Recognising the degree of climate transformations in the Arctic becomes vital, especially in times of rapid global climate change. The 21st century has seen a renaissance in Arctic coastal research. Here, we aim to present this recent progress. Moving from the European Arctic through the Siberian part and ending with the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA), we describe how the region’s coasts have transformed. This work is mostly focussed on progress in coastal geomorphology, geohazards, and reconstructions of the paleoarchives, although we also address the future research challenges of cold region coastal environments.
The coastal plains adjacent to the Pampean region in eastern Argentina evolved during the Holocene in response to interaction between sea level fluctuations and different littoral dynamic factors in such a way that several sedimentary environments developed. Evolutionary stages can be synthesised in three periods: 1) the post-LGM transgression, when landward migrating coastal barriers extended on the present shelf under the effect of a dominant northward littoral drift; 2) the last stages of the transgression (between 8000 and 6000 years BP), when the rising sea flooded the Alto Marítimo (a pre-Holocene positive morphological feature which in previous times separated the course of the de la Plata river from the open sea), resulting in a new coastal configuration in which the presence of two headlands, Punta Piedras (in the north) and Villa Gesell (in the south), influenced the coastal processes so changing the original regional northward littoral drift into cell-type circulation systems; 3) between 6000 years BP and the present, when progradation processes characterised by barriers and beach ridges development dominated as a result of the sea level fall and an excess of sediment supply. As a result, coastal semi-enclosed basins located in between the headlands, such as Samborombón bay and Mar Chiquita lagoon, became the main depocenters where low-energy conditions (coastal lagoons, tidal flats and marshes) prevailed due to its isolation from the open-sea by the barriers and ridges. Interaction between southward migration of coastal environments associated to the northern headland and northward migration of those related to the southern headland was a very important process in shaping the present morphology of the area.