The author begins her work by pointing out how legal regulations remain closely connected with all areas of life, more specifically the fact that interdependence between social relations and civil procedure model can be noted. She points out that the massification of legal events and the resultant necessity to provide simultaneous legal protection to many entities is one of the biggest challenges that legal systems all around the world have been facing for a long time. She also notes that legal systems that want to reflect developments in society must first precisely identify the interests present therein and then recognize those worthy of legal protection. Among the interests protected by law is the group interest. In Polish legal system it is protected by the group proceedings. The author points out that the idea to afford legal protection to many entities in one proceedings was born in common law system and took a form of class action. She recalls the considerations that underpinned the introduction of class action and the purposes it was meant to serve. She also presents the grounds for initiating the class action and the Polish group proceedings. Noticing the differences between them, the author considers how they affect the effectiveness of protecting group interests in legal proceedings.
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Pozwy zbiorowe stają się coraz większym wyzwaniem dla zakładów ubezpieczeń, zwłaszcza dla tych, które oferowały ubezpieczenia na życie z ubezpieczeniowym funduszem kapitałowym i pobierały związane z nimi opłaty likwidacyjne. Autorzy artykułu podejmują próbę krótkiego omówienia, jakie sprawy (i przez kogo) mogą być dochodzone w postępowaniu grupowym, a także przedstawiają praktyczne i prawne problemy wynikające z zastosowania instytucji postępowania grupowego na gruncie ubezpieczeń. Sygnalizują aktualne orzecznictwo sądowe w tego typu sprawach, a ponadto informują o najczęściej pojawiających się typach naruszeń interesów konsumenckich w sprawach bezpieczeniowych. Proponują również praktyczne rozwiązania, które mogą – w ich ocenie –pomóc ubezpieczycielom zminimalizować skalę ryzyka związanego z pozwami zbiorowymi.
Class action lawsuits are becoming more and more challenging for insurance companies, especially those which offered unit-linked life insurance and received liquidation fees related to them. The authors of the article attempt to discuss briefly which matters and by whom can be sued in class action lawsuits. Moreover, they present practical and legal problems arising from the application of the group proceedings in insurance. Furthermore, they refer to the relevant current case-law as well as inform about the most common infringements of consumer interests in insurance cases. Finally, they suggest practical solutions which, according to them, may help insurers to minimize the scale of risks associated with class actions.
La Commission européenne a présenté en avril 2018 une proposition de directive tant attendue sur les actions représentées, qui vise à moderniser le système européen de recours collectif en vigueur. L’objectif du présent article est de déterminer si les solutions proposées dans la proposition amélioreront le cadre des recours collectifs dans l’UE. A cette fin, l’article analyse le modèle existant de recours collectif des consommateurs dans l’UE, tel qu’il est défini par la directive 98/27/CE, la directive 2009/22/CE et la recommandation 2013/396/UE; il l’évalue également du point de vue de sa fonctionnalité en accordant une attention particulière aux questions problématiques essentielles. Dans ce contexte, l’article décrit les dispositions juridiques avancées dans la proposition de directive relative aux actions représentatives. La comparaison des deux structures juridiques permet de répondre à la question si la législation proposée peut remédier aux problems existants du système de recours collectif et, partant, si elle contribuera à renforcer le mécanisme de protection des intérêts collectifs des consommateurs dans l’UE.
In April 2018, the European Commission introduced a long awaited Proposal for a Directive on represented actions, which aims to modernize the existing European collective redress system. The aim of this paper is to answer the question whether the solutions put forward in this Proposal will improve the landscape of collective redress in the EU. For this purpose, I analyse the existing model of collective consumer redress in the EU, as set forth by Directive 98/27/EC, Directive 2009/22/ EC and Recommendation 2013/396/EU; I also evaluate it from the perspective of its functionality with special consideration of key problematic issues. Against this background, I present the legal provisions put forward in the Proposal for a Directive on representative actions. The comparison of both legal structures makes it possible to give an answer to the question whether the proposed legislation can remedy the existing problems of the collective redress system and, thus, to answer the question whether it will contribute to strengthening the mechanism for the protection of collective consumer interests in the EU.
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