The main aim of this paper is to show how two immediately successive generations of pre-school children own — thanks to language — the rules of participation in social life and knowledge of the surrounding world. These two generations were the ones, who in the years 1980–83 were at a pre-school age and are now parents of children of the same age in 2010–2013. The analysis of the lexical score and language consciousness conducted from a thirty years’ perspective gave unexpected results which suggest the need to revise Baudouin de Courtenay’s thesis, according to which children’s language is a kind of projection of adult users language representing the next generation. Made confrontations done show how many new words (which were not used by the previous generation, i.e. parents) appear in the lexical score and in consciousness of today pre-schools.
Powszechnie dostrzegany proporcjonalny wzrost liczby mieszkańców w starszym wieku staje się typowy dla społeczeństw wyposażonych w akcesoria rozwiniętej cywilizacji. Sytuacja ta skłania jednocześnie do refleksji nad życiem tych osób w środowiskach miejskich, w tym małomiasteczkowych. Koncentracja usług w dużych miastach i promowanie rozwoju tzw. układów aglomeracyjnych rodzą pytanie o dalszy byt mniejszych ośrodków miejskich. Migracje, odpływ młodszego pokolenia do większych ośrodków miejskich lub poza granice kraju stwarzają też nowe sytuacje dla osób starszych zamieszkujących w tych małych miastach. Dotychczasowy model funkcjonowania oparty na współzamieszkiwaniu rodziny wielopokoleniowej (zbliżony do modelu rodziny mieszkającej na wsi) powoli ulega destrukcji, a wypracowane w tym dawnym modelu wartości, sposoby realizacji potrzeb stają się coraz mniej aktualne. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane kierunki problemowe funkcjonowania osób starszych w warunkach małych miast na wybranych przykładach i sytuacjach.
List of available indicators proportional to the increase in the number of elderly people becomes typical for a society equipped with accessories of a developed civilization. It creates situations for reflection on the lives of these people in urban environments, including small-town ones. Concentration of a number of services in large cities and promoting the development of so-called Agglomeration settings raises the question about the further existence of smaller urban centers. Migration, outflow of the younger generation to the services of urban centers or outside the country also creates new situations for people employed in these small cities. The combined model based on cohabitation of a multi-generational family (similar to the model of a family living in the countryside) is slowly changing destruction and working out in this former model of value, the possibilities of implementing the necessary applications are becoming less and less up-to-date. In a list covering selected selected directions of problems of people who use the conditions of small towns for selected examples and requirements.
This article focuses on the socio-economic aspects of migration and migrants – economic refugees. The author presents the migrants as a precarious workforce, which is an indispensable part of modern global capitalism. In this article, the author points out that among the many factors influencing migration, the economic ones play the most crucial role. Forces released by the neo-liberal paradigm led to the global economic and social tensions. This is due to the fact that the market has become the only regulator of economic and social relations. This article is not another critique of neo-liberal doctrine, advocating for replacing capitalism by “something else.” The author believes, similarly to John Gray, that what we need is a consensus between the states on different models of capitalism, as there are different cultures.
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