In the traditional texture there prevails the balance between quantitative (e.g. consumption of energy) and qualitative (e.g. composition) parameters. The above - mentioned balance has been in the modern city violated a priori by the past use of reductionistic tool whose aim was to create contemporary urbanistics. Paradoxically - instead of improvement it was synonymous with the failure of the city. All kinds of the ideas of scattering and „thinning" of the cities, contrary to the urban development, as an antidote to the ailments of the traditional texture are a blind alley for the urbanistic thinking. In the ad hoc process of creation of the city texture (against the traditional pattern) forms the structure of the inner balance dependent upon too many factors - if we take into account the capabilities of one individual human brain. Many and perhaps the majority of processes generated in the course of such planning lie beyond the control of the designers. According to the Parkinson's rule: urban structure extends all the accessible place in no coordination with real needs. Traditional urbanistic structure has effectiveness unattainable for the modern textures. A wise method of urbanistics that borrows from verified solutions is the principle of modification of currently functioning, traditional pattern of the texture. This pattern is necessary to define the arrangement of elements in the environment which is useful in solving continually returning social, psychological and technical problems. Such a pattern was the result of the common effort of many generations which organized their own lives and brought the space to perfection. The only way to the urbanistics of the future leads through the reconstruction of the pattern of the city of the past and the adjustment of its essential parameters to the contemporary needs.
Jeśli uwzględni się humanistyczny wymiar architektury, zauważalnym problemem staje się deficyt w zainteresowaniu architekturą życiowego otoczenia człowieka. Rola architektury nie powinna się sprowadzać do prezentowania i sprzedaży efektownych obrazków, które mogą maskować faktyczne problemy ludzkiego środowiska. Przeciwnie, architektura powinna reprezentować życie ludzi i ich aspiracje oraz zachęcać do przebywania w przestrzeni publicznej razem z innymi. Artykuł prezentuje niektóre kwestie etyczne związane z architekturą i wynikające z procesów globalizacyjnych, z niedoceniania problemu ludzkiej skali i różnorodności codziennego życia w przestrzeni publicznej miasta. Przedstawiono tu pogląd, że przekonującą przyczyną piękna we współczesnej architekturze powinna być troska o tworzenie nowych, ważnych i dobrych doświadczeń dla codziennych użytkowników architektury.
Bearing in mind the human dimension of architecture, the nowadays experienced deficit in interest in architecture of life environment may be worrying. The role of architecture should not be limited to presentation and sale of spectacular images that may screen real problems of the human environment. On the contrary it should represent people’s life and aspirations and encourage them to dwell in public spaces together with other people. The paper presents some ethical issues in architecture resulting from globalization processes, from neglecting the human scale and importance of the variety of everyday life of public space in the city. It is argued that the convincing reason for beauty in architecture nowadays should be related to creating new, good and important experiences for daily users of architecture.
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