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10 years after the biggest enlargement of the European Union, the community is not free from problems. The decline in the share of industry in GDP of the Union and the plans to stop this decrease by the newly created reindustrialization policy belong to the most serious ones. Another important problem is the declining competitiveness of the European economy and insufficient technical and scientific progress. Also fiscal issues adversely affect the functioning of the EU economy and, in particular, the individual Member States.
The main objective of the study is to analyze the actions taken by the municipality of Kędzierzyn-Koźle aimed at increasing the efficiency of local government units constituting the subregion of Kędzierzyn-Koźle in implementing the National Spatial Development Concept of Poland 2030 and the Opole Voivodeship’s development policy until 2020.
Purpose: The study concentrated on the process of evaluation of public programs currently implemented with the support of European Union funds in Poland. The aim was to show how the evaluation practice was adopted in the regional administration within programming and implementation of Regional Operational Programs 2007–2013 (ROP). The author analysed what types of decisions are primarily supported by evaluation and what functions evaluation serves. Methodology: The quantitative analysis was based on data drawn from documentation of the full population of ROP evaluations completed in 2007 to 2012, which was acquired from 16 ROP evaluation units. Findings: The practice of evaluation was well adopted in regional administration and has grown rapidly in recent years. 236 studies, costing more than 16 million PLN, were completed by the end of 2012. However, most studies were of limited value as they concentrated on the implementation process, not on the effects and justification of intervention. Implications: This study focused on quantitative aspects of the knowledge production process (evaluation reports). It omitted the question of actual evaluation use, which together with evaluation process quality and development of evaluation culture should be a subject of further investigation. Originality: This study was the fi rst review of ROP evaluations in Poland. It went far beyond the scope of data collected previously by the Ministry of Regional Development and proposed novel categorizations of evaluation subjects that may be useful for other than ROP evaluations.
nr 1(51)
The main aim of the paper is the multidimensional analysis of regional development in the new EU Member States in the years 2004–2014 on the background of EU regions and characterisation of the differences in their dynamics with the use of a synthetic index. The article presents an attempt to adopt a method of taxonomic measure of socio-economic development for multidimensional comparative analysis of development processes in a dynamic approach and to develop a synthetic measure reflecting the multifaceted nature of development processes and cohesion policy. The developed indicator (Regional Development Index) was used to determine the directions and paces of processes leading to the reduction of disparities in the level of regional development (beta- and sigma-convergence).
Głównym celem artykułu jest wielowymiarowa analiza rozwoju regionalnego w tzw. nowych państwach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej w latach 2004–2014 na tle regionów UE oraz scharakteryzowanie różnic w zakresie jego dynamiki za pomocą autorskiego miernika syntetycznego. W artykule zaprezentowano próbę adaptacji metody taksonomicznego miernika rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego dla celów wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej procesów rozwojowych w ujęciu dynamicznym oraz wypracowania wskaźnika syntetycznego ukazującego wielopłaszczyznowy charakter procesów rozwojowych i polityki spójności. Opracowany wskaźnik (Regional Development Index) został wykorzystany do określenia kierunków i tempa procesów prowadzących do zmniejszania dysproporcji w poziomie rozwoju regionalnego w zakresie beta oraz sigma konwergencji.
The changes stemming from the new regulations on the regional aid for the years 2014-2020 will set the trends in the utilisation of this type of public support in Poland. The maximum amount of this type of aid has been lowered in better developed regions as compared to the previous financial perspective. Simultaneously, due to different development levels of individual areas of the Mazowieckie region, the division into sub-regions has been introduced, excluding Warsaw, for the lowest allowed volume of support. Moreover, the so called incentive effect principle has been liberalised, and the privileged position of small and medium enterprises has been retained.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to examine whether the European Union budget comprises significant resources for financing measures relating to social cohesion. The analysis is based on the contents of the Europe 2020 Strategy. Given the constraints of space and for the sake of clarity of the argument, the author focuses on the role of the EU budget rather than all measures aimed at social cohesion undertaken by EU institutions or targeted by policies of individual Member States.Methodology: Documents, studies and reports published by the European Commission constitute the main source of information. In addition, the author has taken into account macroeconomic data demonstrating the deterioration of the social situation since 2009, as well as the instruments that the European Commission has deployed since 2013 in order to respond to post-crisis challenges.Conclusions: It can be roughly estimated that more than 40 percent of total resources within the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014–2020 shall be allocated to the social cohesion policy. Opportunities afforded by the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy include primarily the definition of objectives whose priority is indisputable and the introduction of the hitherto neglected analysis of certain socio-economic indicators, classified by country or region and, in certain cases, examined in more detail than required by the European Commission. The monitoring of objectives is conducive to the introduction of new solutions and implementation tools, as exemplified by the new instruments within the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014–2020, as well as the adjustment of available funds in light of the most pressing challenges. The European Semester has facilitated the task of comparing progress in strategy implementation by individual Member States, as well as the provision of recommendations for each of them and an individualized approach.Research implications: This article contributes to the discussion on further integration of the European Union’s social dimension, with particular emphasis on the need to work out a common approach to immigration policy.Originality: The author presents her own opinions regarding current events in terms of the post-crisis social cohesion policies of the European Union, taking into account the European Commission’s financial instruments.
In the last ten-odd years we have been observing a discussion held in the European Union on the change of the regional policy paradigm in terms of its objectives, priorities, tools and the geographical scope of intervention. Changing development conditions require modification of the European cohesion policy model, the main priority of which still is to equalize the level of development of regions in the Community Member States. At the turn of the centuries we can see changes in the way the European cohesion policy is implemented and also the orientation of the equalization policy (which compensates the social and economic backwardness of regions) towards the development policy (which supports competitiveness, takes advantage of the endogenous potential for development and eliminates various barriers). Such policy is to contribute to a more effective use of the potential for development in the entire Community to stimulate growth, employment and cohesion. This paper aims at attracting attention to the evolution of the European cohesion policy model towards a place-based policy.
tom 44
The article presents basic relations which happen among Europeanization and the public politics on the example of the politics of the cohesion. The author makes the broad exploration objective concepts and also postulates determined conclusions and recommendations.
W artykule przedstawiono rolę transportu i infrastruktury transportowej w debacie nad przyszłością polityki spójności. W oparciu o najważniejsze dokumenty będące wynikiem kolejnych etapów debaty prześledzono miejsce transportu w europejskiej polityce spójności i jego znaczenie dla rozwoju regionów Unii Europejskiej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy oraz wyników prac ekspertów wspierających podejmowanie decyzji na poziomie UE można stwierdzić, że transport jest nie zmiennie postrze ga ny ja ko czyn nik podstawowy ale niewystarczający dla rozwoju go spodarczego, a poprzez to przyczyniający się do realizacji celu spójności terytorialnej Europy.
The article presents a role of transport and transport infrastructure in the debate on the future of the European cohesion policy. Place of transport in cohesion policy and its role for regional development were determined on the base of the most important documents representing subsequent phases of the debate. The conducted analysis as well as works of independent experts supporting taking decisions on the EU level al low to concluding that transport has been still perceived as a basic but not sufficient factor of eco nomic development contributing to achieving territorial cohesion in Europe.
Content available Terytorialny paradygmat rozwoju w praktyce
Polityka spójności odgrywa kluczową rolę dla dynamiki procesu integracji europejskiej, stanowi w pewnym sensie „barometr” siły i kierunku przebiegu tego procesu, wokół którego w ostatnich latach toczy się debata europejska. Polityka ta w obecnym okresie programowania (2014-2020) ma wyraźny „wymiar terytorialny“, tzn. pozwala na dopasowanie charakteru wsparcia do specyfik i potrzeb określonych terytoriów. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na istotę koncepcji terytorialnego paradygmatu rozwoju oraz wskazanie przykładów jego aplikacji przez polityki rozwoju. Szczególna uwaga w tym kontekście została poświęcona europejskiej polityce spójności, której polskie regiony są największym beneficjentem.
Cohesion policy plays a key role in the dynamics of the process of European integration. It is in a kind of "barometer" of strength and direction of the integration process, around which in recent years there is a debate in Europe. This policy in the current programming period (2014-2020) has a clear "territorial dimension", i.e. adjust the nature of the support to the specific needs and certain territories. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the essence of the concept of territorial development paradigm and identify examples of its application for development policy. Particular attention in this context has been dedicated to European cohesion policy, the Polish regions are the biggest beneficiary
The significance of computerization of the state is permanently increasing. There is extensive evidence for that, like establishment of the Ministry of Administration and Digitalization, creation of Digital Poland Operational Program or designation of more than EUR 3.25 billion in 2014– –2020 for related activities. Information society infrastructure development is planned to be performed on both state- and regional-government levels. This approach enables better identification and meeting of needs but, on the other hand, enforces a need for firm coordination. A dedicated project was appointed to create the system of coordination. The present paper is a summary of results of this project. The results of diagnostic works are presented in the initial sections. The purpose of the diagnosis was to create a solid foundation for the system. The following sections present the system. The presentation of the system is focused on theoretical assumptions for the system and the way of implementing these assumptions in practice. In the conclusion the most important challenges of system implementation were identified and presented.
The mandates of the Supreme Audit Office and the European Court of Auditors overlap with regard to auditing of the management and spending of funds from the European Union budget by the Polish administration and beneficiaries. The ECA examines the EU budget execution and finance management by the European Commission, however, since over 80 percent of the EU expenses are realised by the Member States, ECA missions are mainly conducted at the their territories. Poland is the second state, following Italy, where the largest number of ECA missions have taken place. This is due to the fact that the vast part of EU funds is spent in Poland. That is why NIK is such an important partner for cooperation for the ECA.
Purpose: The paper discusses issues associated with using funds that support the development of entrepreneurship – the purpose of the paper is to answer questions regarding the purposefulness and effectiveness of financial instruments from EU funds aimed at the development of�emerging businesses (startups). Methodology: The paper analyzes previously conducted research studies in the fi eld of the discussed topic, it systematizes and describes the fi nancial instruments from EU funds supporting self- employment and startups in their early stages of activity. It also provides an overview of evaluation reports concerning these instruments. The paper also contains a case study: an analysis of the effectiveness of a selected project supporting the development of entrepreneurship (co-fi nanced from EU funds), in which the method of evaluating the net effect of the support in the short term has been used. Findings: An analysis of previously conducted research studies has shown that properly designed State aid targeted at those starting up their own business is sensible, as it provides them with seed capital and it helps them survive the most diffi cult period of the so-called “startup”. However, there is a lack of comprehensive studies to confirm the positive impact of business support interventions carried out using EU funds. The methodology of evaluating the net effect used by the Author in the conducted study has made it possible to identify the actual size of the – positive – impact of the selected project on the growth of self-employment. Limitations: The study revealed some limitations – the method and time of the study allow to capture the phenomenon on a micro-scale, in the short term. The institutions that are involved in the process of allocating funds should develop a comprehensive methodology that implements the idea of evaluating the net effect, allowing to assess the effectiveness of the support at regional and national level in the long term. Originality: The originality of the paper consists in applying the theories and results of previous studies to the Polish practice of supporting businesses at their early stages of development as well as applying the method of evaluating the net effect, which allows to determine the actual impact of the intervention.
Content available remote Rola instrumentów inżynierii finansowej w alokacji funduszy Unii Europejskiej
nr 3(31)
The aim of this paper is to present an alternative financing mechanism that could be used in the next programming period. The first section briefly examines the main differences between a financing system that is based on grants and one that is based on financial instruments. Next, the author describes the financial engineering instruments used at the national and EU levels. The final section assesses the advantages and disadvantages of financial mechanisms that combine financial instruments with private capital. As the SWOT analysis shows, the financial engineering instruments could be effectively used to increase the absorption of EU funds in the period 2014–2020.
Celem artykułu jest ocena stopnia zróżnicowania rozwoju społecznogospodarczego województw w latach 2005 i 2015 w kontekście polityki spójności. Polityka ta ma za zadanie zmniejszać dystans niektórych krajów unijnych do najbardziej rozwiniętych państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej, a także niwelować zróżnicowanie wewnątrzkrajowe w rozwoju. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie danych GUS, przy wykorzystaniu wzorcowej metody porządkowania liniowego Hellwiga. Wybrane zmienne diagnostyczne odnoszą się do trzech wymiarów polityki spójności: gospodarczego, społecznego i terytorialnego. Wykorzystana metoda umożliwiła ocenę sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej w Polsce wskazując województwa o dużym potencjale rozwojowym oraz borykające się z trudnościami. Badanie potwierdziło utrzymujące się zróżnicowanie w poziomie rozwoju między badanymi jednostkami terytorialnymi.
The article aims to evaluate the degree of diversification of socio-economic development of voivodships in 2005 and 2015 in the context of cohesion policy. This policy focuses on reducing the distance between some European Union countries and the most developed EU members, as well as on decreasing national disparities in development. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the CSO data, using the Hellwig’s method of linear ordering. The selected diagnostic variables relate to three dimensions of cohesion policy: economic, social and territorial. The applied method enabled to assess social and economic situation in Poland, indicating voivodships with high development potential and also those facing difficulties. The research confirmed persistent differences in the development level between the examined territorial units.
In the years 2007-2013 the new member states were subject to much greater assistance from the EU budget than in 2004-2006. The main sources of financing of this aid are the Structural Funds (i.e. ERDF and ESF) and Cohesion Fund. Among the new EU member states the main beneficiary of these funds in the years 2007-2013 will be Poland. Recourses granted from the EU budget will be assign by the EU-12 states for: promotion of business, human resource development, development of transport, environmental protection and territorial development. Given the experience from previous years (i.e. 2004-2006) it can be expected that in 2007-2013 the use of aid funds will contribute to reducing disparities in the level of economic development that divides the EU-12 from the "old" countries.
Koncepcja zrównoważonego rozwoju jest osią cywilizacji euroatlantyckiej. Polski system instytucjonalny państwa był i jest mało aktywny w upowszechnianiu i wdrażaniu kultury zrównoważonego rozwoju. W odniesieniu do innych państw unijnych jest on opóźniony w procesie: promowania, budowania i aktywnego kształtowania. We wszystkie cele działania Unii Europejskiej jest wpisana istota zrównoważonego rozwoju. Tym samym kultura polityczna Wspólnot Europejskich dzięki polityce spójności determinująco oddziałuje na kultury narodowe. W ten sposób, co udokumentowano w artykule, zachodzi bardzo korzystny proces, który powoduje polityka spójności i wdrażanie kultury zrównoważonego rozwoju w Polsce.
The concept of sustainable development is central for Euro-Atlantic civilization. Polish institutional system of the wasn't and isn't active in promoting and implementing sustainable development culture. In relation to other EU countries it is delayed in the process of promoting, building and actively shape. In all the objectives of the EU's action is inscribed sustainability. Thus, the political culture of the European Communities through cohesion policy determining impact on national cultures. Thus, as documented in the work, there is a very positive process, caused by cohesion policy, the implementation of sustainable development culture in Poland.
Reforma unijnej polityki spójności na lata 2007–2013 wpłynęła na zmiany w działaniach dostosowawczych podejmowanych w państwach członkowskich. Zmiany te – jak dowodzi analiza przeprowadzona dla UE 15, nowych państw członkowskich (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Polski) oraz Norwegii – przyjmują różne formy, zależnie od specyfiki krajowej. Część z nich wynika z przyjęcia nowego paradygmatu rozwoju. W artykule dokonano przeglądu zagadnień, wskazano na kwestie wymagające dalszej pogłębionej analizy.
The reform of the EU cohesion policy for the period 2007–2013 resulted with policy adjustments in member states. The changes, as showed by the analysis for EU 15, new member states (with particular attention given to Poland) and Norway – take various forms, depending on specific local factors. Some of discussed reforms seem to be the consequence of changing the paradigm of development. The authors offer a review of the most important issues and define the subjects requiring further studies.
Celem pracy było pokazanie pewnej koncepcji kształtowania współczesnego miasta w kontekście obecnego etapu rozwoju cywilizacji oraz etapu wdrażania koncepcji zrównoważonego i odpowiedzialnego rozwoju opartego na zintegrowanym i mobilnym podejściu. W teraźniejszości jest to odniesienie się do czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej, stwarzającej nowe kreacyjne możliwości, w tym także (re)kształtowania urbanistyczno-industrialnych ośrodków miejskich. W okresie 2015-2065 prognozuje się wzrost globalnej produktywności od 0,8% do 1,4% rocznie jako efekt czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej, czyli wykorzystywania: automatyzacji, digitalizacji i sztucznej inteligencji. Konsekwencje czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej pojawiają się także w przestrzeniach miejskich. Materializuje się tutaj koncepcja miasta 4.0. Wszystko to wpisuje się w kwestie spójności społecznej, gospodarczej i terytorialnej, jak i zrównoważonego i odpowiedzialnego rozwoju, współtworząc ramy polityki spójności lat 2014-2020.
The purpose of the study is to present a certain concept of shaping a modern city at the current stage of civilizational development and the stage of implementing the concept of sustainable and responsible development based on an integrated and mobile approach. At present, it is the reference to the fourth industrial revolution that has brought new creative possibilities for everything, including (re)shaping urban-industrial city centers. In the period 2015-2065, it is forecast that the increase in global productivity will reach from 0.8% to 1.4% a year, as a result of the fourth industrial revolution, the use of automation, digitization, and artificial intelligence. The consequences of the fourth industrial revolution are also noticeable in urban spaces. The concept of town 4.0 is becoming a reality. All this contributes to social, economic and territorial cohesion, as well as to sustainable and responsible development, co-creating the cohesion policy framework for the years 2014-2020.
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