią normatywną oraz empiryczną.
Explaining a political phenomenon is not to be viewed as a multi-variant function but rather a comprehensive research tool ensuring adequacy (in a broader context – chances of arriving at an explanation) at the expense of universality. The proposed coincidence paradigm provides possibilities of applying explanations seemingly contradictory from the substantive and methodological perspective. The concepts of “meta-activity” and “quasi-expert” are used for the sake of explaining the criteria ensuring development of a political science research tool composed of multiple elements. At the core of deliberations lies broadly-defined exemplification of the dispute between normative and empirical methodology.
On the grounds of criminal-law research, the article tries to conduct a dispute analysis of the issues of a legal evaluation of “the fleeing” of a road traffic participant from the scene of the communication event. The subject of the analysis is not only the concept of “the escape” — its subjective aspect — but also its perception on the grounds of the past and the presently applicable legal solutions. Attention was drawn to the change in function that these circumstances fulfilled and to how, within years, its influence on justice in cases of communication crimes — from the circumstances restricting the dimension of punishment in the phase of judicial substantiation, via creation of the marks of the qualified type of forbidden act, to a general (cumulative) premise of extraordinary restriction of punishment. One of the leading ideas of this work is the case of the ratio legis regulation of the fleeing of the road traffic participant from the scene of the communication event. In light of the accepted legal solutions it is unclear what determines its object of protection, and so the protection of which legal goods this regulation serves.
Content available remote Teoria koincydencji a wypadki drogowe
Wiele rodzajów wypadków drogowych jest efektem "nałożenia" się niezależnych czynników. Różne konotacje takiej hipotezy znajdujemy w literaturze bezpieczeństwa, a często yużywanym terminem jest wówczas "koincydencja" . Taka współbieżność przestrzenno-czasowa inicjuje sekwencję, której ostatnim ogniwem jest wypadek. Koincydencja, to częsta, a zarazem mało badana przyczyna pierwotna wypadków drogowych, wtedy, gdy rozważa się współbieżność ciągów zdarzeń i czynników niezależnych losowo, a mających wpływ na aktualną sytuację ruchowo-drogową. Nie ma jednej teorii wyjaśniającej rolę koincydencji jako źródła powstawania wypadków. W referacie omówiono niektóre zagadnienia dotyczące roli koincydencji powstawania wypadków. W tym kontekście przypomniano ważniejsze teorie powstawania wypadków.
The road accidents very often come into existence as a result of "overlaping each other" of a different and independent factors. In this case it is often named by using a term "coincidence". It appears when we consider a concurrency of a randomly independent factors, having the influence over a current road situation. becoming known of the coincidence initiates an events chain, whose the last link may be an accident. The paper discusses some problems which concern the coincidence`s role in coming into existence of accidents. In this context the paper reminds the main theories of coming into existance of accidents.
Content available remote Instytucja ciągu przestępstw po 1 lipca 2015 r.
The institution of series of crimes regulates the situation of coincidence of crimes which are connected in a specific way. This connections are ground for different penalty – one penalty for all crimes. The amendment of criminal law, conducted in 2015, made changes also in the chapter IX of the polish criminal code and modified provision 91. The legislator decided to replace some premises. The premise of a similar way of committing a crime was replaced by the premise of using the same opportunity. The amendment also modified a demand of an identical criminal qualification for all crimes covered by the institution of series of crimes. Since then, the demand of an identity has been applied to a provision which is the basis of penalty size. The aim of this paper is to discuss the changes conducted in 2015 and evaluate the whole institution of series of crimes.
This comparative paper analyses in detail the contexts in which the “contingency” category was used by the philosophers mentioned in its title. While Odo Marquard and Richard Rorty situated contingency within the antifundamentalist discourse, especially in the sphere of philosophical anthropology, epistemology and ethics, Jürgen Habermas drew his conception of the contingency of human birth from the “human nature”— related discourse against modern-day genetic engineering. Marquard’s and Rorty’s theories differ in their philosophical assumptions (scepticism vs. neopragmatism). Among others, the author shows that none of the mentioned thinkers accepted the radically relativistic consequences of the debate around the “contingency” conception. In his analyses, he also makes frequent use of Marquard’s distinction between “arbitrarily accidental” and “fatefully accidental.”
Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, które znaczenia słowa ‘przypadek’ można zastosować w kwestii trafu moralnego. W pierwszej części artykułu pokrótce omówiono istotę problemu trafu moralnego, rodzaje tego trafu oraz konsekwencje uznania roli trafu/przypadku dla moralności. Druga część zawiera definicje przypadku. W tej części zaprezentowano również argumenty za tym, które z przedstawionych znaczeń przypadku można wykorzystać w analizie zagadnienia trafu moralnego. W zakończeniu artykułu pojawia się sugestia ograniczenia znaczenia i roli tzw. paradoksu trafu moralnego.
The aim of the article is to show which meanings of the word ‘coincidence’ can be used in the problem of moral luck. The first part of the article briefly discusses the essence of the problem of moral luck, the types of this luck and the consequences of recognizing the role of luck for morality. The second presents definitions of coincidence. This part also presents the arguments which of the presented meanings of coincidence can be used in the analysis of the problem of moral luck. In conclusion, there is a suggestion to limit the meaning and role of the so-called  paradox of moral luck.
The article concerns the problem of the legal structure of the so-called series of crimes. The attention is concentrated on the changes in terms of evidence of this institution introduced by the amendment to the Penal Code of February 20, 2015. The previous statutory formula of Art. 91 § 1 of the Penal Code was recalled, especially the annulled premise of the “similar way” of committing crimes bounded together in series, remembering at the same time the doubts and interpretative arguments which accompanied that interpretation. In the circle of interests remains also the issue of the statutory understanding of the requirement of identity of “the regulation whose criteria each of those crimes fully fulfill”, which forms the basis for the punishment given for the series of crimes. The arguments of the ideas competing in this matter were also recalled as well as the effects that might have been caused while implementing such practice. Taking the above into consideration the modifications within the statutory formula of the series of crimes were discussed. A special attention was drawn to the new premise of “using the same opportunity” and the consequences that are caused by introducing this premise for the scope of using this structure. The article also discusses the issue of the identity of the legal rule, required by the act, the reference to which in the amended legal state became the rule which was the basis for the punishment, and not, as it was commonly previously believed, the rule stating the basis for punishing for each of the crimes remaining in the series. In the margin of the analysis of the new shape of the premises of series there are remarks devoted to the punishment for the multiplicity of crimes embraced with the feature of continuity.
Content available Koincydencja nierówności toru kolejowego
W artykule zawarto wyniki badań koincydencji nierówności torów z uwzględnieniem autorskich pomiarów. Celem prowadzenia analizy koincydencji nierówności toru jest określenie i zlokalizowanie miejsc, które powinny być poddane w pierwszej kolejności remontowi, pozwalając dokonać poprawy jakości geometrycznej toru. W pracy zawarto wykresy odchyłek od wartości dopuszczalnych oraz koincydencji z zastosowaniem eksperckiego systemu komputerowego. Koincydencja nierówności toru jest elementem składowym jakości geometrycznej toru kolejowego. Artykuł zawiera odwołania do polskich regulacji branżowych obowiązujących w budownictwie komunikacyjnym transportu kolejowego. W artykule przedstawiono autorskie spostrzeżenia i wnioski. Praca niniejsza została wykonana w ramach badań statutowych nr AGH
The article includes the results of inequality coincidence circuits including authors measurements. The purpose of carrying out the analysis of coincidence inequality track is to identify and locate places that should be subjected to the first overhaul, allowing you to make improving the quality of geometric track. The article includes charts deviations from the limit values and the coincidence made using expert computer system. Coincidence irregularities of the track is a component of geometric quality of the railway track. The article contains reference to the Polish trade regulations applicable in civil engineering railway transport. Article presents the authors observations and conclusions. This work was done within the statutory research AGH No.
Technika PET jest obecnie podstawową metodą obrazowania molekularnego. Jest stosowana w diagnostyce, określeniu stopnia zaawansowania choroby oraz w monitorowaniu leczenia. Do podstawowych rozwiązań, które jednoznacznie przyczyniły się do rozwoju techniki PET należą wprowadzenie iteracyjnych metod rekonstrukcji obrazów, zastosowanie nowych typów kryształów scyntylacyjnych, wprowadzenie metody PET-CT, opracowanie metody time of flight, a obecnie zastosowanie metody PET-MRI. Zrozumienie zasad techniki PET, jej zalet, a przede wszystkim ograniczeń, jest niezbędne nie tylko dla właściwej interpretacji ostatecznego wyniku przez lekarza, ale również dla optymalizacji parametrów skanowania i oceny źródeł artefaktów przez fizyka/ inżyniera medycznego.
At present, PET is a basic method of molecular imaging. It is applied in diagnostics, for determining the degree of the progress of illness and in monitoring the treatment. To basic answers which explicitly contributed to the development of PET belong introduction of iterative methods for reconstruction of images, applying new types of scintillators, implementing the hybrid PET-CT scanners, developing the method time of flight, and at present, application of PETMRI. Understanding principles of the technique, its limitations and advantages, is essential not only for appropriate interpretation of the final result by the doctor, but especially for the optimization parameters of scanning and the evaluation of sources of artifacts by the medical physics/engineer.
Content available New versions on Nikaidô's coincidence theorem
nr 1
In 1959, Nikaidô established a remarkable coincidence theorem in a compact Hausdorff topological space, to generalize and to give a unified treatment to the results of Gale regarding the existence of economic equilibrium and the theorems in game problems. The main purpose of the present paper is to deduce several generalized key results based on this very powerful result, together with some KKM property. Indeed, we shall simplify and reformulate a few coincidence theorems on acyclic multifunctions, as well as some Górniewicz-type fixed point theorems. Beyond the realm of monotonicity nor metrizability, the results derived here generalize and unify various earlier ones from the classic optimization theory. In the sequel, we shall deduce two versions of Nikaidô's coincidence theorem about Vietoris maps from different approaches.
Content available remote Rzeczy ostatnie w Ostatnim rozdaniu Wiesława Myśliwskiego
Taking into consideration ambiguous title of Wiesław Myśliwski’s novel Ostatnie rozdanie (The last deal), the author traces the poker-like existential plot. Asking questions about who plays? – who with? – what for? – the author analyses various aspects of the text. She notices that narrator’s dialogues with himself, with ‘I’ emerging form memories (always construed), are characterized by constant balancing between different conceptions of subject and fate. In his “treatise on instability” the narrator, commenting past events, diagnoses culture and the condition of a “contingent” human being. In narrator’s games one can hear the writer’s “last word” (a testament) – the narrator entraps the reader in the last “game” with oneself, inviting to meditation on ‘”last” and “ultimate” things. In his parabolic narrative, in which the narrator has some features of Everyman, the most important thing is an attempt to manage / understand one’s own / human fate.
The Document Examiner’s approach could not be based only on the technical aspect of the analysis, but it must very often be extended in the graphological analysis of the case. The Document Examiner has to also take into consideration the particular historical data in order to orientate the investigation’s hypothesis. In many cases morphological similarity could be tricky and misleading, just because of the simplefact that reflects the main purpose of the forger: the similarity, in which he bases the effort of presenting a forged document genuine.
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