Maksim Harecki introduced the subject of war to Belarusian literature. This story, analysed broadly, shows the consequences of the war for each party in the conflict. This is seen in the construction of the story, based on contrast and the diversified language of the narrative.
This empirical study is aimed at exploring one important social psychological aspect of two significant, politically motivated clashes that happened in Budapest in 2006. The multiple effects of these mass demonstrations can be detected even today. Both the 18 September 2006 event at the HQ of Hungarian State Television and the 23 October 2006 event in the inner part of Budapest gave rise to considerable and immediate interest across the whole of Hungarian society. The study represents the so called social representations both of the policemen and civilians who participated in the clashes. Through the results of this research the reader may understand the common interpretations – that have been created through social construction – of those who were involved in the events. Method: Some 42 interviewees were involved in the study. We used semi-structured interview-techniques. The texts were analysed according to the sequential-transformative-model, which combines both the qualitative and the quantitative techniques of content (text) analysis. Results: The groups have constructed some different representations constituting their interpretations relating to what happened there in Budapest, as well as how and why. Finally, the shared constructs constitute the partly differing realities of the members of those groups. Conclusion: The existence of those realities outlines the definitive aspect of the process of social construction, namely, it depends fundamentally on the nature of the social relations in which the actors are positioned, which in turn, through the perspectives taken, influences the process of applying different meanings and explanations to events that appear to be the same.
In our world today, afflicted by wars between States, by conflict between groups within States, and by the scourge of terrorism, civilians constitute the ‘vast majority of casualties in situations of armed conflict’ (UN Security Council, Resolution 1894, 2009). Civilian victims of documented and un-documented armed conflicts and their destructive consequences run in the millions. An overwhelming majority of the dead, injured, disabled are civilians and damages caused by armed conflicts primarily affect the civilian infrastructure and the basic resources of subsistence of entire populations. Civilians today are in the line of fire not only as a side effect of war. Increasingly, they are becoming the prime and intentional targets of combatants and armed elements. ‘Political and military designs supersede basic respect for the dignity and rights of persons and communities’ (Migliore 2009) and civilians are becoming deliberate targets and means for achieving political or military gains. They are even being used as a human shield for armed advancement. The menace of civilian deaths in the line of fire is of utmost concern for all humanity, for all religions, and for Christianity. Among the foundational teachings on which the Catholic perspective to this important issue of placing civilians in the line of fire is based, we can identify three core beliefs: a) all human beings are equal in dignity and their life is sacred; b) the right and duty to defend the life and common good from unjust aggressors; c) the permanent validity of the moral law forbidding murder even in the context of armed conflicts. After considering these the paper studies some of the ways in which the Catholic Church responds to the situation of civilians caught in the line of fire.
This article focuses on obligations related to blackout which were imposed on the inhabitants of Festung Breslau. It analyzes documents issued by the Fortress Command, the local press (Schlesische Tageszeitung), and written relations in the form of memoirs and diaries. All of these were collected by Horst Gleiss in the source edition Breslauer Apokalypse 1945.
The subject of this article is the conflict in Syria - an attempt to pinpoint the reasons that led to its outbreak, together with the situation of the Syrian people and help as it was given.
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Artykuł przedstawia prawa i obowiązki ludności cywilnej podczas okupacji w świetle uwarunkowań definiowanych przez międzynarodowe prawo humanitarne. Celem pracy jest omówienie statusu prawnego okupacji oraz praw i obowiązków ludności cywilnej na okupowanym terytorium oraz wskazanie bieżących przykładów związanych z przestrzeganiem, egzekwowaniem i łamaniem tego prawa na przykładzie konfliktu zbrojnego na Ukrainie. Problem badawczy w pracy określono w formie pytania: jakie wnioski płyną w zakresie przestrzegania międzynarodowego prawa humanitarnego podczas konfliktu zbrojnego na Ukrainie? Hipoteza badawcza zaś przyjęła formę twierdzenia, że pomimo powszechnie dostępnych uregulowań doktrynalnych związanych z międzynarodowym prawem humanitarnym, istnieje wiele przykładów, które dowodzą, że egzekwowanie tego prawa nadal wymaga ponoszenia znacznych wysiłków na poziomie międzynarodowym. Metodyka badawcza opiera się na analizie literatury naukowej, raportów oraz źródeł internetowych na podstawie których przedstawione zostały doświadczenia w zakresie przestrzegania prawa międzynarodowego walczących stron. W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące tego w jaki sposób definiowany jest status prawny okupacji oraz jakie są prawa i obowiązki ludności cywilnej na terenach okupowanych zdefiniowanych w prawie międzynarodowym. Ponadto na wybranych przykładach przedstawiono wnioski jakie płyną w zakresie przestrzegania międzynarodowego prawa humanitarnego podczas konfliktu zbrojnego na Ukrainie. W głównych wnioskach badawczych wyszczególniono, iż pomimo szerokiego parasola ochrony rozpościeranego przez prawo międzynarodowe, doświadczenia ostatnich lat wskazują, że nie wszystkie państwa stosują się do obowiązków, które same wcześniej zaakceptowały poprzez przystąpienie do międzynarodowych konwencji i praw zwyczajowych. Mechanizmy pozwalające na zapewnienie, że odpowiedzialni za brak przestrzegania uregulowań prawnych poniosą adekwatne konsekwencje, niestety nie funkcjonują w sposób jednoznaczny. Brak skutecznych sposobów egzekwowania prawa międzynarodowego i sankcjonowania jego naruszeń sprawia, że winni często unikają odpowiedzialności. Brak jednolitych standardów i organów wykonawczych utrudnia skuteczną interwencję w przypadku naruszeń. Dlatego konieczne jest dążenie do wzmocnienia systemu międzynarodowego, aby zapewnić bardziej skuteczną egzekucję prawa i odpowiedzialność za jego łamanie To wyzwanie wymaga współpracy państw oraz ciągłego nacisku społeczności międzynarodowej na przestrzeganie ustalonych norm prawnych.
The article presents the rights and obligations of the civilian population during the occupation in the light of the conditions defined by international humanitarian law. The aim of the work is to discuss the legal status of the occupation and the rights and obligations of the civilian population in the occupied territory and to indicate current examples of compliance with enforcement and violation of this law on the example of the armed conflict in Ukraine. The research problem in the work was defined in the form of a question: what conclusions can be drawn regarding the observance of international humanitarian law during the armed conflict in Ukraine? The research hypothesis took the form of the statement that despite widely available doctrinal regulations related to international humanitarian law, there are many examples that prove that the enforcement of this law still requires significant efforts at the international level. The research methodology is based on the analysis of scientific literature, reports and Internet sources, on the basis of which the experiences in compliance with international law of the warring parties are presented. The article presents issues related to how the legal status of occupation is defined and what are the rights and obligations of the civilian population in occupied territories as defined in international law. Moreover, selected examples present conclusions regarding compliance with international humanitarian law during the armed conflict in Ukraine. The main research conclusions detail that despite the broad umbrella of protection provided by international law, the experience of recent years shows that not all states comply with the obligations they previously accepted by acceding to international conventions and customary laws. Mechanisms to ensure that those responsible for failing to comply with legal regulations will suffer adequate consequences unfortunately do not function clearly. The lack of effective ways of enforcing international law and sanctioning its violations means that those responsible often avoid responsibility. The lack of uniform standards and enforcement bodies hinders effective intervention in the event of violations. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to strengthen the international system to ensure more effective enforcement of the law and accountability for its violations. This challenge requires cooperation between states and constant pressure from the international community to comply with established legal norms.
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