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The course of previous works, carried out within the framework of the NATO programme, concerning the development of the ammunition and personal defence weapon, were presented. Two competing rounds (Belgian 5.7x28 mm and of German 4.6x30 mm) and two kinds of pistols adapted for them, were described. The constructions of Polish submachine gun were proposed depending on the chosen rounds.
Przedstawiono przebieg dotychczasowych prac, realizowanych w ramach programu NATO, dotyczącego rozwoju amunicji i broni do obrony osobistej. Opisano dwa konkurujące naboje (belgijski 5,7x28 i niemiecki 4,6x30) oraz rodzaje pistoletów do nich przystosowane. Zaproponowano dwa warianty polskiego pistoletu w zależności od rodzaju wybranego naboju.
Content available remote Współczesna cywilna organizacja obrony narodowej
One of the most important challenges in creating national and international security in the 21st century is the integration and co-ordination of civil and military endeavours for security. This challenge results from the need to cope with military and non-military threats that showed its power at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.In spite of the kind of threat, the assets and forces that a state has at its disposal, either civilian or military, mutually support each other and co-operate, thus creating together a national defence system that is the main organisation and function of the state, protecting national values and defending against continuous threats - external, internal, military and non-military.The aim of the article is to present a modern approach to one of national defence components, which is civil organisation, much more widely understood than traditional civil defence, defined in Geneva Convention and Supplementary Protocols of this convention and also non-military arrangement from the time of Poland’s People’s Republic. The need of modern approach results from transformations that have been taking place in Poland recently, and also from transformations occurring in contemporary world, which must be prepared to respond to threats and challenges appearing more and more often not in the form of a classical war, but various military and non-military threats.
Omówiono aktualny problem obronności kraju. Każdy kraj narażony jest na różne niebezpieczeństwa, takie jak klęski żywiołowe, siły natury czy też działal-ność człowieka. Zagadnieniu temu nie przywiązywano należytej uwagi, dopiero powodzie w Polsce, Czechach, Niemczech, a także zamachy terrorystyczne w USA i Hiszpanii zmieniły podejście rządu krajów. Treść artykułu przedstawia ewolucję systemu obrony cywilnej w Niemczech.
The paper takes up the current problem of a country's defence. Each country is exposed to various dangers such as natural disasters or man's activity. Insufficient attention was paid to this problem; only the floods in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, and also terrorist attacks in the USA and Spain were able to change the governments' attitude. The paper presents the evolution of the civil defence system in Germany.
Civil defence, whose main objective is the protection of the civilian population, is a component of the concept of society’s resilience, but in the provisions of international humanitarian law (regulating the conduct of parties fighting in an armed conflict), it is limited to the protection of civil defence organisations (such as a fire brigade) performing strictly defined humanitarian tasks, requiring thorough preparation and securing of appropriate resources. The state-parties to the conflict shall respect and protect civil defence organisations and personnel and military units designated to serve as civil defence on a permanent basis. Also, in the case of belligerent occupation, the occupying state is obliged to enable the implementation of these tasks by civil defence organisations of the occupied territory; in addition, the cases where it is permissible to seize buildings and equipment belonging to these organisations have been seriously limited. Thus, well-organised, efficient, and effective civil defence formations are an important element of the state’s defence system, which serves the population in danger, and its efficient and effective functioning can contribute significantly to building and strengthening the resilience of society in the conditions of armed conflict and belligerent occupation.
Content available remote Problem zagrożeń w edukacji obronnej
The article deals with a very important from the cognitive and educational aspect problem of threats in the contemporary world. Their kinds and character have been shown beginning with dangers of military nature, armed conflicts in particular, proliferation of WMD, information war and contemporary threat of terrorism. Its sources, characteristics and technologies used have been taken into consideration. The authors also point out to “new faces of threats” that are not always perceived. These are extremely important kinds of civilisation threats such as globalisation or civilisation diseases that result from human industrial activity and technological progress. A wide range of problems of ecological threats defined as natural and antropogenic dangers have been stressed. The problem of threats is presented in the context of educational requirements. The threats under analysis are familiarised and the attention is focused on the need to educate the society, youth in particular, to recognise, be aware and counteract possible threats.
Content available Bezpieczeństwo w przestrzeni publicznej
Artykuł stanowi wprowadzenie do badań prowadzonych na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Poznańskiej. Ich celem jest opracowanie katalogu działań projektowych zwiększających bezpieczeństwo w przestrzeni publicznej. Materiał badawczy zbierany jest przy użyciu analizy danych bibliograficznych i dostępnych w internecie; ankiet jakościowych, wstępnych ocen wartości architektonicznych przestrzeni publicznych oraz Research by Design. Wśród wstępnych rezultatów badań można wskazać konieczność pilnej poprawy sprawności struktur obrony cywilnej w Polsce, wypracowania narzędzi określających najlepsze lokalizacje nowych schronów obrony cywilnej, wypracowanie wytycznych projektowych bezpiecznej przestrzeni publicznej.
The article is an introduction to the research conducted at the Faculty of Architecture of the Poznań University of Technology. Their goal is to develop a catalog of project activities that increase safety in public space. Research material is collected from using the analysis of bibliographic data and available materials on the Internet; qualitative surveys, preliminary assessments of the architectural value of public spaces and Research by Design. Among the preliminary results of the research, it is necessary to urgently improve the efficiency of the Civil Defense structures in Poland, develop tools determining the best locations for new civil defense shelters, and develop design guidelines for safe public space.
Content available remote Aspekty wojskowego wsparcia władz cywilnych w ochronie ludności
The problems of military support for civilian authorities is not new in Polish reality, both in legal and organisational aspects. The only novelty is to use this notion to define phenomena which consist in managing selective military forces to help civilian authorities in national security endeavours which have nothing to do with the defence of the country against a military aggression. Unfortunately, there is no unity of opinions, operational and legislative solutions in perceiving civil defence which is identified with non-military defence by the author. Civil defence as a non-military equivalent of military defence has many essential roles to play in national defence. Its basic tasks are as follows: population protection (in the meaning of civil defence), security and public protection, national reserves creating and protection, safeguarding the government bodies and other public institutions functioning, border protection, support for the armed forces and defence education. The participation of the armed forces in relief work for civilian population, called population protection, is another crucial issue. Thus it is an urgent task to define rules (principles) and procedures to use the armed forces, and also financial and soldiers’ insurance and necessary equipment principles. Also the role of military administration bodies should be defined, in particular the chiefs of voyvodship military staffs, which, according to the author, need to be a key element in the troops command system on the territorial level and also in the system of military threats protection, preparation, reaction and reconstruction.
Content available remote Siły zbrojne w realizacji zadań obrony cywilnej
The article deals with a very important problem due to hypothetical threats, in peacetime particularly, at the insufficient number of civil defence forces. Using the armed forces to conduct civil defence tasks requires their training and equipping due to specific conditions of their use. A unit, chemical rescue station or any other centre may be the place of training, whereas, lectures, (map) exercise, practical exercises, trainings, group classes, shows may be the forms of training.
Content available remote Obrona cywilna w Polsce i na świecie : dylematy i rozwiązania
A few-year-long works on constructing a population protection system have not fulfilled our expectations. The flood in July 1997 evoked a heated discussion on the civil defence future, unfortunately without any solutions in this matter. The legal status in the Republic of Poland causes that both the humanitarian actions called „civil defence” and Civil Defence organisational structures are mainly connected with the functioning of the state in wartime. This situation provokes disputes of competencies in all spheres of the prevention actions organisation and rescue works in emergency situations of a non military character. The civil defence notion embraces not only humanitarian missions for the population, goods and environment, but also many other endeavours, of a security character, realised in a civilian sector. They also include keeping order and public safety, material and moral support for the (own and friendly) armed forces, creating and keeping state reserves, supporting the government bodies functioning and others. Averting the threat of a war break out does not mean the resignation and withdrawal from the civil defence idea. The time has come to embody this idea in peacetime, giving up the hitherto existing war favouring thinking and acting. Only such an approach will enable to take use of the whole nation’s potential to counteract non-military threats and keeping the state of readiness to fight the most tragic of threats - war.
Content available Podsystem ratownictwa i ochrony ludności
Civil protection includes activities aimed at providing security to people, assets and environment in case of threats caused by nature itself and civilization development, warfare or terrorist actions. Rescue and civil protection subsystem plays an important role in the national security system of our country. Taking into account the specific area of activities, it is crucial that subordinate services should be properly coordinated and their competences distributed properly. Rescue and civil protection services should properly understand the nature of threats – their types, range as well as types and range of negative effects they can produce concerning people, animals, environment and material assets.
Content available remote Samoobrona powszechna w obronie narodowej RP
In the light of Polish law regulations, common self-defence is a component of civil defence in the area of population protection and rescuing the injured, provided that civil defence has an inter-disciplinary dimension and is conducted not only by civil defence forces. The activities of the population’s common defence include only wartime and the warthreatening period, activities of a getting ready character refer only to peacetime. This state does not reflect the reality as current threats to national security concern not only wartime events but also many others, both of conflict and non-conflict character. National defence - that is the whole means and forces of the state, their mutual relations and processes (procedures and mechanisms), influencing their environment in order to prevent and counteract all kinds of threats aiming at the national interest, threats against social values which could lead to break off social, economic and political ties. Common self-defence has its place in national defence. It is a form of national defence, which consists in spontaneous (permanent and temporary) population’s organisation in their place of residence in order to counteract life and health hazards, threats to their possession, to the environment resulting from human actions and nature forces - against people and the nature. Common self-defence includes non-governmental activities participated by nongovernmental institutions, churches and individual citizens who in time of threat undertake individual or collective preventive actions.
Głównym zadaniem przedsiębiorstw wodociągowych jest zapewnienie dostawy wody do swoich kontrahentów. W czasie pokoju wszystkie posiadane przez nie siły i środki (w tym kadra osobowa) skupione są na powyższym zadaniu. Jednakże, podczas wystąpienia zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa państwa oraz wprowadzeniu jednego ze stanów nadzwyczajnych sytuacja może diametralnie ulec zmianie, gdyż zdecydowana część pracowników (w szczególności mężczyzn) posiada przydziały mobilizacyjne do Sił Zbrojnych i może pójść w kamasze. Równocześnie część posiadanego przez spółki sprzętu i wyposażenia, na który został nałożony obowiązek świadczeń rzeczowych na rzecz obrony może zostać przekazana dla Sił Zbrojnych. Aby uniknąć przedstawionych powyżej sytuacji kierownictwo spółki wodociągowej (której działalności wpływa na zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa obywateli) powinno rozważyć możliwość reklamowania od obowiązku pełnienia czynnej służby wojskowej podległych pracowników oraz wystąpienie do jednostki samorządu terytorialnego, na której terenie prowadzi swoją działalność z wnioskiem o nałożenie świadczeń rzeczowych na niezbędne urządzenia. Dodatkowym elementem zabezpieczenia własnych zasobów ludzkich i sprzętowych do realizacji powierzonych zadań podczas wprowadzenia stanów nadzwyczajnych jest utworzenie Zakładowych Formacji Obrony Cywilnej, które realizować będą zadania ochrony ludności, ochrony zakładów pracy i urządzeń użyteczności publicznej, a jednocześnie umożliwią pozostawienie do dyspozycji spółki zatrudnionych pracowników i posiadanego wyposażenia.
Ensuring the delivery of water to its contracting parties is main setting waterworks companies. During the peace all powers had by them and centres (including the personal staff) are focused on the above task. But during the appearance of the threat of the state security and for implementing one of states of emergency situation diametrically is subject to change, because determined part of employees (in particular of men) he is holding mobilization allotments to military forces and can be called up. At the same time the part of the equipment had by companies and equipments which the imposed duty of material benefits for the defence perhaps to be handed over for military forces stayed for. In order to avoid presented above situations management of the waterworks company (of which activity influences for ensuring the safety of citizens) should consider the possibility of advertising the military service open from the obligation of performing of reporting employees and the address to the self-government unit, on which area is conducting his activity with the application for imposing material benefits on indispensable devices. Creating of Company Formations of the civil defence which objectives of the civil protection will be carrying out, the protection is an additional component of protecting own human resources and equipment problems for the accomplishment entrusted while leading states of emergency of workplaces and devices of the public utility, and simultaneously will enable to leave the equipment for the use of the company of employed employees and had.
Content available remote Potencjał obrony cywilnej w systemie obronnym polski
Artykuł podejmuje tematykę Obrony Cywilnej Kraju w systemie obronnym Polski. Dokonano tu próby opisania aktualnego potencjału tej organizacji w kontekście stawianych jej zadań. Ocenę dokonano w oparciu zarówno o raporty organów kontroli państwowej, jak i posiłkując się wynikami własnych badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych na terenie województwa mazowieckiego.
The article concerns the issue of the National Civil Defence in the polish defense system. An attempt was made to describe the current potential of this organization in the context of its tasks. The assessment was made on the basis of both publications of state institutions controlling civil defense system as well as own research conducted in the province of Mazowieckie.
Content available remote Ochrona ludności w Unii Europejskiej
The development of the European Union causes great transformations in many areas of political, economic and social life and also in population protection. The lack of systemized knowledge and terms applied to describe European communities institutions causes frequent confusions. The European Commission, which is responsible for the legislative process in the European Union, has caused that since 1985 there have been conducted mechanisms reassuring widely understood population protection, including the preparation area and rescue operations in case of disasters. The final policy concerning this matter and its priorities for the years to follow was defined during an international conference where, first of all, the criteria and methods of financing were presented. The policy of the Union in the population protection area brings intended results which, undoubtedly, serve to improve population protection in the member states and also in the states which aspire to the European Union.
Content available remote O pojeciach : ochrona ludności, obrona cywilna, walka cywilna
W opracowaniu Autor podjął próbę przedstawienia obrony cywilnej w Polsce w aspekcie potrzeb i prawnych regulacji. Badania stanu i potrzeb ochrony ludności w Polsce prowadzone są przez instytucje państwowe, społeczne oraz naukowców z różnych ośrodków akademickich. Stan ochrony ludności nie jest spójny pod względem prawnym i organizacyjnym. Jednym z przykładów jest nieuchwalenie projektu nowej ustawy O ochronie ludności i obronie cywilnej. Pomimo, tego iż Polska ratyfikowała konwencje międzynarodowe, to w dalszym ciągu wiele ich norm nie wdrożono do praktycznego stosowania.
In this study, the author presents Civil Defence in Poland with regards to needs and legal regulations. Research on the state and needs of civil protection in Poland is carried out by state institutions, social institutions and researchers from various academic centres. The state of civil protection is not consistent in legal and organisational terms. One example is the failure to enact a new draft Law on Civil Protection and Civil Defence. Although Poland has ratified international conventions, many of their standards have still not been implemented in practice.
Content available remote Kryzys obrony cywilnej w Polsce : perspektywa instytucjonalna
Problemem badawczym podjętym w niniejszym artykule jest kryzys instytucji ochrony ludności na przykładzie Obrony Cywilnej we współczesnej Polsce. Instytucje ochrony ludności stały się ważnymi ogniwami bezpieczeństwa niemilitarnego państw europejskich, szczególnie w obliczu kryzysów migracyjnych oraz pandemii COVID-19. Tymczasem Obrona Cywilna RP pod koniec drugiej dekady XXI wieku uległa marginalizacji. Celem autora jest znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie o przyczyny tej nietypowej sytuacji. Chcąc osiągnąć ten cel problem ukazano z perspektywy teorii instytucjonalnej, która ma długą tradycję wyjaśniania procesów zmian instytucjonalnych na gruncie nauk społecznych.
The research problem addressed in this article is the crisis of civil protection institutions on the example of Civil Defense in contemporary Poland. Civil protection institutions have become important parts in the non-military security of European countries, especially in the face of migration crises and the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the Civil Defense of the Republic of Poland became marginalized at the end of the second decade of the 21st century. The author's goal is to find an answer to the question about the causes of this unusual situation. To achieve this goal, the problem was presented from the perspective of institutional theory, which has a long tradition of explaining processes of institutional change in the social sciences.
Content available Contemporary understanding of civil defense
The study contains the most crucial information related to the functioning of Civil Defense, which, in accordance with international and national laws, is an instrument supporting civil authorities and rescue entities. The main goal of Civil Defense is to ensure security and the subsistence needs of the population during the war. An essential element is taking actions adequate to contemporary threats and the need to adopt legal and organizational regulations aimed at integrating all efforts to improve solutions in the field of civil protection.
Opracowanie zawiera najważniejsze informacje związane z funkcjonowaniem obrony cywilnej, która w myśl prawa międzynarodowego i przepisów prawa krajowego stanowi instrument wsparcia władz cywilnych i podmiotów ratowniczych. Głównym celem obrony cywilnej jest zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa i zabezpieczenie potrzeb egzystencjonalnych ludności w czasie wojny. Istotnym elementem jest podjęcie działań adekwatnych do współczesnych zagrożeń oraz potrzeba dostosowania uregulowań prawnych i organizacyjnych mających na celu zintegrowanie wszelkich wysiłków ukierunkowanych na doskonalenie rozwiązań w zakresie ochrony ludności.
Content available Urbanistyczny wymiar wojny w Ukrainie
Jak wojna w Ukrainie wpłynie na przyszły kształt struktur urbanistycznych? W przeszłości doktryny wojenne, a także rozwój taktyki i technologii wojskowych miały wpływ na kształt naszych miast. Dlatego należy uważnie studiować przebieg współczesnych wojen i konfliktów zbrojnych, by lepiej poznać ich naturę i w ten sposób potrafić lepiej zabezpieczyć przed nimi miasta i zamieszkującą je ludność. Musimy zrozumieć, w jaki sposób kwestie wojskowe powiązane są z przestrzenią i infrastrukturą naszych miast. W artykule przeanalizowano przebieg działań wojennych w Ukrainie, sposoby ataków na miasta i infrastrukturę, odporność poszczególnych typów zabudowy na bombardowanie z powietrza i ostrzał artyleryjski, a także ich właściwości ochronne. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że wymogi obrony cywilnej muszą znowu znaleźć odzwierciedlenie w planowaniu przestrzennym, urbanistyce i projektowaniu architektonicznym. Relacje istniejące pomiędzy gęstością zaludnienia, typami zabudowy, modelami przestrzennymi i infrastrukturą muszą ponownie zostać przemyślane i przeanalizowane pod kątem ich odporności, wytrzymałości i trwałości na zagrożenia militarne. Wydaje się, że zamiast miasta zwartego i intensywnie zabudowanego, policentryczny model mniejszego, rozproszonego, „15 minutowego” miasta, lepiej spełnia postulaty dotyczące zarówno komfortu życia, zrównoważonego rozwoju, jak i bezpieczeństwa mieszkańców i odporności struktur miejskich na wypadek wojny.
What impact will the war in Ukraine have on urban structures? Historically military doctrines, tactics and technologies have shaped our cities. As such it is imperative that we better understand the nature of contemporary urban conflicts in order to prepare and protect our cities, to make them safer and more resilient. The article analyses the course of the war in Ukraine, the tactics employed to attack cities and infrastructure, the resistance of various building types to explosive munitions, as well as the degree of protection they offer to inhabitants. This study indicates that civil defence requirements must once again become an important element of urban planning. New defensive strategies must be developed. We need to improve our understanding of how military affairs intersects with civilian infrastructure in our cities. The relations between infrastructure, density and spatial components that make up the city model must be re-evaluated. It appears that polycentric, sparsely distributed, ‘15-minute’ cities are more in line with requirements regarding quality of life, sustainable development and resilience in comparison to large and dense urban structures.
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