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Ammonium perchlorate (AP) is used as the most common oxidizer in composite solid propellants. Control of chlorate impurity in military grade ammonium perchlorate is important, since it has an undesirable effect on the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. In this work stabilized Ni/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles (S-Ni/Fe NPs) were synthesized using the borohydride reduction method (BRM) in the presence of starch as a stabilizing agent, and they were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and their X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD). The results showed that the synthesized S-Ni/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles were spherical in shape and had nearly uniform distribution, with particle sizes of 20-50 nm. The prepared nanoparticles were then used for the selective elimination of chlorate impurity in ammonium perchlorate. The main factors controlling the elimination of chlorate, such as the initial pH of the solution, dosage of S-Fe/Ni NPs, initial chlorate and perchlorate concentrations, reaction temperature, and reaction time, were optimized by using an experimental design based on the Taguchi method. An L9 orthogonal array (L9-OA) was used to design experiments with four 4-level factors (34). Under the optimal conditions, i.e., pH 6.5, at 30 °C and a dosage of 50 mg S-Ni/Fe NPs, chlorate was eliminated with nearly 100% efficiency in 50 mL of a solution containing 2.0 μg·mL−1 and 100 μg·mL−1 of chlorate and perchlorate, respectively, without change in perchlorate concentration.
tom 16
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Swimming pool water treatment in general includes flocculation, sand filtration and subsequent disinfection. Chlorite, chlorate and bromate are disinfection by-products of swimming pool water treated by chlorine species or ozone. They are responsible for adverse effects on human health and their analyses in swimming pool water are necessary. The simply and fast suppressed ion chromatography simultaneous separation and conductivity determination of chlorite, chlorate, bromate, fluoride, chloride, nitrate, bromide, phosphate and sulfate in disinfected swimming pool water has been described. The separation was performed on an anion-exchange column with 1.0 mM Na₂CO₃ + 3.2 mM NaHCO₃ as eluent, and determination by suppressed conductivity detection. Chlorite has been found in 5 analyzed samples, chlorate in all of them, and bromate in the 2 samples originated from ozonated swimming pool water. Ions were analyzed in the wide concentrations range from 0.05 mg L⁻¹ (bromate) up to 300 mg L⁻¹ (chloride, sulfate). Linearity of disinfection by-products was checked up to 2.0 mg/L (chlorite), 30 mg L⁻¹ (chlorate) and 0.5 mg L⁻¹ (bromate) with a 50 μL injection loop (r²= 0.9966 – 0.9985), respectively. Fluoride, chloride, nitrate, bromide, phosphate, and sulfate did not interfere with target anions. The detection limits of ClO₂⁻, ClO₃⁻ and BrO₃⁻ were on the levels: 0.19 mg L⁻¹, 0.69 mg L⁻¹ and 0.006 mg L⁻¹, respectively. The mean recoveries of target anions for spiked samples were 85% – 110% and coefficient of variation of analyzed anions do not exceed 4.72%. The concentrations of inorganic disinfection by-products differ from 0.31 mg L⁻¹ up to 31.92 mg L⁻¹.
Many drinking water utilities are changing their primary disinfectant from chlorine to alternative disinfectants such as ozone, chlorine dioxide and chloramines, which reduce regulated trihalomethanes and some organochlorine compounds levels, but often increase levels of others potentially toxicologically important compounds. The hazardous inorganic oxyhalide by-products are bromate, chlorite and chlorate, some of which have been classified as probable human carcinogens. The most important of these is bromate, formed when source waters containing bromide are ozonated. Chlorite is formed when chlorine dioxide is used, whereas chlorate is formed when chlorine, chlorine dioxide, hypochlorite acid or chloramine is used to disinfect drinking water. This paper is a review of ion chromatographic separations of these inorganic oxyhalide disinfection byproducts in drinking water and their detection using conductivity, UV/Vis or mass spectrometry detection. The critical comparison of ISO, US EPA and other methods including limits of detection, availability and costs of analyses is given. Furthermore, a review of papers concerning ion chromatography determination of inorganic oxyhalides in drinking water published during the last 20 years is presented.
Określono zapotrzebowanie na dwutlenek chloru dla wody infiltracyjnej oczyszczonej w układach technologicznych obejmujących procesy napowietrzania i filtracji oraz napowietrzania, filtracji i sorpcji. Analizowano wpływ stężenia ogólnego węgla organicznego na dawkę dwutlenku chloru, a także zmienność niektórych wskaźników jakości wody. Stwierdzono, że wskutek działania utleniającego zastosowanego dezynfektanta w wodzie pojawiają się uboczne produkty utleniania, których stężenie malało, gdy w wodzie pozostawał wolny dwutlenek chloru. Stwierdzono także, że stosowanie dwutlenku chloru, poza działaniem dezynfekcyjnym, spowodowało obniżenie intensywności barwy i zawartości OWO w uzdatnianej wodzie. Wykazano, że dawka pokrywająca zapotrzebowanie wody na dwutlenek chloru wyraźnie zależała od początkowego stężenia OWO i była zawsze większa od dawki dezynfekcyjnej.
Chlorine dioxide demand was determined in infiltration water after treatment by aeration and filtration or by aeration-filtration-sorption. The effect of TOC concentration on the chlorine dioxide dose, as well as the variability of some water quality parameters, was examined in more detail. It was found that the oxidizing activity of the disinfectant in the water accounted for the formation of some oxidation by-products and that their concentration decreased when free chlorine dioxide persisted in the water. The study also showed that chlorine dioxide not only acted as a disinfectant but also contributed to the reduction of coloured matter and TOC in the treated water. As it can be inferred from the analysis of the results obtained, the dose covering the chlorine dioxide demand in infiltration water depended noticeably on the initial TOC concentration and was higher than the disinfecting dose.
Uzdatnianie wody w procesach dezynfekcji jest uważane za główne osiągnięcie w zakresie zdrowia publicznego w XX wieku. W latach 1970 stwierdzono, że chlorowanie wody do spożycia powoduje wytwarzanie niebezpiecznych dla zdrowia związków organicznych, takich jak trihalometany. Później stwierdzono obecność w chlorowanej wodzie ponad 500 takich ubocznych produktów dezynfekcji. Wkrótce rozpoczęto poszukiwanie alternatywnych do chlorowania metod dezynfekcji wody przeznaczonej do spożycia. Interesującą alternatywą okazało się być zastosowanie ozonu i ditlenku chloru. Niestety metody te poza wieloma zaletami charakteryzują się powstawaniem nieorganicznych produktów ubocznych, takich jak chlorany(III), chlorany(V) i bromiany(V). Ozonowanie wody zawierającej bromki powoduje powstawanie rakotwórczych bromianów(V). Z kolei chlorany(III) i chlorany(V) powstają, gdy stosuje się ditlenek chloru. Najpopularniejszą instrumentalną metodą oznaczania jonów jest chromatografia jonowa, która zastąpiła większość dotychczas stosowanych metod mokrych. Metody oznaczania jonów ClO2-, ClO3- i BrO3- oparte na chromatografii jonowej można podzielić na metody bezpośrednie, pośrednie oraz techniki łączone. Wybór odpowiedniej metody zależy od oczekiwanych granic oznaczalności, możliwości technicznych laboratorium oraz liczby i rodzaju próbek do analizy. W pracy przedstawiono warunki tworzenia się poszczególnych nieorganicznych produktów dezynfekcji wody, metody ich oznaczania oraz regulacje prawne związane z ich obecnością w wodach.
Water treatment by disinfection processes is considered a major public health achievement of the twentieth century. In the 1970s, it was discovered that chlorination of drinking water produces carcinogens, such as trihalomethanes. Since 1974, the presence of more than 500 disinfection by-products has been determined in drinking water. Since that time, environmental regulatory agencies as well as drinking water treatment technologists have been carrying out extensive research for alternative disinfection methods that minimize the generation of byproducts posing significant health risks. Another disinfection process which has emerged as the most promising alternative to chlorination technique is using of ozone or chlorine dioxide. In spite of undeniable advantages, there are certain undefined hazards resulting from this method of water treatment. Main hazardous inorganic oxyhalide disinfection by-products are: bromate, chlorite and chlorate. The ozonation of water containing bromide can cause the formation of bromate. Chlorite is formed when chlorine dioxide is used, whereas chlorate is formed when chlorine, chlorine dioxide, hypochlorite or chloramine is used to disinfect raw water. Bromate has been identified as animal and possible human carcinogen. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified bromate into group B-2 as the agent is possibly carcinogenic to humans. The United States Environmental Protection Agency, as well as the Commission of the European Communities have issued rules that require public water supplies to control previously unregulated microorganisms and cancer-causing disinfection by-products in finally treated drinking water. According to these regulations Maximum Admissible Level (MAL) is 10 μg/dm3 for bromate and 1000 μg/dm3 for chlorite. Recently the commonly used analytical method for the determination of inorganic anions and cations is ion chromatography, which has almost replaced most of the wet chemical methods used in water and waste water analyses. The methods of chlorite, chlorate and bromate determination employing ion chromatography can be generally divided into: 1. Direct methods (suppressed conductivity detection). 2. Indirect methods (UV/Vis detection after post-column derivatization). 3. Hyphenated techniques (ICP-MS and MS detection). All the three groups of recently developed ion chromatography methods yield comparable results and comply with the requirements of the international directives concerning inorganic oxyhalide by-products in drinking water. The future application and choice of a method will depend on the equipment available in laboratories, as well as the number and kinds of samples to be analyzed. The paper presents the formation, determination and legal regulation of these inorganic oxyhalides disinfection by-products in drinking water.
Ochrona ludzi przed potencjalnymi niebezpiecznymi dla zdrowia mikroorganizmami obecnymi w wodach do picia, wymaga jej regularnej dezynfekcji różnymi metodami. Dezynfekcja taka przeprowadzana jest zazwyczaj za pomocą chloru. Jest to dobrze znana i efektywna technologia, posiadająca wiele zalet, jakkolwiek podczas jej stosowania tworzą się niebezpieczne dla zdrowia produkty uboczne takie jak min. trihalometany. Alternatywną wobec chlorowania metodą uzdatniania wód jest stosowanie ozonu lub ditlenku chloru. Pomimo niezaprzeczalnych zalet tych nowych metod, posiadają one również pewne wady. Dotyczą one głównie tworzenia się utlenionych nieorganicznych halogenopochodnych takich jak: bromiany, chloryny i chlorany. Niektóre z nich są zakwalifikowane jako substancje prawdopodobnie rakotwórcze dla ludzi. Bromiany mogą powstawać w wodach surowych zawierających bromki poddawanych procesom ozonowania. Stosowanie ditlenku chloru może powodować tworzenie się w nich chloranów i chlorynów. Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy powstawania, oznaczania oraz regulacji prawnych w zakresie ww. nieorganicznych utlenionych halogenopochodnych ubocznych produktów dezynfekcji wód do picia.
In an effort the public from potentially hazardous microorganisms, drinking water supplies are routinely disinfected with a variety of treatment methods. Disinfections of drinking water are usually carried out by chlorination process. This is a well known, effective technology which has many advantages, however during this process dangerous for health by-products, such as trihalomethanes are formed. Another disinfection process which has emerged as the most promising alternative to chlorination technique is using of ozone or chlorine dioxide. In spite of undeniable advantages, there are certain undefined hazards resulting from this method of water treatment. It is especially due to formation of inorganic oxyhalide by-products such as bromate, chlorite and chlorate. Some of them have been classified as probable human carcinogen. Bromate can be form when source waters containing bromide are disinfected with ozone. The use of chlorine dioxide can cause formation of chlorite and chlorate. The paper presents the formation, determination and legal regulation of these inorganic oxyhalides disinfection by-products in drinking water.
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