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Patients with cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) are at risk of developing PUs due to sensory, motor and cognitive deficits following the disease. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the severity and factors affecting the occurrence of PUs in patients with CVA. The present study was a retrospective cohort study. The data of this research was extracted from the registry system of Imam Reza Hospital located in the west of Iran. 217 patients with CVA with Braden score below 14 or with PU were included in the study. In order to investigate the relationship between independent variables and wound stage in univariate regression model, logistic regression was used, and the results were reported as odds ratio (OR). Data were analyzed with Stata statistical software version 15 and Excel 2016 software. Out of 217 CVA patients hospitalized, 180 had pressure ulcers. In total, 465 PUs were diagnosed in 180 patients in different areas. The average age of patients was (SD=61±8.78) years. 65 patients suffered only one wound, 38 patients experienced two wounds, and 37 patients experienced three wounds. The highest number of PUs was with 201 cases of stage I, followed by 180 cases of stage II. Stage IV with 2 cases was the least PU cases. Patients with a Braden score of 10-12 were 3.89 times more likely than patients with a Braden score greater than 14, and patients with a Braden score of 6-9 were diagnosed with PUS 6.67 times more than those with a Braden score greater than 14. Regarding the site of PUs, the sacrum and then the buttock were the most common sites of PU, which were observed in 65.56% and 29.49% of patients, respectively. The highest number of stage I was related to the sacrum area. The sacrum was the most common site of PU occurrence and the highest number of PUs was related to stage I. Age, fecal incontinence, hemoglobin levels and Braden’s score have been among the factors affecting PUs in patients with CVA.
Objective: The Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) became operational in 1952; it is located in the western part of Kentucky. We conducted a mortality study for adverse health effects that workers may have suffered while working at the plant, including exposures to chemicals. Materials and Methods: We studied a cohort of 6820 workers at the PGDP for the period 1953 to 2003; there were a total of 1672 deaths to cohort members. Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a specific concern for this workforce; exposure to TCE occurred primarily in departments that clean the process equipment. The Life Table Analysis System (LTAS) program developed by NIOSH was used to calculate the standardized mortality ratios for the worker cohort and standardized rate ratio relative to exposure to TCE (the U.S. population is the referent for ageadjustment). LTAS calculated a significantly low overall SMR for these workers of 0.76 (95% CI: 0.72–0.79). A further review of three major cancers of interest to Kentucky produced significantly low SMR for trachea, bronchus, lung cancer (0.75, 95% CI: 0.72–0.79) and high SMR for Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) (1.49, 95% CI: 1.02–2.10). Results: No significant SMR was observed for leukemia and no significant SRRs were observed for any disease. Both the leukemia and lung cancer results were examined and determined to reflect regional mortality patterns. However, the Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma finding suggests a curious amplification when living cases are included with the mortality experience. Conclusions: Further examination is recommended of this recurrent finding from all three U.S. Gaseous Diffusion plants.
Objectives The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of phthalate exposure on pregnancy duration and birth outcomes based on the Polish Mother and Child Cohort (REPRO_PL). Material and Methods Phthalate exposure was determined by measuring 11 phthalate metabolites (mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP), mono-iso-butyl phthalate (MiBP), mono-n-butyl phthalate (MnBP), 3OH-mono-n-butyl phthalate (OH-MnBP), mono-benzyl phthalate (MBzP), mono‑ (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP), mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP), mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP), mono-hydroxy-iso-nonyl phthalate (MHiNP), mono-oxo-iso-nonyl phthalate (MOiNP), and mono-n-octyl phthalate (MOP)) in the urine collected from 165 mothers during the third trimester of pregnancy by high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). The following measures at birth were considered: gestational age, birth weight, length as well as head and chest circumference. Results Pregnancy duration was inversely associated with natural log concentrations (μg/g creatinine) of MEP (standardized regression coefficient (β) = –0.2, p = 0.04) after adjustment for a variety of confounders. Significant impact of MOiNP on head circumference (β = –0.1, p = 0.05) was also observed. Conclusions The study findings add further support to the hypothesis that phthalate exposure may be associated with shorter pregnancy duration and a decreased head circumference, and underscore importance of public health interventions to reduce that exposure.
Large scale studies of environmental influences on children’s health and development are being planned or conducted in many places, including Japan, France, Shanghai (China), the United States, and Germany. The objective of these “next generation” studies is to better understand a broad range of environmental and social factors that influence the health and well-being of children. Some of these studies are designed to enroll tens of thousands of children and follow them for many years to investigate the influence of the environment on child growth, development and health. Environment is broadly defined in these studies and includes investigation of chemical, biological, physical and socioeconomic factors. An international group composed of study teams from Japan, France, Shanghai (China), the United States, and Germany has been meeting since 2011 to exchange information and work towards harmonization of processes that would provide the opportunity to compare methods and develop procedures to conduct combined analyses of results and data pooling procedures. Harmonization of infant health outcomes, biomarkers, environmental measurements, socioeconomic and migration status has been initiated. This manuscript provides an overview of the Environment and Child Health International Birth Cohort Group and its history, describes the progress of work, and discusses the advantages of this international collaborative effort.
Assessing physical activity in epidemiological studies is a severe challenge for researchers, whose overriding aim is to obtain accurate, truthful and reliable data on the level of physical activity in different population groups. Presently, both objective and subjective measurement methods are used. The tools used in objective methods are usually pedometers and accelerometers, while in subjective are used questionnaires conducted and run either as self-reported or by a trained interviewer. At the end of the 1990s, experts in the field of epidemiology of physical activity began developing normalised and standardised tools for subjective assessment of physical activity. After several years of experience, we know that well-chosen and properly validated tools used in the testing process conducted in accordance with recommended standards are a prerequisite for obtaining accurate, truthful and reliable data. Although there are over 90 different questionnaires for physical activity, the two most commonly used are the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ). On the other hand, objective tools such as pedometers or accelerometers are used more and more frequently in cohort and experimental studies, but also those concerning populations. The article reviews the literature on the criteria of selection and usage of these popular tools. The advantages and disadvantages of each of them and the results of the most important comparative validation studies are discussed.
Ocena aktywności fizycznej w badaniach epidemiologicznych jest poważnym wyzwaniem dla badaczy. Celem nadrzędnym jest pozyskanie dokładnych, prawdziwych i rzetelnych danych dotyczących poziomu aktywności fizycznej różnych populacji. Obecnie, wykorzystywane są zarówno obiektywne jak i subiektywne metody pomiarowe. Narzędziami w badaniach obiektywnych są najczęściej pedometry oraz akcelerometry, natomiast w subiektywnych różnego rodzaju kwestionariusze prowadzone samodzielnie lub przez przeszkolonego ankietera. Pod koniec lat 90. XX wieku, eksperci zajmujący się epidemiologią aktywności fizycznej rozpoczęli opracowywanie znormalizowanych i wystandaryzowanych narzędzi do subiektywnej oceny wysiłków fizycznych. Po kilkunastu latach doświadczeń wiemy, że dobrze dobrane i prawidłowo zwalidowane narzędzia oraz przeprowadzenie procesu badawczego zgodnie z zalecanymi standardami, jest niezbędnym warunkiem do pozyskania dokładnych, prawdziwych i rzetelnych danych. Chociaż istnieje ponad 90 różnych kwestionariuszy aktywności fizycznej, najczęściej wykorzystywane są dwa: Międzynarodowy Kwestionariusz Aktywności Fizycznej (IPAQ) oraz Globalny Kwestionariusz Aktywności Fizycznej (GPAQ). W badaniach kohortowych i eksperymentalnych ale także coraz częściej w badaniach populacyjnych są wykorzystywane narzędzia obiektywne w postaci pedometrów lub akcelerometrów. W artykule dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa na temat kryteriów wyboru i zasad korzystania z tych popularnych narzędzi. Omówiono zalety i wady każdego z nich oraz zamieszczono wyniki najważniejszych porównawczych badań walidacyjnych.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań epidemiologicznych dotyczących ryzyka zachorowania na raka u pracowników dwóch dużych zakładów przemysłu gumowego w Polsce. Jeden z nich produkował obuwie gumowe, drugi opony. Badania prowadzono metodą kohortową. Wyniki wieloletniej obserwacji 16 813 osób (8771 mężczyzn i 8042 kobiet) zatrudnionych co najmniej trzy miesiące w latach 1945-1985 przy produkcji obuwia gumowego wykazały istotnie zwiększone ryzyko zgonu z powodu chorób nowotworowych ogółem (mężczyźni: 678 zgonów, SMR=116, 95%CI: 107-125; kobiety: 506 zgonów, SMR=111, 95%CI: 101-121). Biorąc pod uwagę umiejscowienie nowotworu u mężczyzn odnotowano istotną nadwyżkę raka: pęcherzyka żółciowego (17 zgonów, SMR=317, 95%CI: 185-508), krtani (39 zgonów, SMR=192, 95%CI: 136-262), płuca (239 zgonów, SMR=125, 95%CI: 109-141) u kobiet: raka pęcherzyka żółciowego (42 zgony, SMR=206, 95%CI: 149-279), raka macicy (17 zgonów, SMR=220, 95%CI: 128-353) i szyjki macicy (59 zgonów, SMR=161, 95%CI: 122-207). Analiza umieralności w podkohortach wyodrębnionych wg roku zatrudnienia w zakładzie wykazała, że istotne ryzyko raka jelita grubego, pęcherzyka żółciowego, krtani i płuca dotyczy osób, które rozpoczęły pracę przed przeprowadzką zakładu do nowo wybudowanych i wyposażonych w nowoczesne urządzenia hal, tzn. pracowały w gorszych warunkach higienicznych. W grupie 16 686 pracowników zakładu oponiarskiego (10918 mężczyzn i 5768 kobiet) zatrudnionych co najmniej trzy miesiące w latach 1950 - 1995 nie odnotowano istotnego statystycznie zwiększenia ryzyka nowotworów chociaż w niektórych umiejscowieniach liczba odnotowanych zgonów przekraczała przewidywaną wartość. Jedną z prawdopodobnych przyczyn różnego obrazu umieralności w obu badanych grupach jest ich odmienna struktura wiekowa - pracownicy zakładu oponiarskiego są znacznie młodsi. Do ostatecznej oceny ryzyka raka u osób zatrudnionych w fabryce opon potrzebna jest dalsza obserwacja.
Results of epidemiological research on the risk of cancer in workers of two big Polish rubber plants are reported. One manufactured rubber shoes, the other made rubber tyres. The cohort method was used in the study. The results of long-term observation of 16 813 people (8771 men and 8042 women) employed between 1945 and 1985 in the production of rubber shoes showed a significantly higher risk of death from cancer in general (men: 678 deaths, SMR=116, 95%CI: 107-125; women: 506 deaths, SMR=111, 95%CI: 101-121). Considering particular locations, increased mortalities were noted in the males for the cancer of: gallbladder (17 deaths, SMR=317, 95%CI: 185-508), larynx (39 deaths, SMR=192, 95%CI: 136-262), lung (239 deaths, SMR=125, 95%CI: 109-141) and in the females for the cancer of: gallbladder (42 deaths, SMR=206, 95%CI: 149-279), uterus (17 deaths, SMR=220, 95%CI: 128-353) and cervix (59 deaths, SMR=161, 95%CI: 122-207). Our analysis of the mortality within the sub-cohorts set up by year of employment at the plant revealed that people who had started their employment before the plant moved to the new buildings provided with modern equipment, i.e. those who experienced poorer hygienic conditions, were at a significant risk of cancer of large intestine, gallbladder, larynx and lung. In the group of 16 686 workers of the rubber tyre plant (10918 men and 5768 women), statistically significant increase in the risk of cancer was not recorded, although for some locations the number of recorded deaths was higher than expected. One of the probable causes for the differences in the pattern of mortality between the studied cohorts is that the cohort of the rubber tyre plant was much younger than that of the other plant. Further observation is necessary to obtain the final assessment of cancer risk among workers of that plant.
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