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Content available Gościnni, skromni, wstrzemięźliwi
tom T. 3 spec. ed.
In 1982, W. de Hahn, the Member of the Parliament of the European Community, stressed that it is necessary to take appropriate actions that will foster integration. He stated, in a report, that information is a decisive, perhaps the most decisive factor in European unification and Europe unification will only be achieved if European want it. Since the Treaty of Maastricht subsequent events (for example the European Parliament elections and national referenda – conducted every few years in selected member states – concern the ratification of the treaties of the European Union) have shown that management of the European integration process was not longer possible without communicating with citizens. The European Commission and other EU institutions came to the conclusion that the population of the Member States must not only be informed, but also heard. So, the Commission could understand their perceptions and expectations. In this article Author will try to analize if and how the turnout – in elections to the European Parliament and in the context of referenda held in the European Union countries – affect the creation and development of the EU’s communication strategy?
The aim of this paper is to present institutions of public consultation as one of the forms citizens’ participation of in public administration. The author defines the concept of public consultation in the field of legal sciences, identifies the legal basis for the process of public consultation, describes the principles, stages and process of conducting public consultations in Poland. In the paper the dogmatic-legal method and the method of legal functionalism are used.
nr 1
In a modern democratic society, there is an environment in which a person realizes their social choice, in the sense of community development, and thus the development of their own personality. A developed society offers opportunities for a citizen to participate in the development and express their own needs, which are intended to satisfy the vast majority of citizens throughout society. Needs are based on individual perception and cognition.
nr 1
Municipal self-government as a territorial administrative unit responds in the provision of social services, mainly to the needs and possibilities of its inhabitants. However, it must perceive indicators that correspond to the individual needs and possibilities of the citizen, his opportunities to participate and his willingness to participate in their implementation.
Adopting new technologies into the practice of national government can significantly improve the quality of public services and the government’s general performance. In this paper we present the results of our research on Poland’s performance of e-government in comparison to EU15 and NMS12. The analysis is based on data provided by Eurostat’s Information Society’s comprehensive database. We find that Poland, on average, is lagging behind other European countries from both SMEs perspective and especially from citizens perspective in implementing effective technologies in public sector. In this paper we deliver some recommendations for the polish government.
Content available Sociálno – politické myslenie Š. M. Daxnera
The paper analyzed and interpreted understanding of ideas of civil society and political issues in creating Š. M. Daxner. Nowadays, democracy is considered to be the only reasonable real and right system. Thanks to its numerous rules, adequate rights and freedoms it is able to assure law and order. Additionally it gives its citizens the possibility to realize their dreams, ambitions and oppurtunities. Democracy creates many possibilities for those who want to seize it.
Content available Social Politics of Civil Society
This paper presents a cross-cultural overview of the features of the dynamics of the perception of the concepts of “society”, “politics”, and “state”. The work raises the issue of complex and multifaceted individual consciousness of understanding policy. Authors formulate this aspect from the perspective of historical dynamics and propose to explore the process of transformation of the ancient city-state and flowing therefrom political relations in the modern state with its complex political system. It was stressed that the problem of understanding the nature and role of social policy is complicated by language as well as etymological and conceptual differences.
The mandatory authorities – the municipal office and the mayor of the municipality – play an irreplaceable role at the municipal level. Both bodies are elected. These authorities influence the direction of municipal development in the upcoming term of office, the municipal representatives’ protection of citizens’ needs and interests as well as fulfilment of the tasks and obligations imposed by the law. The main aim of the article is to clarify the importance and seriousness of the mayor as the highest representative of the municipal government in the Slovak Republic. Another aim is to present new realities connected with the mayor’s office as well as new requirements associated with it.
nr 2
The paper analyzed and interpreted understanding of ideas of civil society and political issues in Jan Palarik’s writing. Approprate law must be applied so that democracy could exist, constitution, all the rights, duties and privileges concerning not only citizens but also the authorities are included in it.
Since 1990, the president of the Republic of Poland has been elected by direct popular vote. In this period, the position of the office of president has undergone significant change. Each consecutive legal act of a constitutional nature (the Small Constitution of 1992 and the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997) imposed limitations on the range of competences (powers) of the president. Is it thus necessary to revise the current rules of how the head of state is elected? To help answer this question, an attempt was made to view the issue raised in the title of the paper from three perspectives: 1) systemic rationality, 2) political parties as the main political actors and 3) a citizen-based approach as reflected in the preferences and behaviours of the sovereign.
The New Public Management movement regards citizens as customers and, accordingly, focuses on the quality of services provided by public-sector organizations. Since this approach negatively affected democratic values, there has been a shift of the focus from consumer satisfaction and quality of services to quality of governance. The latter implies the improvement of the relationship between government and citizens as active members of the community. Over the last twenty years, participatory budgeting (PB) has become a popular form of co-production intended to improve the quality of local governance. The aim of the article is to provide a comparative analysis of the use and role of PB in Croatia, Poland and Slovakia and to identify the models of PB used in selected countries. In order to compare the case studies of municipalities in selected countries, a qualitative analysis has been used and the classification of PB models applied. Most analyzed local units use the “Porto Alegre adapted for Europe” model, but the “Consultation on public finances”, “Representation of Organized Interest” and “Proximity participation” models are also represented. The main findings are that PB indeed enables better allocation of public sources according to citizens’ needs (various public services were delivered following the trend of social innovation and co-creation), but the problem lies in the low amount assigned for PB from public budgets and the relatively low interest of citizens to participate in the PB processes. PB might also bring certain risks linked with its implementation, e.g. misuse of the idea for political reasons or additional costs of projects delivered in the PB process.
tom 12(2)
In the modern world, conditions in various spheres of human security are changing at a very fast pace. How non-traditional events are interpreted and the kind of approach to all kinds of transformations may be conducive to a higher frequency of beneficial effects of these changes. The appropriate nature and level of security culture can contribute to perpetuating beneficial trends in solving specific problems, to dealing more effectively with difficult situations, treated as challenges, which can often result in opportunities, and not only as threats. The responsibility of officers of various services, not only for themselves, but also for their subordinates, as well as for decisive decisions resulting from legal conditions, has an even greater impact on the need for strong consolidation of individual judgements, verdicts or decisions. Relying on a personal security culture in various types of situations can more often have a positive impact on the functioning of the entity and their environment, provided that this security culture is of an acceptable character and high level. The author points out that a favourable culture of security for uniformed personnel and citizens will be conducive to a higher level of security.
W okresie dynamicznie zwiększającej się liczby gospodarstw i przetwórni ekologicznych w Polsce, wyraźnie zarysowuje się potrzeba prowadzenia badań nad rozwojem rynku produktów ekologicznych, który we wszystkich krajach rozwiniętych jest podstawową siła napędową rozwoju ekologicznego systemu gospodarowania. Celem pracy jest określenie stanu wiedzy konsumentów na temat produktów rolnictwa ekologicznego i wskazanie zakresu koniecznych działań ułatwiających dynamiczny rozwój rynku produktów ekologicznych w Polsce. Badania ankietowe prowadzono w latach 2006-2008 w wybranych grupach konsumentów takich jak: klienci sklepów ekologicznych, uczniowie liceów, studenci, pracownicy korporacji, w tym pracownicy TYP zaangażowani w kampanię promocyjną rolnictwa ekologicznego w Polsce. Łącznie w badaniach wzięło udział ponad 600 osób. Otrzymane wyniki badań wskazują, że stan wiedzy konsumentów na temat produktów pochodzących z rolnictwa ekologicznego jest niski. Główną przyczyną takiego stanu jest niedostateczna informacja w mediach oraz zbyt skomplikowany sposób znakowania żywności ekologicznej. Mimo to jednak większość ankietowanych chętnie kupowałaby produkty ekologiczne, o ile były by one łatwiej dostępne, lepiej znakowane i tańsze. Chęć spożywania produktów ekologicznych jest najczęściej motywowana troską o własne zdrowie i członków najbliższej rodziny. Ponadto z badań wynika jednoznacznie, że jak najszybciej powinien zostać opracowany i wdrożony ujednolicony system znakowania produktów ekologicznych. Dobrym rozwiązaniem byłoby wprowadzenie Eko-znaku krajowego np. na wzór niemiecki, austriacki czy szwajcarski.
Nowadays Poland is during the period of dynamically increasing number of organic farms and organic processing plants. For this reason there is a need of investigations concerning the development of the organic products market, which is the main factor responsible for the development of organic farming system in all countries. The main goal of presented research was the qualification of consumer's knowledge about organic products and organic agriculture system and to indicate the range of necessary activities facilitating the dynamic development of organic products market in Poland. The questionnaire investigations were led in 2006-2008 in chosen consumers groups such as: the customers of organic shops, pupils from secondary schools, students, employees of corporations engaging Polish Television - TVP and those people who are responsible for promotional campaign of organic agriculture in Poland. Over 600 persons together took part in the investigations. The obtained results show, that consumers' knowledge about organic food and organic agricultural system is low. Insufficient information in media is the main cause of such state as well as too complicated method of labeling of the organic products. Despite this majority of the respondents would buy the organic products willingly, if they were easily accessible, clearly labeled and cheaper. In consumers opinion, the interest for organic food is mainly the result of their concern for own health and of the members of the closest family. Moreover the investigation results unambiguously show that the standardized labeling system of organic product should be worked out as soon as possible. Introduction after the German, Austrian or Swiss example of Eko-national sign would be a good solution.
The subject of research undertaken in the article is civic education understood as the process of preparing people to fulfill the role of citizens. The aim of the research was to indicate the role of civic education in a modern democratic state. The research problem was specified by five specific questions: a) how can civic education be defined? b) what is the role of citizens in modern democratic states? c) what scope of knowledge, skills and social competences should citizens of democratic countries acquire as part of civic education? d) what challenges for citizenship education appear in the context of the processes taking place in the modern world? e) in what perspective (social sciences or humanities) should the curriculum content of citizenship education be embedded? During the work on the text of this article, two research methods were of fundamental importance, i.e. the method of analysis and criticism of literature (sources), as well as the systemic approach. The obtained results indicate that civic education should primarily prepare the sovereign for active and conscious participation in the functioning of the political system (political participation, including electoral participation), life in a pluralistic society, it should shape an open and pro-democratic attitude. Curriculum content of citizenship education should be embedded in the perspective of social sciences. Within this field, political and administrative sciences should be considered, and media education should gain in importance.
Przedmiot badań podjętych w artykule stanowi edukacja obywatelska rozumiana jako proces przygotowania jednostek do pełnienia roli obywateli. Celem dociekań naukowych było wskazanie roli edukacji obywatelskiej we współczesnym państwie demokratycznym. Problem badawczy uściślono poprzez pięć pytań szczegółowych: a) jak można zdefiniować edukację obywatelską? b) jaka jest rola obywateli we współczesnych państwach demokratycznych? c) jaki zakres wiedzy, umiejętności i kompetencji społecznych powinni nabywać obywatele państw demokratycznych w ramach edukacji obywatelskiej? d) jakie wyzwania dla edukacji obywatelskiej pojawiają się w kontekście procesów zachodzących we współczesnym świecie? e) w jakiej perspektywie (nauk społecznych czy humanistycznych) powinny zostać osadzone treści programowe edukacji obywatelskiej? W trakcie prac nad tekstem niniejszego artykułu podstawowe znaczenie odegrały dwie metody badawcze, tj. metoda analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa (źródeł), jak również podejście systemowe. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, iż edukacja obywatelska powinna przede wszystkim przygotowywać suwerena do aktywnego i świadomego udziału w funkcjonowaniu systemu politycznego (partycypacji politycznej, w tym wyborczej), życia w społeczeństwie pluralistycznym, powinna kształtować postawę otwartą i prodemokratyczną. Treści programowe edukacji obywatelskiej powinny być osadzone w perspektywie nauk społecznych. W ramach tej dziedziny w szczególności należy uwzględnić nauki o polityce i administracji, ponadto na znaczeniu powinna zyskiwać edukacja medialna.
Niepowstrzymana ekspansja inwestorów coraz wyraźniej odciska swoje piętno na obrazie miasta. Wszelkie instrumenty regulacyjne zdają się przegrywać w nierównej walce z dominacją pieniądza. Zwrócono uwagę na konieczność jednoznacznego zdefiniowania instrumentów regulujących stosunki partnerów w procesie rewitalizacyjnym.
Unrestrained expansion investors increasingly taking its toll on the city’s image. Any regulatory instruments seem to lose in an unequal battle with predomination of money. Attention was drawn to the need to clearly define the instruments governing the relations of the partners in the process of revitalization.
tom T. 42
Społeczeństwo obywatelskie nie przestaje być przedmiotem uwagi mediów i polityków, dyskutowane pod każdym względem: politycznym, narodowym, społecznym. Można wobec tego zadać również pytanie, jaki ewentualny wpływ na architekturę, a szerzej - estetykę naszego środowiska, może mieć przemiana zwykłego homo sapiens w obywatela? Jeśli w ogóle, to czym będzie się różniła urbanistyka i architektura społeczeństwa obywatelskiego od tego co widzimy obecnie. Czy można opisać estetykę społeczeństwa obywatelskiego? W końcu: jaka jest relacja obywatelskości, architektury, estetyki i krajobrazu?
The concept of civil society does not cease to attract the attention of the media and that of politicians. It is being discussed over and over and viewed from every angle: political, national, social. We can ask ourselves the important question the, what is its influence on architecture and the aesthetics of our immediate surroundings? How can converting the homo sapiens into a citizens change our landscape? If it can, what is so special about architectural and urban design in a civil society which makes it different from those that we have now? Can we describe the aesthetics of a civil society? And finally, what are the relations between being a citizen and architecture, aesthetics and the landscape?
Content available IV Kongres Ruchów Miejskich – retrospekcja
The report includes a detailed description of the plan of the lectures, the substantive sessions and the workshops that took place during the IV Urban Movements Congress in Gorzów Wielkopolski. It also describes urban theses modified by this congress, that are fundamental for urban movements. Moreover, remarks about the debate of majors of Słupsk, Gorzów Wielkopolski and Poznań as well as debates of candidates to Polish parliament were also included.
Sprawozdanie zawiera szczegółowy opis planu wykładów, sesji merytorycznych oraz warsztatów, które odbyły się podczas IV Kongresu Ruchów Miejskich w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim. Opisane zostały także, zmodyfikowane przez ten kongres tezy miejskie, będące fundamentem dla ruchów miejskich, a także spostrzeżenia z debaty prezydentów miast Słupska, Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego oraz Poznania oraz debaty kandydatów do Sejmu RP.
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