The article focuses on new solutions in the Executive Penal Code relating to the procedure for qualifying for a group of dangerous prisoners and the range associated with the qualification constraints and their possible modification. Prisoners posing a serious social threat or a serious risk to the safety of penitentiary institutions are a special group of people criminally isolated. They are aggressive and deeply demoralized prisoners, the most dangerous perpetrators of crime and the persons directly involved, and often holding managerial positions, within the framework of organized crime. In practice of the functioning of the penitentiary they are a real threat to the proper functioning and security of prisons.
Classification is the process of dividing convicts sentenced into groups according to certain criteria by directing them to the proper type of prison and imprisonment system and by their proper distribution within the prison. The aim of this treatment is to create the best possible conditions of working with convicts, to counteract the harmful effects of demoralized convicts on other inmates as well as to ensure personal safety. The article presents the basic legal problems in issuing and verifying the classifying decision.
The classification of convicts is a theoretical and practical basis for the application of punishment, especially its differentiation. Only by dividing convicts into homogeneous groups, for example, depending on the type of crime committed, recidivism, level of correction, etc., can we ensure the realization of the principle of differentiation, individualization and planning of the execution of criminal sentences. The article addresses the concept and criteria for classifying convicts in prison of significant importance in differentiating and individualizing the execution of the sentence, as well as in order to achieve the goal of punishment and resocialization of the convict.
W artykule zawarto zagadnienia dotyczące prawnych i psychologicznych aspektów badań osobopoznawczych przestępców odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności. W kontekście prawnym ukazano ustawowe cele psychologicznego diagnozowania więźniów – jako podstawę indywidualizacji wykonywania kary pozbawienia wolności, zapobiegania szkodliwym wpływom skazanych zdemoralizowanych oraz zapewnienia skazanym bezpieczeństwa osobistego. W aspekcie psychologicznym zaprezentowano argumenty przemawiające za tym, że diagnoza penitencjarna stanowi rodzaj diagnozy psychologicznej – głównie z uwagi na to, że zawiera zarówno opis charakterystycznych sposobów zachowania skazanego, jak również wyjaśnienie mechanizmów ich powstawania, utrzymywania się oraz możliwych zmian w funkcjonowaniu badanej osoby. W analizie prawno-psychologicznych aspektów diagnozowania penitencjarnego przedstawiono specyfikę trzech rodzajów badań osobopoznawczych: 1) psychologiczną diagnozę resocjalizacyjną, 2) psychologiczną diagnozę terapeutyczną, 3) psychologiczną diagnozę ryzyka powrotności do przestępstwa. W zakończeniu zwrócono uwagę na czynniki, jakie należy uwzględniać w rozwijaniu psychologicznego diagnozowania penitencjarnego – badanie pozytywnych i dynamicznych czynników osobowości osadzonych oraz standaryzowanie badań, w tym tworzenie nowoczesnych narzędzi diagnostycznych.
The article discusses the legal and psychological aspects of personal background surveys of inmates serving a prison sentence. In the legal context, the statutory objectives of psychological diagnosis of prisoners were discussed, i.a. as a basis for individualisation of a custodial sanction, prevention of harmful influence of demoralised convicts and ensuring prisoners’ personal safety. As regards the psychological aspect, arguments were put forward in favour of in-prison diagnosis as a variety of psychological diagnosis, mainly due to the fact that it offers a description of characteristic ways of behaviour of a convicted person as well as explaining the mechanisms of their emergence, maintenance and possible changes in the functioning of the diagnosed person. In the analysis of the legal and psychological aspects of diagnosis in the penitentiary setting, the specific nature of three types of personal background tests was presented: 1) psychological rehabilitation diagnosis, 2) psychological therapeutic diagnosis, 3) psychological diagnosis of recidivism. Finally, attention was paid to factors that should be considered in the development of psychological diagnosis of inmates, for example, the testing of positive and dynamic personality aspects of convicted persons and standardisation of research, including the development of modern diagnostic tools.
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