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An overview of the existing opinions combined with new geomorphological, geological, palaeopedological and TL data allow a new look at the number, age and ranges of the three Middle Polish (Saalian, Dnieperian) Glaciations in central-eastern Poland. During the first of these glaciations (Liviecian), correlated with the 10 oxygen isotope stage in deep-marine deposits (400–360 ka), the Scandinavian ice-sheet advanced in form of a rather narrow lobe, reaching only several tens of kilometres south of Warsaw. During the second glaciation (Krznanian), correlated with the 8 oxygen isotope stage (330–320 ka), it advanced in form of a wider lobe down to the northern margin of the Małopolska and Lublin uplands. In turn, during the third glaciation (Odranian), correlated with the 6 oxygen isotope stage (210–130 ka), the range of the Scandinavian ice-sheet was the largest. It stopped at the elevations of the Quaternary basement in the northern and western part of the Małopolska and Lublin uplands, reaching 330–280 m above sea level. In the study area the discussed glaciations are separated by two interglacials (Zbójnian, Lublinian = Lubavian), correlated with the Reinsdorf and Schöningen interglacials in Germany and Landos and Le Bouchet interglacials in France. The analysed data indicate that within the Odranian Glaciation, its maximum (Kamienna = Drenthe) and postmaximum stadials (Warta = Warthe), as well as two younger recessive stadials (Wkra, Mławka) should be distinguished. Due to the rather wide eastward distribution of the Scandinavian ice-sheets during the two younger glaciations, an attempt has been made to correlate them with the two Dnieperian glaciations in the Ukraine.
A theoretical discussion of the availability of material, the emergence of the Pleistocene glacial series and the denudation occurring in the interglacial periods. The synthetic profile of the quaternary series in the region of Konin (eastern Great Poland) described in the light of geological, paleobotanical and luminescence studies.
W artykule zaprezentowano wykorzystanie zbioru dat radiowęglowych w celu identyfikowania tempa zmian w paleośrodowisku przyrodniczym regionu łódzkiego (Polska Środkowa). Na podstawie 175 datowań z przedziału czasu około 18–11,5 ka cal BP skonstruowana została krzywa rozkładu gęstości prawdopodobieństwa, której fluktuacje odpowiadają chronologii procesów morfogenetycznych. Wydzielono trzy zasadnicze etapy rozwoju w późnovistuliańskiej historii regionu łódzkiego i ustalono wiek ich granic. Potwierdzono początek ocieplenia postglacjalnego na około 18 ka cal BP. Zaproponowany podział chronostratygraficzny został porównany z niezależnymi danymi środowiskowymi – stratygrafią opartą na grenlandzkich rdzeniach lodowych oraz na interdyscyplinarnych badaniach osadów jeziornych. Korelacja zapisów wskazuje na przydatność zastosowanej metody jako pomocniczego narzędzia w rekonstrukcjach paleogeograficznych.
The article presents the use of a set of radiocarbon dates for the identification of the pace of changes in the natural palaeoenvironment of the Łódź region (Central Poland). Based on 175 dates covering a time interval between 18–11.5 ka cal BP, the probability density function was constructed, the fluctuations of which correspond to the chronology of morphogenetic processes. Three stages in the Late Vistulian history of the Łódź region were distinguished and the age of their boundaries was established. The onset of postglacial warming at ca. 18 ka cal BP has been confirmed. The proposed chronostratigraphic division was compared with independent environmental data – stratigraphy based on Greenland ice cores and interdisciplinary studies of lake sediments. The correlation of records indicates the usefulness of the method as a supplementary tool in palaeogeographical reconstructions.
Spełniając wieloletnie postulaty badaczy czwartorzędu, Komitet Wykonawczy Międzynarodowej Unii Nauk Geologicznych (IUGS) ratyfikował propozycję Międzynarodowej Komisji Stratygrafii obniżenia dolnej granicy czwartorzędu do dolnej granicy piętra gelas (2,588 Ma), a dolna granica plejstocenu została obniżona do tego samego poziomu. Dotychczasowa dolna granica czwartorzędu i plejstocenu, wyznaczona przez stratotyp Vrica w południowych Włoszech i datowana astronomicznie na 1,806 Ma, została utrzymana, ale jako dolna granica piętra kalabr, czyli piętra drugiego od dołu w zrekonstruowanym oddziale plejstocen. Nowa dolna granica czwartorzędu odzwierciedla moment kluczowych zmian klimatu Ziemi w pobliżu granicy epok paleomagnetycznych Gauss i Matuyama. Punkt krytyczny tych zmian został przekroczony około 2,7 Ma, kiedy nastąpiła drastyczna przebudowa cyrkulacji oceanicznej, spowodowana ostatecznym zamknięciem przesmyku panamskiego oraz zmniejszeniem zasolenia wód powierzchniowych Oceanu Arktycznego. Sprzyjało to utworzeniu stałej pokrywy lodowej w Arktyce, a wywołany tym wzrost albedo doprowadził do dramatycznej i jak dotąd nieodwracalnej ewolucji Ziemi, zdominowanej od tego czasu przez epokę lodową, z wielokrotnymi transgresjami lądolodów na kontynentach półkuli północnej.
Many years’ consequent postulates of Quaternary scientists resulted in a decision of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) to ratify a proposal of the International Commission on Stratigraphy to lower the base of the Quaternary to the lower boundary of the Gelasian stage. Simultaneously, the lower boundary of the Pleistocene has been moved to the same position. The previous lower chronostratigraphic boundary of the Quaternary, represented by the Vrica stratotype in southern Italy, has been hardly recognizable outside the Mediterranean Region and neither biostratigraphic indices nor traces of extreme geological events could be found in this very place. On the other hand, an establishment of the Vrica site as the stratotype for the Neogene/Quaternary boundary (equivalent to the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary) was a driving force to create the Gelasian as a new and uppermost stage of the Pliocene. The Gelasian filled a hiatus between the upper boundary of the Piacenzian stage at Castell Arquato and the boundary of the so-called Plio-Pleistocene at Vrica. The lower boundary of the Gelasian was defined at 2.588 Ma, close to a boundary of the palaeomagnetic epochs Gauss and Matuyama. The new lower boundary of the Quaternary reflects a principal transformation of the climate on the earth. A critical change occurred at about 2.7 Ma, when a severe reconstruction of the thermohaline circulation took place, caused by a final closure of the Panama Straits and inflow of freshwater to the Arctic Ocean. The latter favoured development of constant ice covers in the Arctic, a higher albedo of which resulted in initiation of the ice ages in the northern hemisphere.
Five informal complexes with isochronous boundaries have been distinguished in the Carboniferous succession of the Lublin Basin. A description of their internal architecture and discussion of stratigraphical aspects of their boundaries are presented. Isochroneity of boundaries has been proved biostratigraphically and it results from the eustatic control on deposition of bands in the paralic succession. On the basis of different biostratigraphical zonations the distinguished boundaries are related to the international chronostratigraphical correlation levels, and then, to the geochronological radiometric scales, mainly to the Ar/|Ar scheme. In the analyzed interval of the Carboniferous (late Viséan-Westphalian C) it is comparable with other, mostly U/Pb radiometric scales. Durations of the defined complexes are nearly equal (4-5 m.y).
Dobry stan rozpoznania biostratygrafii karbońskiej sukcesji Lubelszczyzny, wzbogacony ostatnio o analizę występowania konodontów i glonów wapiennych, pozwala na dość wiarygodne określenie relacji lokalnych granic stratygraficznych do uniwersalnych, międzynarodowych poziomów chronokorelacji. Za najbardziej pewne uznano: - granicę wizenu i namuru, utożsamianą z ławicą wapienia C (według terminologii J.Porzyckiego, 1979), - granicę karbonu dolnego i górnego, przebiegającą w interwale pomiędzy horyzontem korelacyjnym Posidonia corrugata I i P. corrugata II, - granicę namuru B i C, odpowiadającą spągowi ławicy wapienia M, - granicę westfalu A i B, odpowiadającą horyzontowi korelacyjnemu Dunbarella. Tak określone granice pozwoliły na wydzielenie pięciu kompleksów, których wiek i czas trwania depozycji określono na podstawie odniesienia granic chronostratygraficznych do ostatnio publikowanych skal geochronologicznych. Najbardziej wiarygodnym zestawieniem wydają się być skale przedstawione przez M.Menninga (1995) i M.Menninga i in. (1997), którzy rozdzielili wyniki otrzymywane za pomocą analizy Ar/Ar i te uzyskane innymi metodami, głownie U/Pb. W analizowanym zakresie (późny wizen-wastfal C) przesunięcie tych skal jest niezwykle regularne (5-6 mln lat). Pomimo iż zależność to jest na razie niewyjaśniona, umożliwia ona wzajemne przeliczenia obydwu skal. Interpretacje geochronologiczne oparte na takich właśnie szacunkach pozwoliły na określenie czasu sedymentacji karbonu Lubelszczyzny na 330 do 307 mln lat. Czas powstawania kolejnych kompleksów ograniczonych wyżej wymienionymi granicami był mniej więcej równy i wahał asię od 4 do 5 mln lat.
Lower and Middle Cenomanian ammonite assemblages have been collected on a bed-by-bed basis from localities at Vohipaly and Mahaboboka, Madagascar, as well as from outcrops around Berekata, all in the Morondava Basin, southwest Madagascar. These collections demonstrate the presence of the upper Lower Cenomanian Mantelliceras dixoni Zone and the lower Middle Cenomanian Cunningtoniceras inerme Zone of the north-western European standard sequence. These records indicate that the striking anomalies in the zonal assemblages of the classic divisions of the Madagascan Cenomanian are based on mixed assemblages, rather than a succession that differs radically from that elsewhere in the world. The dixoni Zone fauna is: Desmoceras cf. latidorsatum (Michelin, 1838), Pachydesmoceras kossmati Matsumoto, 1987, Forbesiceras sp., F. baylissiWright & Kennedy, 1984, F. largilliertianum (d'Orbigny, 1841), Mantelliceras cantianum Spath, 1926a, M. dixoni Spath, 1926b, M. mantelli (J. Sowerby, 1814), M. picteti Hyatt, 1903, M. saxbii (Sharpe, 1857), Sharpeiceras sp., S. falloti (Collignon, 1931), S. mocambiquense (Choffat, 1903), S. cf. florencae Spath, 1925, Acompsoceras renevieri (Sharpe, 1857), A. tenue Collignon, 1964, Calycoceras sp., Mrhiliceras lapparenti (Pervinquičre, 1907), Mariella (Mariella) stolizcai (Collignon, 1964), Hypoturrilites taxyfabreae (Collignon, 1964), Turrilites scheuchzerianus Bosc, 1801, Sciponoceras cucullatum Collignon, 1964, and Sciponoceras antanimangaensis (Collignon, 1964). The presence of Calycoceras in a Lower Cenomanian association represents a precocious appearance of a genus typically Middle and Upper Cenomanian in occurrence, and matches records from Tunisia. The inerme Zone yields a more restricted assemblage: Pachydesmoceras kossmati, Forbesiceras baylissi, Acanthoceras sp. juv., Cunningtoniceras cunningtoni (Sharpe, 1855) and Hypoturrilites taxyfabreae.
Twenty-six bone samples from cave sediments mainly of Vistulian (Weichselian) age were radiocarbon (AMS) dated. The material comes from seven localities in the Krakow-Czestochowa Upland and in Podhale (southern Poland). These are: the Komarowa Cave, the Deszczowa Cave, the Upper Rock Shelter of the Deszczowa Cave, the cave in Dziadowa Skala, the Saspowska Zachodnia Cave, the Mamutowa Cave and the Oblazowa Cave. The obtained radiocarbon ages of most of the samples differs from their stratigraphy as formerly proposed. The reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. Also examined were the radiocarbon ages of bones from other caves in the study area. Most of the dated bones are shown to have come from relatively short time periods. The existing data on radiocarbon age of bones from Vistulian cave deposits of the Krakow-Czestochowa Upland and Podhale are summarized.
Petrographic and mineralogical parameters of tills were studied in the region of Piła (NW Poland), Olsztyn (NE Poland) and Siedlce (E Poland). Lithostratigraphic zonation is introduced, based on values of petrographic coefficients. Petrographic parameters and heavy mineral com position of the tills differ between studied areas. Tills from the Piła region contain more resistant minerals (49.60–1.2%), then non-resistant ones (21.9–46.2), while similar characteristics are typical only for the lower strata in the Olsztyn area. Also the glauconite content var ies marekedly, from 0.6 % near Piła to 6 % near Olsztyn. The carbonate minerals are more abundant in the Olsztyn region (2.2–23.2%) than in the Piła area (1.3–7.1%). In all lithostratigraphic horizons of the Olsztyn region, the transparent minerals predomiate over the opaque minerals. This tendency is less obvious in the Piła region (except for two horizons). Lower and upper lithostratigraphic zones, equivalent to Pleistocene chronostratigraphic stages, were recognized in borecore sections from the study areas.
A reliable stratigraphic subdivision of the Quaternary is extremely important, dependent firstly on primary significance of its deposits in geological investigations and every-day life of human societies. In the Cenozoic, the Quaternary is a period of the same stratigraphic rank as the Palaeogene and the Neogene, but it is much shorter. Traditional stratigraphic schemes of the Quaternary were based mostly on other criteria than of the older periods, because studies of the Quaternary were focused mainly on more easily accessible terrestrial deposits and a decisive role in their formation was played by climate-induced processes. These factors forced a specific approach to define the stratigraphic units and to create the stratigraphic subdivisions of the Quaternary. In the Quaternary investigations in Poland, several categories of stratigraphic classification are used, particularly lithostratigraphy (with pedostratigraphy and cryostratigraphy), morphostratigraphy, biostratigraphy (including palynostratigraphy, malacostratigraphy, teriostratigraphy and anthropostratigraphy), magnetostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy (synchronized with geochronology) and climatostratigraphy (combined with oxygen isotope stratigraphy). The main climatostratigraphic units can be treated as corresponding to the chronostratigraphic ones and it enables correlation in a regional and global scale. Acritical overview of the applied stratigraphic categories and the updated stratigraphic subdivision are presented for Poland.
The biostratigraphic importance, current zonations, and potential for the recognition of the standard chronostratigraphic boundaries of five palaeontological groups (benthic foraminifers, ammonites, belemnites, inoceramid bivalves and echinoids), critical for the stratigraphy of the Santonian through Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of extra-Carpathian Poland, are presented and discussed. The summary is based on recent studies in selected sections of southern Poland (Nida Synclinorium; Puławy Trough including the Middle Vistula River composite section; and Mielnik and Kornica sections of south-eastern Mazury-Podlasie Homocline) and of western Ukraine (Dubivtsi). The new zonation based on benthic forams is presented for the entire interval studied. Zonations for ammonites, belemnites and inoceramid bivalves are compiled. All stage boundaries, as currently defined or understood, may easily be constrained or precisely located with the groups discussed: the base of the Santonian with the First Occurrence (FO) of the inoceramid Cladoceramus undulatoplicatus; the base of the Campanian with the Last Occurrence (LO) of the crinoid Marsupites testudinarius and approximated by the range of the foraminifer Stensioeina pommerana; and the base of the Maastrichtian approximated by the FO of the inoceramid bivalve Endocostea typica and the FO of the belemnite Belemnella vistulensis. The positions of substage boundaries, as currently understood, are constrained in terms of the groups discussed.
Conodonts have been found in the Muschelkalk intervals in seven deep wells located in the central part of the Polish Middle Triassic basin. Total number of 80 specimens has been ascribed to 18 form-species. The presence of Paragondolella hanbulogi and Neogondolella balcanica is reported for the first time in Polish sections. Germanica and kockeli Zones of the late early Anisian, Pelsonian and ?earliest Illyrian have been found in the Lower Muschelkalk deposits. The Middle Muschelkalk corresponds to the Illyrian without its latest part, and to ?latest Pelsonian. Presence of the Zones 1, 2 and 4, found in the Upper Muschelkalk, allowed to correlate these deposits with the late Illyrian, Fassanian and earliest Longobardian. Analysis of geographical distribution of the investigated species revealed that only cosmopolitan conodonts occur in the Lower Muschelkalk whereas its upper part contains also forms endemic for the German Province.
Utwory wapienia muszlowego zbadano w 9 otworach wiertniczych. Do badań biostratygraficznych wytypowano 107 próbek z utworów retu, wapienia muszlowego dolnego, środkowego i górnego oraz kajpru dolnego. Konodonty stwierdzono tylko w 14 próbkach pochodzących z utworów dolnego i górnego wapienia muszlowego. Zgromadzona kolekcja konodontowa liczy około 80 okazów należących do 8 rodzajów i 18 gatunków. Wśród nich znaleziono po raz pierwszy w Polsce dwa taksony: Neogondolella balcanica i Paragondolella hanbulogi. Na podstawie pionowych zasięgów występowania konodontów o znaczeniu stratygraficznym wyróżniono 5 poziomów konodontowych według podziału zaproponowanego dla prowincji germańskiej przez H. Kozura (1968, 1972, 1980). W utworach dolnego wapienia muszlowego stwierdzono dwa poziomy: germanica odpowiadający wyższej części wczesnego anizyku oraz kockeli w całości odniesiony do pelsonu. W utworach górnego wapienia muszlowego wyróżniono natomiast trzy poziomy: poziom I wiekowo odpowiadający późnemu illyrowi, poziom 2 - najmłodszemu illyrowi i najstarszemu fassanowi oraz poziom 4 -najmłodszemu fassanowi i najstarszemu longobardowi. Najstarszy poziom germanica stwierdzono w otworze Piotrków Trybunalski IG 1. Określono go na podstawie występowania gatunku Neogondolella regale. Poziom kockeli obecny w otworze Konary IG 1, wydzielono na podstawie gatunku przewodniego dla tego poziomu Nicoraella kockeli. Poziom 1 stwierdzono w otworze Książ IG 2. Charakteryzują go gatunki Neogondolella mombergensis i N. acuta. Poziom 2 stwierdzony w otworach Brześć Kujawski IG 1 i Krośniewice IG 1 wydzielono na podstawie współwystępowania gatunków Neogondolella mombergensfs, N. prava, N. constricta, N cornuta i N. balcanica. Poziom 4 stwierdzono w otworach Książ IG 2, Konary IG 1 i Piotrków Trybunalski IG I. Określono go na podstawie gatunku przewodniego dla tego poziomu Neogondolella haslachensi.c. Badane utwory w otworze Ciechocinek IG 1 odniesiono do pelsonu i ?najstarszego illyru, a w otworze Zgierz IG 1 udało się je zaliczyć tylko ogólnie od wcześniejszego anizyku do ?najstarszego illyru. Wyniki uzyskane z Niżu Polskiego są niewystarczające dla dokładniejszego określenia granic chronostratygrafcznych. Porównując je z granicami pięter i podpięter wyznaczonych w profilach Gór Świętokrzyskich i Śląska (J. Trammer, 1972, 1975; K. Zawidzka, 1975; J. Trammer, K. Zawidzka, 1976) utwory dolnego wapienia muszlowego wiekowo odpowiadałyby wyższej części wczesnego anizyku, pelsonowi i ? najstarszemu illyrowi. Utwory środkowego wapienia muszlowego odpowiadałyby illyrowi bez jego późnej części i ?najpóźniejszemu pelsonowi. Pozycja chronostratygraficzna dolnej granicy środkowego wapienia muszlowego jest niejasna. Utwory górnego wapienia muszlowego odpowiadałyby późnemu illyrowi, fassanowi i najstarszemu longobardowi. Analiza rozprzestrzenienia geograficznego badanych konodontów wskazuje, że zgodnie z wcześniejszymi poglądami (J. Trammer, 1972, 1975; J. Głazek i in" 1973; K. Zawidzka, 1975) istniało połączenie między basenem polskim a oceanem Tetydy w czasie powstawania utworów dolnego i górnego wapienia muszlowego. W wapieniu muszlowym dolnym stwierdzono wyłącznie formy kosmopolityczne, a w górnym również endemiczne dla prowincji germańskiej.
The study was performed to attempt the lithostratigraphic correlation of the Buntsandstein in the margin of Holy Cross Mountains region with that of the Thuringian Basin, and simultaneously, to clarify its position in the chronostratigraphic scheme, basing on biostratigraphic data (microflora, conchostracans), and on the existence of regional discordances. The authors found strong analogies with other Buntsandstein sections of the Europe. On the other hand, because of the position of the studied area within the marginal part of the Central European Basin, Buntsandstein of the Holy Cross Mountains region is developed in different facies, more fluvial, instead of lacustrine ones. The common presence of Conchostraca representing the same species as in other parts of the Central European Basin (Thuringia), enables possible the correlation of the investigated area with the Thuringian Basin, and helps to locate stratigraphic gaps and discordances. The authors found that the lower boundary of the Buntsandstein and the boundary between the Lower and Middle Buntsandstein in the Polish study area are not equivalents of those in other areas. Also note worthy is the presence at the margin of the Holy Cross Mountains of youngest Permian terrigenous deposits not connected with the Zechstein salinar sedimentation, included to date to Zechstein or to Buntsandstein. The key for understanding the lithostratigraphic scheme of the Buntsandstein of Holy Cross Mountains region is an assumption, that the Zagnańsk Formation is mostly of fluvial, instead of lacustrine origin, consisting of equivalents of the whole Lower Buntsandstein, and that of the lower Volpriehausen Formation of the Middle Buntsandstein, with the Volpriehausen discordance present within. Authors also assume, that at least in this case, differences in the marginal part of the sedimentary basin, in comparison with its central part, depend on the presence of fluvial facies instead of lacustrine ones, and onthe presence of sedimentary gaps and discordances whose duration is progressively longer towards the basin margin enlarges in the direction to the basin margin.
Artykuł przedstawia stan rozpoznania paleogeograficznego późnego vistulianu w regionie łódzkim. Dla środowisk sedy-mentacyjnych: fluwialnego, stokowego i eolicznego, wyróżniono tendencje przebiegu agradacji i degradacji oraz scharakte-ryzowano zachowane dowody geologiczne i morfologiczne. Procesy morfogenetyczne zostały odniesione do globalnych, szybkich zmian klimatycznych okresu przejściowego plejstocen-holocen i zróżnicowanych warunków lokalnych. Zwrócono uwagę na niejednolitość stosowania terminu „późny vistulian”, zależnie od podziału stratygraficznego bądź dla obszarów glacjalnych, bądź ekstraglacjalnych. Podkreślono postęp, jaki dokonał się w rejestracji świadectw późnego vistulianu. W kontekście przyrastającej ilości danych z badań interdyscyplinarnych rysuje się możliwość konstrukcji regionalnego mo-delu rozwoju środowiska.
The article presents the palaeogeographical recognition of the Late Vistulian in the Łódź Region. For three sedi-mentary environments – fluvial, slope and aeolian – tendencies of aggradation and degradation have been identified and preserved geological and morphological evidences have been characterized. Morphogenetic processes have been related to global climatic changes of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition and varying local conditions. Attention was drawn to non-uniformity in the application of the term “Late Vistulian”, depending on the stratigraphical division, or to glacial or extragla-cial areas. The progress that has been made in the registration of the Late Vistulian processes is emphasized. In view of the increasing data of interdisciplinary research, the construction of a regional model for the environmental development is pos-sible in the nearest future.
The identification of depositional conditions and stratigraphical position of glacigenic deposits in the Napęków area is important for the genetic and stratigraphical interpretation of Quaternary deposits in the central part of the Holy Cross Mountains, as well as for a revision of the course and extent of Middle Polish (Saalian) glaciations. These deposits comprise a series of diamictons which occur between sandy-gravelly deposits. Based on results of macro- and microscopic sedimentological investigations, analysis of heavy mineral composition, roundness and frosting of quartz grains, as well as OSL dating, this complex must have formed during the Odranian Glaciation (Drenthe, Saalian, MIS 6). Sandy-gravelly deposits are of fluvioglacial and melt-out origin. Diamictons represent subglacial traction till. Their facies diversity is a result of variations in time and space, complex processes of deposition and deformation, responsible for their formation at the base of the active ice sheet. This glacigenic depositional complex was transformed by erosion-denudation and aeolian processes in a periglacial environment during the Vistulian (Weichselian, MIS 5d-2).
In the Central Andes there are developed two marine basins with an extensive Jurassic record: the Neuquén (or Central Andean) Basin and the Tarapacá Basin. Their Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous ammonite successions have been studied extensively for more than 150 years, producing detailed chronostratigraphic scales based on ammonite zones and biohorizons. The ammonite faunas include Andean lineages, and cosmopolitan, Tethyan, Caribbean, North American, and Indo-Madagascan elements. This paper presents the results of a revision of the zonation of the interval Aalenian-Berriasian. Before presenting the results, this paper emphasizes the distinction between, and the convenient nomenclature for, biozones, zones, standard zones, and biohorizons. The scissum Hz. (new) is introduced in the lower (-most?) Manflasensis Zone (Aalenian). The Rotundum Subzone (new) with base at the cf.-leptus Hz., is introduced for the upper part of the Rotundum Zone (Bajocian). The Gulisanoi Zone (Bathonian) is standardized by designation of the cf.-aspidoides Hz. (new) as its base. The Chacaymelehuensis Zone (new) with base at the “prahecquense” Hz. (new) is introduced for the Callovian. The Cubanensis Zone (Oxfordian) is introduced to replace nominally, or to rename, the inconveniently named “Passendorferia” Zone. The Tarapacaense Zone (Oxfordian) is standardized by designation of the tarapacaense Hz. (new) as its base. The Tithonian Malarguensis Zone (formerly subzone) is here emended and standardized by designation of the malarguensis Hz. as its base; this zone replaces the unviable Mendozanus Zone. The Zitteli Zone is standardized by designation of the widely recorded perlaevis Hz. as its base. The Fascipartita Subzone (Internispinosum Zone) is standardized by designation of the internispinosum-beta Hz. (new) as its base. The Alternans Zone is standardized by designation of the vetustum Hz. as its base, and the Koeneni Zone (uppermost Tithonian) by designation of the striolatus Hz. as its base.
In the Cerro Mallín Quemado area (Sierra de la Vaca Muerta) the three members of the Vaca Muerta Formation (Portada Covunco, Los Catutos and Pichi Moncol) can be recognized, including the whole of the Tithonian rock-record. The ammonite fauna does not show significant differences with respect to that of the nearby locality Pampa Tril, but the record of faunal horizons is patchier. Eighteen species of ammonites were recorded through the studied sections, covering the whole of the Andean Tithonian. The current chronostratigraphic zonation of the Andean Tithonian is briefly discussed, updated and correlated with the most recent literature. From the current succession of ammonite bio-horizons previously defined in the basin, only three (picunleufuense alpha, picunleufuense beta and falculatum) were recognized definitely. Four other bio-horizons (perlaevis, erinoides, internispinosum alpha and vetustum) were recognized only tentatively, because the typical assemblages of morphotypes (morpho-species) were not clearly or completely recognized. The current regional time-correlation chart dated by the ammonite bio-horizons of the Neuquén Basin along a 70°W transect is updated with the results of the present study and additional information recently obtained from other localities
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